Several people went around the temple, but they didn't find anything worth noting even after pretending to be.After all, everything in the temple seemed empty, except for the deepest statues and the stone benches, nothing particularly worthy of attention.

But if you want to say something, you can still see some interesting things, that is, the hanging lamps on the walls on both sides, which are more magical and older types, just like the original kerosene lamps.However, there is magic in it, and the appearance is closer to the magic props, which is quite interesting.

The raw material used in this lamp is not kerosene, but magic. Hua Yueling can still feel the magic in it, and there should be a lot of magic stored in it.These lights can be used, Hua Yueling took a look, but it is still unclear how to use this ancient magic item.

It's not that Huayueling has never used magic items. Generally speaking, just input magic power into it, but Huayueling tried it and found that this method had no effect.His own magic power was input into it, but he couldn't make the magic lamp light up at all.

"There is obviously magic in this lamp, but it just can't light up. What is going on?"

Hua Yueling pointed to the magic lamp on the wall and asked others curiously.Mu Ningshuang and the others also gathered at this time, and Mu Ningshuang knew this aspect better, and knew more about it than Hua Yueling.

"This kind of magic lamp..."

Mu Ningshuang came to him, stared at the magic lamp, focused on it, thinking very calmly about Hua Yueling's problem.

"It's very simple. The magic power above is specially controlled. It is not directly inputted to use the magic power, but must be activated by a specific person. It does not mean that it can be used directly."

"If you say that, what I just did has already been discovered, right?"

Hua Yueling immediately realized this problem. They might have been discovered when they came over. Now that they have been dealt with by herself, they might not have discovered it before, but it is estimated that they will be discovered now.

"It doesn't matter, this is controlled unilaterally, and it is not so easy to be discovered."

Mu Ningshuang didn't know if he was comforting him with these words, but Hua Yueling thought it was nothing, in fact, even if it was discovered, it was nothing.Since they are all here, they are not afraid of being discovered.

It’s just that they don’t know what kind of person they are here. Hua Yueling’s actions are a lot like invading others’ homes. It’s not impossible if they are hated by others.They naturally don't want to fight anymore, even if it was the battle before they came in, if it wasn't for the monster to take the lead, they wouldn't be able to fight back.

To a certain extent, fighting is still interesting, but Hua Yueling and the others don't like fighting so much.They are not fighting freaks.

I listened to the sound deeper, but I didn't hear anything. There was no sound inside, and no one came out.Hua Yueling still doesn't know what's in here. If you want to understand it clearly, you must go deeper, but is there really such a need? Hua Yueling has doubts.

Now that you are here, let's go inside and have a look.Anyway, this can be regarded as one of their goals. It's all here. If you don't explore all the places, it will be for nothing.

Hua Yueling and the others took this as a walk, which was pretty good. In such a building, it would be better if there were no enemies.

I bypassed the stone benches and came to the front row. In front of the deepest statue was a long table. The long table was not empty, but something was placed on it.Hua Yueling went over in no hurry, found the bench closest to her and sat down.

There was nothing on the bench, so it was still quite hard to sit on, and it was a bit cold, not particularly comfortable to sit on.But it's a place like this. It's pretty good to be able to do this.

I stood up and walked to the side of the table. There were a lot of things on the table, but they were all useless. The most noticeable of them was the books in the center of the table, which were quite old.

She didn't know what this book was. Hua Yueling glanced at it, but she didn't quite understand it, but it should be similar to the scriptures.

I drove almost all the places in the temple where I could go, and found nothing interesting.Hua Yueling and the others came to the deeper entrance on the left. The door leading to the inside with the folding fan was closed. They listened carefully, and couldn't hear any noise inside.

"It looks like no one is here, I opened the door and took a look."

Hua Yueling pushed the door in carefully, not to mention that the door was quite old, but it was well maintained.After carefully opening the door, Hua Yueling poked her head and observed that there was a narrow passage inside, which was also dark, but there were magic lights on both sides, but they were not turned on.

After pushing the door open, she walked in. After entering, Hua Yueling found that this was just a trail, and after passing this trail, it was another door, and she didn't know why there were so many doors in this place.However, there are no other rooms on either side of this road. If there are people, it should be deeper.

After walking through this narrow passage, pushing the door deeper, Hua Yueling and the others could be regarded as hearing other sounds.It was like the sound of packing up something, but there was also some talking.

It's not the voice of human beings. Hua Yueling can understand what the people here say, but the voice that comes from inside is not what he can understand now.And it sounds chirping, like the chirping of a bird, and it sounds a little headache and messy.

"It's a terrible voice," Hua Yueling covered her ears. Why couldn't she think of such a terrible voice in the world at night, terribly terrible. "This can't be a human voice, it seems that it must be a monster. ."

But even if it is a monster, it is a wise monster. He has seen a wise monster, but he hasn't seen a monster clean up the house yet, and he doesn't know how it will do it.

Hua Yueling was quite curious, poking her head and looking inside, she really saw a few figures.The one closest to here is a petite figure, but that guy is more than just petite, it is a terrible guy.

"This is exactly the base of the monster."

Hua Yueling walked in sideways, step by step, slowly moving behind the monster.Looking further away, there are other monsters in the distance, but they are different from the monster in front of them, and their race is different.

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