Go to other places, but where to go, Hua Yueling thinks it is better to go to some interesting places instead of going to places similar to this side.In that case, there is no need to walk around. It's not enough to just stay here. It's meaningless to go to other places.

Aroline chose where to go, after all, she took everyone there, so choose a place that she is more interested in, as long as it is not too boring.

Hua Yueling and the others actually didn't ask much at all, it could even be said that they didn't ask much.

In fact, Aroline herself knew so much about this place. Fortunately, she still asked Gekara and the others, and she got some good news from them, which would be good for her where she chose to go.They pointed out a few good places for her, which they used to visit when they were hunters.

The scenery in those places is good, and the environment is also very good.There are all kinds of peculiar plants, and there are many interesting monsters.

Aroline found a place she likes from inside, and decided to check it out.The teleportation formation took shape in an instant, and Hua Yueling and the others were directly teleported away.

What appeared in front of them was a piece of white snow, and the change was still quite fast. Before leaving, it was still green grass. In a blink of an eye, they moved from the transition of summer and autumn to winter, and the time interval was not a little bit.

White snow, Hua Yueling still likes snow, don't think it is winter in her hometown, but it has never snowed.Perhaps it is because of the environment. In recent years, there has been less and less snow, let alone last year, there was almost no snow in a winter, this is a little weird together.

Hua Yueling likes to be active in the snow. When he likes to snow, it is the same as he likes to rain.He likes rain or snow, but if he really wants to say it, he definitely likes snow more than rain.

The rain is actually very good, if it is not outside, it is very good, very very good.Sitting or lying at home, enjoying the patter of rain, the sound is easier to hear if it is torrential rain.

Hua Yueling likes this feeling very much, but it is a little different when it snows, enjoying the white snowflakes falling from mid-air, falling piece by piece, decorating the world into silvery white, this world becomes a white world .If the snow is heavy, the whole world will soon be covered with snow, and there will be almost no other things in sight.

This is the power of snow, but snow is actually easy to dissipate. As the temperature rises a little, the snow will melt, melt into snow water, slowly flow to unknown places, or freeze into ice. .

Stepping on the white snow all over the ground, it seems that it had snowed not long ago.Hua Yueling raised her head and looked up. The sky above was a bit gloomy, and there was a feeling that it might snow again at any time, but now there is no snow here, but the air is filled with a cold breath, this breath tells Hua Yueling They belong to winter here, cold.

I haven't seen any monsters yet, nothing at all.Hua Yueling's sight was retracted from a distance, whether it was far away or nearby. You can't find a monster, making people even wonder if this is really the residence of the monsters?

It's not very similar, but it should be here, otherwise Sister Aroline won't bring them here. Of course, she might also bring them to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery here.

"Where is this place?"

Hua Yueling and the others have not been here in the future, so they are still quite curious about this place, but Sister Aroline doesn't seem to know very clearly, but simply answered his question.

"It's the north, a peculiar place in the north, where it has snowed for many years, whether it is spring, summer or autumn and winter, it is always in the snow."

"That's really great, but the snow is thick enough in this kind of place, but if it snows for many years, the snow is still not thick enough."

"The snow always stops, and this is indeed a special place. Who knows where the snow here will be taken."

Hua Yueling and the others walked a few steps, and they heard a sound not far away. They immediately turned their heads and saw that something seemed to be moving there.

A few people immediately became alert and stared at the place. Everyone looked alert and worried about what was there.But just as they guessed, a figure crawled out of that piece of snow, and that figure just emerged from the snow and appeared in front of them.

Hua Yueling stared at that figure. It was a weird guy. It looked like a gopher, but it had a significantly larger body than a gopher, and the hair on its whole body was white. .It was almost almost the same as the White Wolf King. Recalling the appearance of the White Wolf King, Hua Yueling felt that there were similarities between them, and the most similarity was their extremely white hair.

Don't look at it coming out of the snow, but it doesn't have many snowflakes on its body, it's impossible to have none at all, but if you look closely, there are actually relatively few.

After the monster got out of the snow, he looked around, his eyes fell on Huayueling and the others. This guy should have been taken aback by their appearance, jumped out of the snow, and then quickly dived In the snow, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It seems we are pretty scary."

Sister Aroline said jokingly, and it was so calm again.No other monsters were seen.Hua Yueling was still quite surprised, it was really weird here, could all the monsters live in the snow.

If this is the case, it would not be good news for them. The monsters living in the snow also have a great influence on their actions.You must be careful wherever you go. Who knows if you will accidentally step on a monster, or if a monster that has been hiding suddenly appears to startle you, this is very, very possible.

Huayueling's exploration skills covered all of her body, not just near her, but Lu Yuetong and the others were also surrounded, which must be done.The surroundings of them are quite calm for the time being, no monsters can be found, but they are all white, no matter which side they look the same, they can't find a good path to travel.

And it's really cold in this place. Fortunately, they are not ordinary people, and they wear a lot of them, so they are not so afraid of this cold climate.But it would be different for ordinary people. The cold here is not comparable to that on earth.

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