Huayueling and the others circled around in the temple, and they really found something interesting here.Hua Yueling unexpectedly found a treasure chest in the corner of the room, and it was still a treasure chest locked with a key. Hua Yueling tried to open it, but obviously couldn't open it.

But this is actually a small problem. What if the treasure chest cannot be opened, unless it is in a game that can only be opened with a key, otherwise Hua Yueling can even use violence to open it.This is the real world, I don't know if there are such restrictions.

"Wait, don't worry, look for the key, the key should be right here."

Hua Yueling originally wanted to try to destroy it directly, but Sister Aroline said so, so let's look for it first, it's worth spending some time.

A few people searched this place according to what Sister Aroline said. Regardless of the size of this room, there are not many things inside. The whole search is quite simple, and it does not take much time. All searched.

After looking for it, they still found the key, a whole bunch of keys, and they didn't know if there was a key for that treasure chest.

Hua Yueling tried them one by one, and finally found a suitable key. With a twist, with a click, the lock of the treasure chest was really opened.After opening the treasure chest, Hua Yueling found that it was not a treasure at all, and what he had to say was just some tatters.

"No, they are collecting such'treasures'. Are you kidding?"

I deliberately searched for it, and Hua Yueling saw the real treasure chest for the first time. Although it was not the kind of treasure chest in the game that seemed to make people want to search for it, it was quite good.It's just that the stuff inside is really not interesting.

Maybe these things are what the monsters would like, but it is certain that they are what Hua Yueling can't like.

"Is there nothing useful?"

Hua Yueling threw out all the things inside, rummaged through almost everything inside, and found something interesting at the bottom.

"this is……"

Hua Yueling took the thing out, and when the others heard his tone change, they all turned their heads and looked over.He was holding a book in his hand. It was something similar to an ancient scripture. It seemed to be a long, long time ago, very old.

"But I can't read the text inside."

Shaking her head, Hua Yueling gave the scriptures in her hand to sister Alorin and asked her to look at it for help.She is probably the only one who can read the text above.

Aroline had no interest in the beginning. Reading is nothing. She also likes to read, but this kind of classics is not her favorite.He turned it over in his hand, his expression changed slightly.

"Interesting stuff."

She made such an evaluation and saw that everyone else had a curious expression, so she gave them the scriptures in her hand, and asked them to see what was written on it.

However, no one except her can understand the above text. In fact, even if they can understand the above content, it is basically useless for them.

After flipping through them, they didn't understand the content, so they returned the scriptures to Sister Aroline.Everyone can see that this scripture seems to be of some use to her, and her demeanor when reading it is seen by them.

This scripture is useless to them, but it doesn't hurt for Sister Aroline. Although I don't know what this thing is for her, let her hold it.

I have searched the rest of the temple, but unfortunately there is basically nothing else here.There is nothing more than a scripture that is useless.

Hua Yueling and the others are somewhat disappointed, but they can't say that they have gained nothing, and it is not a trip in vain.What's more, they are here just to relax.There is no special goal, and this harvest is not bad.

I left the temple and answered outside. In the vast white space, no monsters could be seen again.Hua Yueling and the others also left behind the existence of monsters.

There is nothing worth noting for the time being. There is nothing else here except the temple. There are empty spaces everywhere, and you can visit it everywhere.

Stepping on the snow and listening to the sound when stepping on the snow is like listening to some kind of music. It is not so lonely, and it is quite interesting to some extent.Everyone walked leisurely and went back in no hurry.

Isn’t it fun to enjoy things that are hard to enjoy once in a while, no matter how you look at it.Hua Yueling thinks that's it, he likes it.

There was nothing blocking them on the flat road, even if it was there, but in such a thick snow, everything was smoothed by the snow.The uneven places have also become flat.

I walked casually, and then I felt that it was almost done, mainly because I was a little tired, but I also went outside for a long time, and also experienced several battles.Although the intensity of each battle cannot be said to be too high, it is also quite tiring, mentally speaking.

"Go back, go back, I'm a bit hungry, let's go back to eat something. Basically everything we eat at noon is digested."

Lu Yuetong was the first to say this. In fact, not only she, but other people are also a little hungry, even if they have some snacks.Hua Yueling didn't bring something to eat, but he thought that Sister Aroline must have brought it, but she didn't look like she wanted to take out some food.

"Where is Sister Yun?"

Hua Yueling looked at Sister Yun. Sister Yun said she was fine, so she should go back first.After walking here for a long time, I was really tired and I needed to take a rest.

Everyone's opinions are the same, and they don't think they need to continue turning here.Anyway, it seems that there is not much place to go.After agreeing to the opinion, Sister Aroline sent everyone back, but not to the new base of Gokara and the others, but to the village where Livio was located.

The village was still quite peaceful, without this and that, even if everyone saw them suddenly appear, they soon calmed down after the initial surprise.

"It looks like we are all used to this sudden coming and going."

"Usually we come here like this, and we walk like this when we leave. The people here were scared at first, but now it's different."

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