
Everything happened between the sparks and flints. It was too fast. The two monsters didn't even know what happened. The monsters hit by the bursting fireball had been hit by the explosion of the fireball and flew out.

This attack was very powerful, the escaped monster had no resistance at all, and it couldn't defend against this kind of magic attack, and it suffered a lot of damage.

The most pitiful thing was that the monster didn't even know what happened, so it was blown out.Another monster originally wanted to find a chance to attack Huayueling and the others, but now it’s good, no need to think about it anymore. Its companions are all seriously injured, and it doesn’t care about other things, so it hurries to hide its figure and ran to the companion. Beside, looking at it worriedly.

If an attack comes over at this time, there is no way to defend against the current state of the companion, and can only be passively beaten.Before being hit by the aftermath of a bursting fireball, it suffered a lot of damage, not to mention afterwards.

Seeing that it was difficult for the companion to get up and do something, the monster immediately wanted to take the companion away and get it out of the battle.It wanted to do this, but Hua Yueling and the others were obviously unwilling to do this. Before you attacked and let you come, but now they want to escape, it's impossible, so don't think about it.

Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun both aimed at the monster's figure and attacked. They were still bursting fireballs and arrows, and there were still multiple arrows, covering a large area around the injured monster.In this way, even if it barely gets up and wants to escape, it will not be able to do it, and it will be hurt anyway, it's just the difference in damage.

The monster also didn't care about hiding its own figure, and protecting its companions quickly dodge, but its dodge was useless.There is no way to do it alone, let alone bring one's own companions, trying to dodge is almost an impossible task.

But it still did that, it is impossible for it to give up its companions.

Hua Yueling and the others watched each other's movements, but they didn't give up their attacks because of this. Although they two were very admirable, Hua Yueling and the others would not let them go.


Hua Yueling whispered, the bursting fireball quickly approached the past and attacked the two monsters.The monster protecting the companion has tried its best, but it has never been able to distance it.

As long as they are hit by a bursting fireball, they don’t even need to be hit completely. As long as they are affected by the explosion within a smaller area, it will be the end for them. Huayueling is sure to say that, after all, the previous bursting fireball caused He had seen the damage, it was not a joke.

The fleeing monster also understands this, but it still has no way to resist and use its own magic to fight against it, but it does not think that its magic can compete with the bursting fireball.However, if they can directly detonate it, or just delay it for a short period of time, so that they can escape a greater distance.

But not only the bursting fireball, but also arrows were chasing after it. This kind of arrow is also trying to dodge, but in such a large area, it can only defend and cannot escape.

Ice arrows condensed in midair, and ice arrows shot out toward the bursting fireball under the control of the monster, trying to delay the bursting fireball, and even let it explode in advance.At the same time, a cold ice wall was condensed on its back to defend against Huayun's attack.

This method is still somewhat useful, but its idea of ​​letting the bursting fireball explode in advance has not been realized. Mu Ningshuang can understand its idea, how can it be so easy to do this.

The ice arrow seemed to be blocked by something. It shattered when it was about to hit the bursting fireball. Hearing the sound behind him, the running monster couldn't help but glance back, and finally saw his own ice arrow. A broken scene.This made it understand that its own ideas are difficult to realize, but this is even more dangerous. If there is no way to explode the bursting fireball, it will be impossible to protect its own safety.

But at the moment there is no other way, it can only try to attack again, using its monsters to destroy the bursting fireball.

If the ice arrow can't work, use more powerful magic. Anyway, you can only try it now. If you don't try it, you really can only wait to die.It is impossible to wait for death like this if it wants to escape, it still wants to do something.

The uncountable ice thorn floats in the air, and it controls the ice thorn to be thrown back, ready to use its numerical advantage to directly explode the bursting fireball.After that, it doesn't care about anything, and wants to escape wholeheartedly, as long as one of them can hit it.

A large number of ice thorns aimed at the bursting fireball and attacked, and Mu Ningshuang once again used magic to offset those ice thorns.She couldn't let the ice thorn destroy the bursting fireball, that was definitely not what she had hoped.

Although there are many ice thorns, but the power is not great, so it is relatively easy to resist.

A layer of magic protective shield resisted the bursting fireball, and the ice thorns slammed into it, making a "bang, bang" impact. The ice thorns shattered one by one, and none of them could break the protective shield.

The ice thorns gradually disappeared. Seeing that this wave of offensive was about to be blocked, Mu Ningshuang felt that it was time for him to attack. Otherwise, if this continued, the bursting fireball would never want to hit the monster.

With a wave of the magic wand in Mu Ningshuang's hand, more fireballs flew out, crashing across the sky.Hua Yun was also nearby to help her, as long as the two of them were enough, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong just watched by the side, and there was no need for them to do anything.

"Let's take a look inside in a while. I don't know what will be there, whether there will be an underground maze or something."

Hua Yueling is already thinking about this problem now. Although the two monsters are still struggling, they are just dying and will soon be solved. They have no resistance at all.


There was another explosion. Although it didn't explode on the monsters, the shock wave formed by the explosion still sent them flying away, and they couldn't find the north.These two explosions were not a joke. If they really exploded at close range, let alone the two monsters, even Hua Yueling would not have the confidence to withstand it.

After the monsters were blown up, Hua Yueling immediately went to them.

The monster's claws trembled slightly, but it seemed that it had basically made no statement and could no longer live.Hua Yueling stared at it and didn't do anything else.

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