They walked out silently again, Hua Yueling and the others looked inside again before leaving, but found that the people inside, whether it was the godfather or others, still didn't see any reaction.These people didn't notice their arrival, nor did they notice their departure, that's what happened anyway.

Hua Yueling and the others did not cause any commotion. After they went out, they stood at the entrance of the church. Hua Yueling stood with her head down for a while, and there were almost no people nearby.

"Where to go next?"

"I don't know, or go to the guild to have a look, Hunter Guild, I don't know what the Hunter Guild is like now."

There are various guilds in this world, which are in line with the world outlook and settings of the fantasy world. The Hunter’s Guild is one of them.Hua Yueling and the others have also been to the Hunter's Guild, just like another world. The world where Jelousy is. There is an adventurer's guild there. The name of the guild is somewhat different, but the effect is actually the same.

Hua Yueling and the others are not members of the Hunter's Guild, but there may be some interesting news that Hua Yueling thinks.The Hunter's Guild is somewhat similar to a tavern. The tavern is a good place to collect information. The Hunter's Guild also has a similar function.

But it still depends on what kind of information you want to collect. After all, the main role of the Hunter Guild is to serve the hunters, so if you need some information about monsters or weapons and equipment, it is easy, but other aspects are It's not that useful.

However, Hua Yueling decided to take a turn in the past, maybe she could get some good news if she was lucky.It's not that I have much hope, I just can't help but think so.Everyone wants to have better luck, and Hua Yueling is no exception.

It stands to reason that Hua Yueling's luck must be very good, but in some respects his luck has not been shown at all.

"It would be great if my luck could be helpful in finding the missing parts of the system."

He sighed inwardly, but he estimated that this was a delusion. If there was a way, there would have been a way, and it would be impossible to wait until now that it has no effect.Hua Yueling was just thinking about it.

"Don't be too extravagant to ask for luck. You can only look for this kind of thing, and there is no trickery other than finding it."

When they came to the Hunter's Guild, Hua Yueling and the others had nothing to do, so they found a place and sat down.In the Hunter’s Guild, it’s possible to rest. There are places for people to rest, and it’s not exclusively for hunters. Everyone can use it. But generally speaking, no one else will come here except for hunters and people who entrust missions. And to be honest, many of the hunters have not so good personalities, so you should pay attention to communicating with them.

But Hua Yueling and the others are sitting here, although they don't look like hunters, at least not from the equipment, but there are no hunters to provoke them.Sometimes a person's strength can be seen, but what is actually seen is not strength, but a certain atmosphere, which cannot be described in one sentence.

In short, it is a strong person without a special disguise. Standing in front of you will make you feel unprovoked. It is such a special feeling.But it takes strength to feel it.

Strength is the most important thing, and this point is correct.

After making it, they asked for something to eat and drink, and Hua Yueling and the others didn't talk. They just sat here as if they had come to the restaurant and enjoyed the food here.However, the food of the Hunter's Guild is incomparable to that of Sister Livello and Sister Gekara. The taste of the food here is a bit inferior, in all aspects, whether it is presentation or taste.

Hua Yueling doesn't like the food here, but since they are all here, and I want to eat, no matter how hard I can, I have to eat the food I want, and I have to finish it with tears.

Hua Yueling eats less, but even if you say that, other people don't eat much, maybe a little bit more than him, but not much more.

A few people were sitting around a table like this. They didn't say anything, they just listened to others. Although the number of hunters was small, there was still a sense of chaos in the Hunter Guild.

The main thing Hua Yueling and the others do is to listen to information, so they don't care about it, but they want to see the scene.However, because the voice is relatively noisy, it is not particularly clear to hear it, and it is necessary to distinguish which voice comes from whose mouth.

This is a bit troublesome, Hua Yueling tried his best to listen, but he still couldn't distinguish clearly, and he couldn't really put on a posture of eavesdropping, no matter how much he had to disguise his actions.That's why it is said that it is impossible to clearly distinguish those voices from the two people who are talking to each other.

But after listening for a while, Hua Yueling suddenly felt that there was no need for it. No matter who said the words, as long as what they said was useful to him, the others were not so important.

After thinking about this, Hua Yueling no longer bothered about it.

Most of what those people said was related to hunters' lives, and some were about hunting monsters.From the words heard by these hunters, Hua Yueling discovered that very few hunters really care about what the country is doing now. The few Hua Yueling felt a little surprised. What is the reason, it stands to reason that they are not. It should be so.

Even if these hunters like to talk about hunting and monsters, but they don't talk about this country at all, it would be a little strange.And that was what Hua Yueling cared about most, and he didn't care much about the others.

But these hunters didn't say anything themselves, Hua Yueling had no choice but to continue listening carefully.While eating and listening, time gradually passed.

Some hunters left during this process, and some hunters came at this time. Anyway, in this kind of cycle of feeling, the number of hunters in the Hunter Guild did not change much.

However, not all hunters will come here. Some people just hand in quests from a distance and then leave, and some people just come here after they come here.But hunters who like to eat here are still few.

"Shall we go now?"

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