Back in the village, Hua Yueling and the others separated from Sister Alorin, anyway, they won't go out for the time being.If you turn around later, you will be walking around in this village and will not go outside.

Hua Yueling and the others went straight back to where they lived, but it was not clear where Sister Alorin went.It's a pity that there are no interesting snacks here.If you want to eat something, you have to ask the maid to help them make some food, otherwise you have to go back.

The maid sister went to cook them food, there must be no more delicious food here on earth.In this respect, it is relatively backward, and there is no way. After all, it is a place belonging to the historical level. It is not surprising that such a situation will occur.

"But it would be nice to have food."

Hua Yueling found a place to sit down and lay on the table, feeling exhausted.Fighting all the time is also unbearable. Unless you are a combat mad, you can fight all the time without feeling tired.

It is fun to be able to go to all kinds of places that have not been visited before. Such fun is rarely experienced in the past.It can be said that they couldn't do it anyway without the help of Sister Aroline, but now they have done it, and they have also enjoyed the fun of this approach.

It's interesting, no matter from which way it is.

"A lot of things have happened since we came here, especially in the city, so it's time for us to go."

Lu Yuetong is still a little skeptical about this, not that she suspects Gekara and the others, they don't need to play such tricks for them at all, what is the point.But time is indeed coincidental, even if they want to convince themselves, they can't convince themselves.

This coincidence makes people have to doubt something, it smells like a conspiracy theory.From the perspective of those who have played the game, the reality here is like a game. The plot will only be triggered when the protagonist arrives, and all the time before this is blank, nothing. It will happen, and even if it happens, it's just a few words to pass it.

You can't change anything. In this respect, it is still more like reality, but that's all.

"I hope this time will not cause too much trouble for Sister Gokala and the others. Fortunately, we went at the right time. It would be nice to know about this earlier."

Constant fighting is not interesting and boring, but it is better than playing tricks.Hua Yueling had always thought so, he didn't like conspiracy and tricks, he thought he didn't have that kind of brain.

After that, conspiracies and tricks will be indispensable, but they will encounter the most battles.If you want to win, you must have enough strength, and the opponent likes to use it when the strength is strong enough. It is definitely not a conspiracy and trick, but to use strength to directly crush, but whether the opponent can do it is hard to say.

Among other things, he is very confident in their strength.

It didn't take long for the lady maid to bring out the cooked food. In the service people, these lady sisters are all professional. Let alone the dishes, they taste pretty good.Hua Yueling believes that even those who are particularly demanding will not say anything after tasting.

After expressing gratitude to the maid sisters, the maids were also very happy. They originally lived in this village, but they would not be respected as they are now, and they would not be as happy as they are now.It was only after Hua Yueling and the others arrived that their lives changed for the better.

They also expressed their gratitude to Hua Yueling and the others, they are also very good people.

The staple food in this world is basically bread, but fortunately it is not the kind of dry bread, otherwise, even with the warm soup Huayueling, it may not be able to eat it.There are also some different types of bread here, but they are obviously not comparable to those on earth, but even so, they taste pretty good, at least they won’t make people feel uncomfortable.

The bread in his hand should be leftover, not newly made, otherwise it would not be possible to take it out so quickly.But even if it was leftover, Hua Yueling found that it tasted good, and it was also quite soft, and it tasted no worse than the new one. She didn't know how the maid sister did it.

"What shall we do later?"

"We can do anything, let's ask sister Yun."

Lu Yuetong glanced at Mu Ningshuang when he said this, but Mu Ningshuang lowered his head and ate seriously without speaking.

"You don't have to think about my thoughts. I can do whatever I want. I don't have to do anything. Tell me what you think, listen to you, I don't have any ideas."

Just after Lu Yuetong talked about her thoughts, Hua Yun smiled. She was very pleased. Her younger brother and his friends were very considerate of herself. Can you be unhappy?

"Let's walk around here, I still want to play with the people here."

"That may not be possible, but we can go around here, it should be interesting."

Hua Yueling and the others ate very quickly, and they were full after a short while.After they were full, they asked the maids and sisters to help clean up the table, and then went out by themselves.In fact, let alone a small village, there are still many interesting places. Architecture is one of them, but the people who live here are also interesting.

In the past, before they came here, these people naturally belonged to the original leader, but after they came, the people here were taken care of by them a lot, and they naturally became their people.

And even if the leader is changed, it is actually not a bad thing for them, but it can be said to be a better thing.Originally, it was just enough to eat and drink. In other respects, it was a little worse. It was not a very wealthy village, but now it is different. Now the people here are happier and richer. Don’t just look at it. Only a short time passed.

In the afternoon, there were really a lot of people in the village, at least a lot more than when Hua Yueling left.But there are other reasons, after all, it was very early when they left, and the people here didn’t mean to stay at home every day, and there was nothing else to do. They also had to be busy for life every day. In the afternoon It is almost all that should be busy and can rest.

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