Few people can endure loneliness, or almost no one can do it, do not communicate with other people at all, only oneself.Humans are social animals, and so are many animals.

The temperature in the air gradually decreases a bit, and as time goes by, the seasons of the world are also advancing, and so does the temperature.Maybe winter will come soon, Hua Yueling thought so.

Winter, what will winter in this world look like? Huayueling wanted to know, and wanted to see.There will be opportunities in the future, but you still need to wait for a while. As for how long you need to wait, it's hard to say.

The time of the two worlds is different, but if you think about it this way, the time you need to wait should not be that long. After all, a day on the earth can pass several days here, basically it feels like this.

Hua Yueling and the others don't have anything to do here. This time they came here not so much to do something, it is better to say that they are here for tourism.What I did not expect is that so many things will happen during the travel.But no matter what, just have fun, this is more important than others.

Next, Hua Yueling and the others went to a lot of places to play, and everyone was very happy.

Aroline is like a tour guide, taking them to many different places.Not only are the places where the monsters gather, but there are also many cities, but in the process they also discovered a lot of incredible things, things they didn't know before.

"I didn't expect the matter to be more serious than we thought, so it seems that the current matter is not just ours."

After Hua Yueling and the others went to many places, they also learned more about things on this planet. The more so, the more they felt that the situation was not so good.If this continues, it is likely that things will get out of their control.This is certainly not what they want to see.

"I will discuss this matter with Gokala and others, and take them around to look around. It is best to let them know what is happening here. Although they grew up here, they understand It may not be clear to us, this is also a problem."

"Things are more troublesome than they thought, and the worst part is that they don't know this."

"They should know when the time comes." Aroline shook her head and said, but after this incident, nothing happened to Huayueling. They just need to do their own thing, there is no need to mix too much. And these things, unless they are willing to do it themselves.

"Yes, but it's also good luck for Gekara and the others. Fortunately, we have been around everywhere, so we can understand so much. Otherwise, some things may happen before we know these things."

"No world is easy, but this world is even more difficult."

"Moreover, this matter has something to do with us. I have to discuss with my sister. This matter is also something we need to avoid. Those guys seem to have taken action."

"Sister Aroline are the people you originally mentioned?"

"Almost, even if it's not them, it's still people related to them. I can only say that, I don't know much about the others. Although we understand some things, we don't know enough."

Aroline shook her head slightly. She hadn't thought of these things before she went to those places, but she didn't expect to find these things here, which was really unexpected.

Hua Yueling feels her head hurts a bit, what are these things, how to make it so complicated, it really makes people feel a little helpless.However, after getting to know the situation, Gokara and the others really have to be more cautious, otherwise who knows what the situation will be.

Hua Yueling can only hope that her luck will be better.

"By the way, Xiaoyueling, are you interested in improving your own strength?"

"We are naturally interested in improving our strength. Sister Aroline, what can you do? I forgot about it. I haven't passed the illusion test last time."

"That's your business Xiaoyueling. Whenever you want to go again, you can go there, but my sister, I said this is different, it really improves your strength and combat effectiveness."

"I really want this, but what should I do?"

"Let's talk about it later, when I go back, there are still some things here."

Hua Yueling nodded after listening, he believed that Sister Aroline really had a way.But he also wanted to know what kind of method it was. As things got more and more, the enemies they encountered became more and more troublesome. Huayueling and the others would definitely need to improve their own strength, not always. Go down.

There are many ways to improve strength, but the easiest for Hua Yueling is to use the system.So he still had to find time to solve the remaining unsolved problems and improve his illusion skills.

Hua Yueling himself is not an illusionist. Before that, he had no illusion ability, not at all, but Hua Yueling believed that if he could use illusion, he would still use the illusion parts of the system. In any case, his own illusion ability was not. It will be weak.

Hua Yueling didn't know how much he could do, but he felt that if he could really control the illusion parts, perhaps the illusion could be used as a regular combat hand.It is quite interesting to think about it. To some extent, illusion is not necessarily worse than magic. Both are very interesting combat methods, although Hua Yueling always thinks that magic is definitely more handsome.

It's a pity that Hua Yueling doesn't have any talent for magic, but there is no time for despair.By this time, instead, he looked more openly, thinking that he still had a chance. In terms of magic, if the system has magical components, as long as he can find it.

"Xiaoxue, do you think I have a chance?"

"Master, you think too much, right." Xiaoxue couldn't help but complain after hearing Hua Yueling's thoughts. "Master wants too much, right."

"I also know that I want a lot, but I really like magic, and I mainly ask Koyuki your opinion on whether there are magic parts. Now that there are magic parts."

"I think Master, you should think of ways to improve your melee combat ability. You are a serious fighter. Regardless of the fighter's abilities, you only think about improving other abilities. This is wrong. "

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