Two monsters flew over, but their speed was not fast enough to keep up with Hua Yueling's speed.But another thing to say is that the snow has affected Hua Yueling and the others. The snow has basically no effect on the two monsters, but for Hua Yueling herself, the impact is still quite large.

Every action will be slightly affected by the snow on the ground, and the speed will definitely slow down. There is no alternative.There is still a big difference from walking on a normal road. Every time Hua Yueling lifts her foot, she feels the difference. The snow is like a restraint, which will affect his speed of action.

Whether it’s walking or everything else is affected, it makes Hua Yueling a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, it’s been a while before, but I’ve become accustomed to it. Otherwise, if I’m not used to it, I’ll fight directly, and the impact will definitely be greater. .

A little influence was nothing to Hua Yueling, he jumped aside, avoiding the attacks of the two monsters.Not only him, but other people next to him also dodged. The attacks of the two monsters all smashed into the air, and failed to hit anyone.

I don't know if it is their special ability. They pounced on the snow, just stopped on the white snow, without any action, stood on it, and did not dive into the snow.Hua Yueling looked at this scene with a little surprise, and had to say that it was really interesting, watching them standing on the snow as if they were standing on ordinary ground.

If you really want to say, standing on the snow like this, you can actually imagine someone or a certain monster standing on the water, and that feeling is not much different.

Hua Yueling would definitely not be able to do this, but Sister Aroline should be able to do it, but she had never seen her do it.

As the two monsters roared, the surrounding snow was affected and affected by the power within them.Two monsters controlled a large amount of snow, forming a scene like a blizzard and swept over.

Hua Yueling was really taken aback by their attack like this, she never thought that they could carry out such an attack, it would be more difficult for a magician to do this.But after all, in such an environment, it is understandable that the difficulty has been reduced.

Blizzard swept towards them, the scope of the attack was still very large, covering all of them.Hua Yueling and the others were naturally unwilling to be attacked, and immediately dispersed, dodge in different directions.

Blizzard swept past, leaving a place of snow white, and the two monsters did not know when they merged into Blizzard. Perhaps because they made it, they were not afraid of Blizzard at all.

When one of the figures jumped out and bite over, Hua Yueling calmly responded, holding her two-handed sword in front of her.The monster opened his mouth and bit it, but bit on the two-handed sword, and then Hua Yueling flicked the two-handed sword, and the monster was directly thrown out.

The monster stopped a little farther away, but it immediately resumed its posture and rushed towards this side again.Hua Yueling was also ready, staring at the monster and observing its movements, but she hadn't moved yet.

The monster had just landed on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it rushed over again, but the most surprising thing this time was that its body was completely transformed into ice and snow. It was just a matter of a moment, and Hua Yueling couldn't even find it. Where is its figure.


Opening her mouth quite a little bit astonished, Hua Yueling looked at the scene in front of her in an unbelievable manner. This guy really had something, which made him think of a guy called a Shadow Assassin.

People still hide their figure in the shadows, this guy is better, directly creating a large piece of ice and snow, hiding his figure in the ice and snow, it is indeed extremely powerful.

This is quite confusing, where is it?There was ice and snow everywhere in front of me, like the blizzard before.

"But don't think that this will make me helpless," Hua Yueling said in a low voice while staring at the ice and snow in front of him. At the same time, he also looked in another direction. The other monster did not cooperate with him to fight. Instead, they regarded Sister Yun and the others as targets. "These two guys are not too strong, but there are some tricks, which are interesting. Let me see what you can do."

Huayue Lingying faced the monster, and the two-handed sword in his hand burned into flames. This was a trick that only magic swordsmen could use, pouring magic power into the two-handed sword.The flames burned, Hua Yueling rushed up face-to-face, swept across with his two-handed swords, the flames burned all the snow, leaving water like raindrops falling down.

However, Hua Yueling was not able to hit the monster, the monster didn't seem to be here, and its figure no longer knew where it went.

Frowning, Hua Yueling has a dangerous perception, and the detection skills can be said to have a panoramic view of all the nearby places, and nothing can escape his eyes.Seeing clearly, he was on his side, he pounced, and he was about to pounce on himself.

Hua Yueling did not feel worried about this, on the contrary, he was very calm, waiting for the arrival of the monster.He knows what to do and what to do.

After the monster got close enough, when it was too close to dodge, Hua Yueling shot, and swept across with a two-handed sword, the monster can only be carried up hard, there is no way, at this time it even wants to dodge It was also very difficult in the past, it was difficult to avoid Hua Yueling's attack.

But don't think that this is enough, it's not enough. Although the monster was caught off guard, it is still impossible to solve it in this way.

Just as Hua Yueling thought, the monster took such a hit, retreated with strength, and landed on the snow, but in a blink of an eye its figure disappeared again.

The battle on the sister's side is easier, after all, they say that they are three people together, and it is relatively easy to fight with a monster together.Hua Yueling is a little troublesome here, in fact, it doesn't matter much if she really wants to say it, after all, don't look at this monster's many tricks, but there are not many threats.

Hua Yueling stared at the place where the monster disappeared, and took a deep breath.

In fact, he knows where the monster is now. The trick of hiding the monster is very simple. There is nothing to worry about.The monster is now lurking, preparing for the next action.

Hua Yueling is not afraid of these.

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