I don't know what powerful monsters will be here, but Hua Yueling and the others don't want to provoke some powerful guys for the time being. They just want to go around here, and then leave from here when they get tired.They have no more ideas.

It's better if there are no monsters nearby, and Hua Yueling can be relieved, at least not to worry so much.Walking far away, to be honest, walking in such a place is quite troublesome.The main reason is that the snow is too thick, and it is troublesome to step in and move forward.

I have to say that this is more troublesome than imagined. When my foot is stepped on, a thick layer of snow is stamped out. Don't look at this, there is still no way to step on the bottom.

Walking like this step by step and traveling a long distance, I guess there is no road more difficult to walk than this.Hua Yueling felt that even the muddy roads were easier to walk than this kind of roads here.

"Huh, it's true, such thick snow is really not easy to walk, it's hard enough."

Step on the foot and then pull it out, just like this step by step, I don't know how much effort it took.Hua Yueling lowered his head and glanced, and the snow could almost reach his knees after stepping on his feet. The snow could fall so thickly, he really saw it for the first time.

It's not easy to see such a scene. If this happens in the real world, you don't even need to drive a car.

They walked in one direction at random. After a few steps, Huayueling and the others heard some movement. Not far away, Huayueling cut the past and could see some changes in the snow, just like before. Similarly, the surface of the snow is moving. It seems that some creature is moving under the snow, trying to break through the thick white snow and get out from underneath.

It was similar to the monster that I saw before, and it was also a gopher-like creature, with white hair all over it, but what Hua Yueling was certain was that it was definitely different from the previous monster.

You can detect this from the breath of them, but this monster is more courageous. Seeing that they did not run away like the previous one, but stared at them curiously.As a monster, it is quite cute.

It has a pair of dark blue eyes, and it opens its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth. With the mouth closed, Hua Yueling can even hear the sound of teeth rubbing.

The paw shrank and pressed it on the snow, leaving its footprints.The monster just stood and watched them from a distance like this, without other movements, just staying there, waiting for their movements.

Hua Yueling and the others did not dare to act rashly. It is estimated that as long as they take a step or two, this monster will be frightened and then hide in the snow again.It won't be easy to find it then.But what surprised Hua Yueling was that there were other monsters moving in the snow at this time.

Just like a fish, she is moving fast in the snow, like a fish swimming in the water, and it is swimming in the snow.Its speed is so fast, if it weren't for Hua Yueling's exploration skills to cover a large area, Hua Yueling would almost be unable to keep up with its speed.

The snow collapsed in the place where I swam, forming a long "road" and a long "valley".

The fish didn't know what to do, maybe it was just swimming in the ordinary, but passed by Hua Yueling and the others, and passed by the monster in the distance.The monster was originally staring at Huayueling and the others, but when the swimming fish in the ground passed by, the monster suddenly reacted. It leaped high and swam towards the fish. Rushed to the place.

Hua Yueling and the others were all taken aback by the movement of the monster. They were really taken aback. No one thought that she would suddenly move and rush out.

A pit appeared in the snow, and the monster pounced on the swimming fish in the snow and caught it in his hand.The fish was caught tightly by it, struggling, but couldn't break free from its hands, no matter how it threw, it just couldn't thrash out.

The monster was very happy, screamed happily, and even wanted to dance, but she didn't forget that there were people beside her, and those people didn't know whether they were friends or enemies.It didn't dare to neglect, after catching the fish, it quickly retreated back to where it was originally, still staring at them vigilantly, except that it would be attracted by the tossing guys in his hands from time to time.

Caught a fish, if it can be called a fish, the monster is still very happy, but soon the toss of that fish makes it unhappy.There is almost no time to pay attention to what Hua Yueling is doing, and its attention has been all attracted by the guy holding it.

If this continues, it should not be able to control the fish in its hand. It has to withdraw some of its attention and grab it abruptly.

An extremely real and extremely interesting world, this world is just like the earth.There is a fish. Although it cannot be called a fish to some extent, it seems that there is no error.

It is similar to a carp, on a certain level, but there are also differences.The strange fish’s body is “slender”. This is a human modification to describe that fish. Its body is very long, like a hairtail, the length of a ribbon, but it is more than a hairtail. There is a lot of fat, which is beyond doubt.

The other is that its body is extremely smooth, like porcelain that has been polished carefully, which may be described as such.

The body is protected by pale blue and white fish scales, the mouth is closed, and the eyes are extremely fierce. Although it belongs to the more dangerous party now, from its performance, it seems to have the upper hand.

The guy who refuses to admit defeat is unwilling to give up, unwilling to lose this battle, but judging from its performance, it has already lost anyway.And it's the kind of possibility that has no hope of winning in any way.

Hua Yueling is praying for it, although this kind of prayer is a bit funny, it can't be of any use.The gopher-like monster caught the fish and looked at them, then dived back into the snow at a fast speed, and just hid from them and disappeared.

This is a good choice, the food that was saved was taken away.

The snowfield returned to calm again, and no monsters were seen, but what happened just now made Hua Yueling and the others find it very interesting. Just such a thing would make them feel that they hadn't come in vain.

Both monsters are quite interesting, in every respect.

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