There was almost no sound, Hua Yueling knocked down the monster in front of her, knocking it to the ground.Hua Yueling sneaked past silently along the way, but after the attack he was still heard by the monster in the distance, and immediately turned and looked over here.

After spotting him, and seeing his knocked down companion, the monster suddenly screamed, then jumped up and turned to face him.Flapped his wings and leaped over.

The speed it rushed over was very fast, but it was a momentary thing, and Hua Yueling realized that it had arrived in front of her.Hua Yueling was also a little frightened, but he still reacted, subconsciously squeezing the hidden dragon blade to block the opponent's attack path.

More monsters appeared from a distance and rushed over. After discovering them, those monsters made even stranger calls. Those calls made Hua Yueling feel a headache, but he had to suppress this feeling and force himself to stare. Focus on the attack route of the monster in front of you.

"It's there!"

It was too late to dodge, but Hua Yueling did not do so.The hidden dragon blade blocked the impact of the monster, and then Hua Yueling slammed the opponent back with force, and then took a step forward and stabbed towards the opponent.

The monster's figure flashed to the side, Hua Yueling's attack did not work, but the power on his wrist changed, and the hidden dragon blade changed the direction of the stabbing.The monster didn't expect that he would change his tricks. In a rush, he could only subconsciously use the harder part of his body to resist, but obviously there was no way to stop the hidden dragon blade's stabbing.

"Stop calling!"

Hua Yueling roared, but unfortunately it was useless. The hidden dragon blade pierced the monster's body and killed it, but the sound that could be heard became more and more harsh, Hua Yueling even felt that her eardrum was about to explode .

This monster didn't call out originally, it was the monsters that came out further away.

Among those monsters, Huayueling had seen some of them, but obviously there were also monsters they hadn't seen.The "moving" music mixed with different voices made Hua Yueling and the others a headache.These guys used mental attacks directly.

Now that the enemy had attacked, Mu Ningshuang had no mercy, as soon as he shot, several fireballs attacked him.Naturally, bursting fireballs cannot be used here, so not to mention monsters, even they will be affected.

Besides, it looks pretty solid here, but there is no guarantee that it can withstand Mu Ningshuang's bursting fireball. That power is no joke.

The fireball attacked, and those monsters responded in a hurry, and even Mu Ningshuang's fireball couldn't bear it.The neat team of the guys in the front was broken up in an instant and became chaotic, and the team behind was even more flustered.

All of a sudden, the monster in front of them became confused, Hua Yueling and the others felt a little funny when they looked at it, they really didn't expect this battle to be so easy.Although the strength of these monsters is still possible, to a certain extent, they are still just some shrimp soldiers.

If it is really a powerful monster, it is impossible to be so embarrassed by such a trick, not to mention that they are all about to escape now, and there is no place to be feared at all.

Hua Yueling felt that she really looked at them highly, and now it seems that there is no problem even if she breaks in directly, there is no need to be so careful at all, she is really wrong.

After a series of random shots of fireballs and arrows, Hua Yueling and the others attacked immediately. With the cover of the long-range attack in front, Hua Yueling and the others easily reached them when the monsters were still in chaos.

The passage is still narrower, otherwise they will be more comfortable in battle, but in such a narrow place, they can only go one after the other, and the two-handed sword cannot be used at all.There is no way to make a sweep, otherwise it will directly hit the wall, and such a battle is of no use at all.

Hua Yueling did not use the two-handed sword, but the hidden dragon blade, so he followed behind, and after Lu Yuetong attacked for one round, he deceived him from behind.He didn't care about those who were knocked to the ground, just the chaotic monsters behind.

Some of these monsters remained calm, ready to help their companions to block Hua Yueling's attack.However, the difference in strength between the two sides is still somewhat large. Under this circumstance, they can only delay some time, and it is still at the cost of their own safety.

After all, the difference in strength is not so easy to make up. With Hua Yueling’s attack, few of them can block it, let alone a sharp and terrifying weapon such as the Hidden Dragon Blade. Pierce their bodies and let them fall to the ground.

The two of Hua Yueling and the others broke into the enemy, it was like entering a man's realm, no one could stop them from moving forward.But as soon as the two of them came up, Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun behind could not attack. In such a narrow place, unless you are not worried about accidentally injuring others, otherwise you can't attack anymore. Otherwise, Huayun Yueling and the others had to pay attention to the situation behind them and avoid them in time to avoid being affected.

In fact, it wasn't just being affected. Under this circumstance, if Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun continued to attack, not only would it not cause trouble to the monsters, but it would cause Hua Yueling and the others even more trouble.

However, the remaining guys were nothing to Hua Yueling and the others, and they were resolved easily, until no more monsters came out, Hua Yueling and the others stopped their movements.

"Well, there shouldn't be any more monsters coming out now."

Hua Yueling whispered, walked to the deeper door deduction, looked inside, there was a little mess inside, but overall it was quite neat.Not to mention, it's pretty good that this kind of place can only be like this with monsters, and it's better than Hua Yueling's imagination, he thought it was more chaotic here.

After walking in, I found that there were a lot of stools and chairs here. These things were placed indiscriminately. The monsters should have been sitting here and chatting before, so there must be nothing wrong.

But at this time those monsters have been wiped out, and there is nothing interesting here.Hua Yueling looked around and didn't know what so many monsters were gathering here.

But looking at it this way, it feels like the Devil’s City. Except for the Demon’s City, there are few places where monsters live like this. Of course, they can't be one of them, but there are still ideological problems.

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