The fighting situation was basically one-sided, and Hua Yueling and the others didn't have any pressure at all.Although the measuring monster used many different combat tactics, it did not cause them any trouble.

The monster fighting Huayueling concealed its own figure, preparing for a sneak attack.Hua Yueling has been paying attention to it, waiting for its action.During this peaceful time, Hua Yueling's attention was on the other side.

Hua Yun and the others almost suppressed the monster without any chance of breathing. It was constantly looking for opportunities to resist, but failed again and again, let alone resisting the suppressed ones, it was difficult to escape even if they escaped.

If it hadn't been for their actions on the snow to be faster than Hua Yueling and the others, they would have been defeated long ago.

Flame magic is flying in the air. Although this magic has a slight decrease in power in the ice and snow environment, it doesn't matter much. Even so, the burning flame will force the monster to desperate.

Not to mention that there was Hua Yun assisting the attack, and Lu Yuetong delayed the monster.This battle is not so much a battle, as it is training to be more accurate.

Mangmang Baixue hid everything again, and the two monsters disappeared together, disappearing from their sight.It just disappeared like this, with no other signs.

"Here again, they have a lot of tricks."

Hua Yueling returned to Sister Yun and the others, and glanced around. In the mist formed by the snow, there were no more monsters. The panic before was like a phantom.While Hua Yueling was fighting with the monsters, many monsters on the snow could still be seen quietly watching them, but now those monsters disappeared.

They all seemed to hide, Hua Yueling didn't know when they hid, and where they hid.But they should all dive into the snow and hide where they usually live. The place where they live is the safest, and there is no safer place than that.

The building also disappeared from their eyes, just as it was covered by the white mist, completely invisible.No one knows where to look, but the most important thing now is not this, but other things.

The most important thing is to solve the monsters, as long as the two monsters are solved, there is no need to worry about the others.But now the monsters seem to have absorbed the previous experience, hiding better. Hua Yueling was unable to find them in the first time using the exploration skills, but the effort paid off, and Hua Yueling was looking for it seriously. In, he still found some clues.

Despite the fact that the fog created by Baixue has been spreading, there are still some more noticeable places. It would be nice if you didn’t find it, but after finding out, Hua Yueling can be sure that those two The monster should be right there.

But Hua Yueling didn't rush to attack, he was still waiting for the opportunity, those two monsters controlled the heavy snow to come over, also looking for opportunities to attack them.The more they are at that time, the lower their vigilance, they will definitely feel that their strategy is about to succeed, and basically they will not have any precautionary psychology.

At that time, I suddenly came to them unsuspectingly, and I didn't know how they would react.

Thinking of the expressions that the two monsters might show, Hua Yueling couldn't help but want to laugh, but all of this was just his thoughts. As for whether it can be realized or not, he still has to wait until then.

Hua Yueling did not act in a hurry, but Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun, who were able to use long-range attacks, were not idle, and launched an offensive towards the incoming Bai Xue.

The fiercely burning flame seemed to burn everything out, while the scattered arrows were aimless and attacked over the sky.Hua Yun is planning to use the advantage of quantity to attack. Although the power of the attack will be reduced a lot, the advantages are obvious. The range of the attack is larger, so that you can find the hidden position of the monster. Just find Once the position is reached, it is easier to attack again.

She found the monster's figure with ease. After the arrow was shot out, with the help of Mu Ningshuang, she was able to easily detect where the monster was.

"Yes, right there, Ningshuang, attack there!"

Hua Yun did not forget to remind Mu Ningshuang to attack the monsters. Originally, Mu Ningshuang’s magic attacks were similar to his attacks. They were aimless and wide-ranging attacks, but now they are different. After the figure, there is no need to waste time like this.

Mu Ningshuang stared at the place where one of the monsters was, and the magic power at the tip of the magic wand suddenly increased a lot. The huge fireball burned and flew toward the monster, shining light in that place, and the monster was there, but Immediately it dodges, trying to avoid Mu Ningshuang's attack this time.

The fireball originally flew in a straight line and aimed at the monster, but after the monster escaped, it did not continue to rush forward like this. Instead, under the control of Mu Ningshuang, it turned a corner and chased the monster's figure. .

The figure of the monster gradually emerged, but it did not completely emerge, but a faint imaginary image, which felt like the unicorn figure that I had seen not too long ago.

The monster knew that hiding was useless, so he showed up, trying to attract the attention of Hua Yueling and the others, and create it for his companions to send back.But it didn't know that this approach actually had no effect, and it was impossible for Hua Yueling and the others to focus their attention on it, let alone other things.

The bursting fireball is chasing the figure of the monster, which may explode anytime and anywhere.In fact, Mu Ningshuang’s magic trick does not need to catch up with the monster, as long as it explodes within a certain distance, it can bring some damage to the monster. Although the damage may not be that great, as long as it can be injured. enough.

The monster doesn't understand this, so it still tries to lure it, but this approach is useless.It is useless no matter where it goes around, the bursting fireball will not be destroyed at all under Mu Ningshuang's control.

"about there."

Mu Ningshuang has been watching the distance between the bursting fireball and the monster, calculating whether this distance is enough to cause enough damage to it.

After feeling that the distance could cause damage to it, Mu Ningshuang muttered something softly, but it was a pity that the monster had been running away, so she didn't even know all this.But it doesn't understand these, even if it knows it is useless.

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