Aroline returned to the new base where Gekara and the others were located, and found Gekara and the others easily there.However, looking at the faces of Gekara and the others, it seems that what happened in the old base made some of them out of their control.

This is not good news, things are out of their control, it is dangerous for them.They are still thinking about what to do to minimize the impact of things, but it is difficult to think about it now.There is a very high possibility that their existence has been discovered. This is a fact that there is no way to change. At this point, they can't do anything, so what they can do now is to minimize the impact.

What to do at present they have not figured out, but they have to do something.The only good news may be that Gokala and Rafia have not shown up much, so the betrayers know that the possibility of their existence is still relatively low, which is more reassuring.

"Miss Aroline, are you okay?"

Seeing Aroline rushing in, Gekara and the others asked quickly, who were discussing more urgent matters.Naturally, they couldn't be angry with Aroline because she suddenly broke in. It was impossible. Who would dare to be angry with her in this, wouldn't it be fatal?

Aroline is better to talk, but being better doesn't mean that she can say anything.

"We went around the place where the monsters gathered, and conquered a guy who looked pretty good. I brought it back to you. It should still be of some use to you."

With that said, she directly summoned the White Wolf King, and then ordered the White Wolf King to go to their side.

"The White Wolf King!"

Several people stood up when they saw Aroline summon the White Wolf King, but to be honest, they were not particularly surprised.Not to mention Aroline’s strength, this White Wolf King is actually not that strong. If they want to find it, they can easily defeat it, but the most surprising thing is that Aroline can easily. Conquer it.

You know that defeating the monster is very simple, there is nothing to say, just defeat this monster.But if you want to conquer a monster, you don’t know how much more difficult it will be. It’s definitely not that you can conquer it if you defeat it.

There must be a relationship between defeating and conquering, but the relationship is not that big. The monster may run away, and you can kill it, but it is very difficult to want it to be your pet.

One of the best ways is to catch it and give it to someone with experience in this area to tame the monster.

The White Wolf King obeyed Aroline's order and came to Gokara and the others. Since Aroline didn't need it, he directly passed it to Gokara.Gekara and the others were naturally very happy and expressed their gratitude to her one after another, which was nothing to Aroline, but it was different to them.They cannot ask for more.

"This time I got your help again. I really don't know how to thank you. Without your help, we would not be where we are now."

"The help of others is one aspect, and the more important thing is yourself. You still have to rely on yourself, you are doing well."

The White Wolf King was left here, and then Aroline left. She went back to find Hua Yueling and the others.

Gekara and the others are all around the White Wolf King. They still like the White Wolf King. The White Wolf King is handsome enough. This is what they like about it, and its strength is enough, which makes it even more impressive Happy.

The White Wolf King has no way, cannot resist, and can only follow them.

Back on the mountain where Hua Yueling and the others were located, Aroline found that Hua Yueling and the others were sitting quite idly, all of them looked very leisurely.They looked into the distance, without knowing where their eyes fell.

As far as I can see, I can see dark green grass blades and moving monsters.There is no human figure, but it is full of vitality, and it feels pretty good to enjoy the wind that is not too big and the weak.

Aroline sat down and lay on the ground.

"Don't go out yet?"

"Not for the time being, it's better to enjoy the beautiful scenery and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere."

"I've only experienced the battle, I always need a break."

"That's not the case. It's another battle. If I go to other places, I'm worried that I will have to fight. I'm not a fighting freak, so let's rest."

The situation on Hunter Planet is still quite calm for the time being. Although it is said that the old base of Gokara and the others was breached, it has little effect on them.They are still following the steps in a step-by-step manner, only adding some activities, saving lives is one of them.

In this regard, Huayueling and the others could help, but Gekara and the others did not look for them.After all, you can't say anything to them. In that case, what is the use of their such a huge organization? Is it the same whether there is or not?

Gokala and the others also took action, and after discussing them, they decided on the next action. There are not so many people who can trust them now.Among them, there are even fewer people who are strong enough to get into the city without worrying about them. There are only a few of them.

After the discussion, it was decided that Gokala and Rafia would go together. After all, this is a very important matter. If it can be solved as soon as possible, it would be better to solve it as soon as possible. They all think so.

The call of a monster in the distance came into her ears, Hua Yueling opened her eyes, and after lying down for some time, her physical strength and spirit had been restored, and she could go to other places now.

Hua Yueling looked at the other people next to her. Whether it was her sister or Mu Ningshuang, they were similar to herself now, although it was pretty good here. Resting in this environment felt like an outing.

"Hey, shall we get something to eat here later, it feels like an outing, and the environment here is much better than other places."

"Not bad, but I'm pretty full now, let's talk about it later when we have lunch."

"It's almost time to rest. Let's go to the next place and have fun elsewhere."

It's nice to stay here, but they are here to relax. It's not interesting to stay in one place for too long.Hua Yueling still thinks about taking her sister around. Anyway, there must be many interesting places here, and you can go to those places.

After Hua Yueling finished speaking, she looked at Xiang Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. Both girls shrugged and didn't have any comments.

In this case, it is decided to go elsewhere.

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