"I admit that I may be a little bit greedy and can't chew, okay, okay, I listen to you, Xiaoxue. What if you want to improve the fighter's ability?"

Hua Yueling was still able to listen to his opinions, although he still did not give up his magical appeal, but at least for the time being he did not ask again.And as Xiaoxue said, her combat effectiveness in melee combat needs to be strengthened, but not only for him, but also for Lu Yuetong.

The overall construction of their team is almost balanced, with two midfielders and two guards, if he is considered as a shield, he can barely be considered.If you use a dwarf shield to defend, you can still trust the defense, but if you encounter a strong enough enemy, the defense is definitely not enough.

Defensive ability is also a very important part of the battle. It is impossible to only attack without letting go.Although offense is very important, it is impossible to win the battle without offense. Similarly, if there is no way to defend well, then it is very likely that there is no way to attack. This is often the case.

Perhaps the dwarf shield can be further evolved, no matter what aspect it is, if it can be enchanted and forged and upgraded, it can also enhance its defense.Otherwise, it is the equipment on the body. The equipment they use is still obtained from another world, so in fact, the defense is not very good, and there is no good way in this regard.

The best way is to go to a more dangerous place in another world to collect equipment, which may be a better way.Naturally, it is also possible to buy from the store, but if you really want better equipment, it will not cost a little bit. In the absence of gold coins, Hua Yueling is still unwilling to spend gold coins to buy better equipment.

After all, gold coins have many other functions, not to mention the difficulty of collecting gold coins.

"Let's think of a way later, but enchanting...well, there is no way, mainly because of the lack of parts, and I don't know if there are such parts. If there are, it will be much easier."

For this reason, Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue again, mainly wanting to ask what parts were missing. Before that, he only knew that there were parts missing, but he didn't know how many parts were missing.When it was time to increase her strength, Hua Yueling felt it was time to find and retrieve the other missing parts.

"There are still a lot of missing parts, but they all have a single function, but there are a few more complicated and useful parts. Add up to more than ten."

"More than a dozen, um, if you add Xiaoxue's lost power, you have to have dozens, right?"

"Well, it's almost the same, there may even be more, but if the owner wants to find the missing power of others as soon as possible, all he needs to do is to retrieve the remaining missing parts first. One of them is very important in this respect. help."

"In other words, no matter what, the most important thing is to find all the missing parts first. If you don't find the other parts, it will be troublesome. But Xiaoxue, haven't you said what parts you want to find?"

"Let's talk about this after the owner finds it. In other words, it is not easy to find it if you want to find it. It is better for the owner to be psychologically prepared."

Although Xiaoxue heard his thoughts, she didn't tell him what kind of parts he was looking for.But Huayueling thought about it, just as Xiaoxue said, even if you know what is going on, there are so many missing parts, even if you want to find it, it doesn’t mean you can find it if you want. Things are not that easy. .

Sighing, Hua Yueling felt that she had better think about what to do to find the missing parts as soon as possible.

But if you want to find the kind of props that Xiaoxue said as soon as possible, Hua Yueling is still struggling.Although it is said that retrieving the parts will definitely greatly enhance your own strength, and even for sister Yun and even others, the number of gold coins makes people feel a headache if they really think about it.

If you really let him collect it by himself, I don’t know how much time it will take. I feel a headache when I think about it. The only good thing is that he now has enough gold coins to use, although most of the gold coins are It was only possible to collect them with the help of Sister Livello.


But now Sister Livello doesn't have time to do these things for the time being. For the time being, her energy is here instead of collecting gold coins, but she wants to know that she will definitely do it later.For her, there are still props she needs in the mall.

It is precisely because of this that Hua Yueling would hesitate what she should do, but if you think about it this way, maybe the parts she retrieved will also be helpful to Liweiluo.Although this possibility is not that great.

Hua Yueling and the others wandered casually in a city, which was a city far away from the village where Livio was located.And it is also the city where Hunter Planet is located in the south. Regardless of how far this city is from there, there have been some not-so-good changes in this city.

Naturally, there are resistance organizations in this city, and there are also resistance organizations that have existed for a long time. It should be about the same time as the resistance organization created by Rianne.

However, Hua Yueling and the others did not show their faces, did not go directly to find each other, they just came here to understand the situation of the resistance organization, but they felt a little heavy by the situation they found.The situation is not good.

The organization here has also fallen into a certain terrible situation. Although everything looks normal here on the surface, Hua Yueling and the others have discovered a surging undercurrent in the dark.This is not a good thing, it can even be said to be the same story as another city and the old base left by Gokara and others.

"Would you like to try to remind them?"

"Is this really useful?"

Mu Ningshuang said lightly, everyone could hear her tone, and she was still a little skeptical of this statement.

"Perhaps, maybe it's useless."

"He may or may not listen to us. But even if he did, we only found one of them."

"Ningshuang, you mean that even if you get rid of this, there is still no way to solve the problem."

"Yes, even if we get rid of that person, who knows how many others don't know, the threat still can't be said to be relieved." Mu Ningshuang said with certainty.

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