Hua Yueling waited for a long time, but the monster did not move.The monster is very calm, just want to continue to consume him, the trend is obvious, at least for now, Hua Yueling has not found other clues to break her judgment.

"In this case, unless I change something, or something else happens to force it to change, otherwise it will be very difficult to do."

After waiting for a period of time, people became a little anxious, but there is nothing else to do.Perhaps some mental power can be divided into tentative attacks from other directions to see how the monster will react, but this is dangerous, and Hua Yueling doesn't want to do anything dangerous for the time being.

"The flaws, if there are any flaws, maybe they can also come back."

Hua Yueling has observed it for a long time, not without careful observation, but in the end she found nothing.The monster didn't do anything particularly complicated, it was just to block all of its power there, and there could be any flaws to find, anyway Hua Yueling couldn't find anything.

"If there is no flaw, you can create a flaw. This is a method that you can try, but don't be seen by it when you implement it. Well, it's also difficult. Think about whether there is a way to do it."

No matter what the method is, as long as it can solve the current dilemma.Hua Yueling is like a person trapped in Shandong by a monster. There is no other road here, and he can't escape, so he definitely can't be a deserter.

The stalemate has been maintained, and it seems that it will continue forever. Neither party is willing to act first.

In fact, Huayueling didn't know that the solution was actually with his sister and Lu Yuetong. If they could do something with them, then the whole battle situation would change.

"Its power has declined a lot compared to before. It should be Sister Aroline that was delayed, but Sister Aroline didn't try her best. It seems that she wants to let us take care of it."

Judging from the fact that Sister Aroline hasn't had any response, it's basically like this, Hua Yueling is also very difficult to get along with more possibilities.This is the most possible, maybe this is a kind of trial for them, Hua Yueling dare not say that it is 100% like this, but according to his estimation, it should not be too different. The facts are what he thinks. .

"If Sister Aroline really thinks so, let her see our strength, but she will never let her down."

I thought to myself that Hua Yueling would even be more motivated to act, otherwise he would feel a little lifeless in his heart, maybe he had encountered too many such things, so he didn't take it seriously anymore. Right.

Hua Yueling had some confidence and recovered somewhat, unlike before.He felt that he had better do something to show Sister Aroline, his strength was not to boast.

There is still some distance between him and the place where the spirit power of the monster gathers. This distance is not particularly far, it is still a relatively suitable distance.It is best to keep the distance between the two parties at this long. Don't pull them closer or farther away. If they are closer, they may attract battles. If they are farther away, they will occupy more space.

"Try it, try it a little, but just try it, you can't put too much force into it."

Hua Yueling decided to try it for the time being, maybe she could gain something, this kind of thing is like this, if you don't try it, you never know what you will get.Trying may represent danger, but it also represents opportunity. It just depends on whether you can grasp this opportunity well.

In fact, she still had a good chance, Hua Yueling thought about this in her heart, and she had to be careful when she acted next.

Hua Yueling immediately took action after making a decision, controlling a small part of the mental power to leave from other directions, and then preparing to attack the monster from that direction.This plan was just thought about, so it's still hard to say whether it will work or not, but if it can attract the other party, even a small part of the power will be earned for him.

What he needs to care about most is how this part of the power can dodge the enemy's detection and attack. If this part of the power can be kept and cause trouble to the other party, it will be enough.

Just after Hua Yueling was ready to take action, Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun also started to take action.They had the same idea as Hua Yueling, and they were unwilling to continue the scene before them, and they wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Regardless of their thoughts or due to practical reasons, anyway, fighting monsters head-on, fighting a war of attrition is a scene they don't want to see.In the use of mental power, they are definitely not opponents of monsters, and the same is true in experience. In this case, even if the power is not much different or even the same, they don't think about victory.

They were also ready, as if they were destined, when Hua Yueling was about to try to do something, the two of them also started the action here.Although the three of them are unaware of each other, to a certain extent, they can be regarded as a double-sided attack.

It's just that now neither of them knows that they have done this, and they don't understand each other's situation, which is actually quite dangerous.But fortunately, Hua Yueling and the others are fine.

"The next step is to see if Lu Yuetong is under control."

Hua Yun was hiding in the dark, thinking secretly, in fact, even Lu Yuetong is not very clear where she is now, they just discussed what to do before the action, there are many specific details that have not been discussed.So now the place Huayun was hiding was found when she came in, not Lu Yuetong provided her.

The benefits of this are obvious, and you can ensure your own safety to the utmost extent, but in fact, doing so does not have much impact on other things.It doesn't matter if Lu Yuetong knows where she is, as long as she can go out when the time comes.

When she was ready, she started to wait. Lu Yuetong would send her a signal after setting up everything. Then it was time for her to act.

I just need to wait and see. I don't know how Lu Yuetong is doing, but Huayun still believes in Lu Yuetong in terms of ability. Don't look at her usual carelessness, but she is not sloppy at all when she really does things.The same goes for Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang. They are both such girls. They are very reassuring and don't need to worry too much.

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