I learned some things here, but it was a little different from what Hua Yueling and the others had imagined. There was not enough information here, even less than they thought.Originally thinking that these hunters usually travel north and south, and have visited many places, so they must have some understanding of various places, and have a general understanding of the current situation, but they did not hear any useful news.

This is more uncomfortable. If you don't hear anything here, you can only go to other places.

Originally, Hua Yueling still had some hope, but now it seems that she still thinks a little more.Then where do you want to go next, if you really want to collect any clues, the next thing you want to go to is the tavern.You can always hear something in the tavern, and the people there have no taboos. Perhaps you can learn something.

I've been around here for a long time anyway, now it happens to be a break.

Hua Yueling thought so, got up and walked out.No one paid attention to Hua Yueling when they came or when they left. Although some people took a look at them, they only took a look, and soon their eyes moved away from them.

After leaving the Hunter's Guild, he raised his head and looked at the sky. Before he knew it, it was almost dusk. Time flies really fast.Unexpectedly, this time will come in a blink of an eye. Today they are going to rest in this city, and they will go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. As for the specific time they will go back, they haven't decided yet.They still have something to do in this city, which is the least they have to do.

In the evening, the streets will be somewhat quieter. There are definitely not as many pedestrians as there are during the day. In addition, the lights on the streets are not so bright, and there is no way to compare with the modern world.And in another world, it's actually not very safe to come out at night.

Don't look at Hua Yueling and the others are quite capable, but they haven't come out much at night.They also don't like to move around in the dark, which is not interesting.

Some senseless walking on the street, Hua Yueling and the others were not in a hurry, they watched and observed everywhere.Some people can still be seen at dusk, but there are still a lot less than during the day.

At night, there is no need to go around. Basically, everything is dark. Although there are still things like magic lights here, magic lights can't be used everywhere.The price of magic lights is not cheap. In such a big city, it is not that magic lights can be installed in all places. Only a small number of places are equipped with magic lights, and more places actually have nothing.

In this case, most places in the city are actually in darkness, even if the light can be seen, the light is relatively weak.

This is not exploring the maze, there is no need to go out so late at all, and they don't particularly like night creatures.

I found a tavern or a hotel, but it's not much difference anyway.The hotel also undertakes the work of the tavern, which is mainly to attract more guests.

After Hua Yueling came to the hotel, they asked for a few rooms, and then they sat down and ordered some food, mainly the more signature dishes here.To be honest, although I have eaten in the Hunter's Guild, the food there is not enough to satisfy Hua Yueling.

He didn't eat much at all, and he couldn't eat enough. Naturally, he could still eat here. He mainly wanted to taste the taste of the food here.I hope it tastes better and suits my own taste, otherwise I guess I can only eat some snacks to eat.

Hua Yueling has been waiting in this kind of panic and fear. Soon the food was served. Now there are not many people downstairs, so the food is served very quickly. It is estimated that after a while It will take a long time to clarify.

When the food was served, it was hot, and the aroma drifted to Hua Yueling's nose with the heat, and it smelled very fragrant.Just smelling the fragrance Huayueling feels very appetite, and I don’t know how delicious it will be when I really eat it. Huayueling thinks that she might be able to look forward to it. The food here is already overwhelming just in terms of smell. Food in the Hunter Guild.

Hua Yueling couldn't wait to taste the meat in it. The piece of meat he tasted was also a type of pork, but it was a different kind of pork.The pork here is a kind of meat called black sandalwood pig. How do you say this kind of pork? Anyway, Huayueling really thinks it is better than the pork that I eat on earth.

Without special cooking, you can feel the meat of this kind of pig is very firm, which may be related to this kind of pig like to exercise, so their meat is also very delicious.At least Hua Yueling was very happy to eat.

But if it is just an insult to the chef, the level of the chef here is indeed quite good. Although it is obviously not top-notch, it is already quite good.At least Hua Yueling felt that there was not much difference in craftsmanship with Sister Yun, but she certainly couldn't compare with Sister Livio.

Not to mention anything else, there are really a lot of meat in this world.There are also many meats of monsters that Huayueling can't name. All kinds of meat have different tastes, but the types that can be eaten here are still less.But this is not bad.

Many kinds of meat are not meant to be eaten as long as they want to eat it. Many meats can only be eaten by people with status. If ordinary people want to eat it, they don’t know how much it will cost.

But ordinary people are already very happy if they can taste the meat of black sandalwood pigs. The taste of this kind of pig meat is really unspeakable and delicious. Every time you eat a bite of Huayueling, you will feel it is a real pleasure.

"Speaking of which, the pork here is really much better than ours. This kind of meat is really fat and thin, and I don't feel tired at all."

That kind of chewing is really lacking, Hua Yueling really hasn't tasted such a chewy delicacy.One bite is so juicy that people can't stop.

This is really okay, Hua Yueling said inwardly that he thought it was done quite well, and even felt that the food on the table was not enough for himself.

But that's just thinking about it. In fact, if he really wants to eat so much food, he is not a particularly edible person.In terms of appetite, it's just a little bigger than ordinary people, it's really just a little bigger.

As a result, Hua Yueling patronized and ate, forgetting his original purpose.

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