Everyone saw Huayueling's reaction, but no one reminded him. Others were also a little surprised by the food here, but everyone remained calm.Unlike Hua Yueling, she almost buried her head on the table.

There is much more news that can be heard here, and all kinds of news come out of people's mouths.It's just that not all of these can be believed, and many of them are bragging statements.For example, what kind of monsters you saw, and then what was in that city and what happened in that village.

Hua Yueling also heard some interesting news, such as the recent increase in the number of monsters in various places, causing some commotion.

This is especially true in the vicinity of this city, especially when a village has been attacked and destroyed by monsters.Hearing this news made Hua Yueling and the others feel very heavy, but they couldn't manage these things.

It is impossible for them to wander around here all the time, and it is not only this place, but also other places.Although Hua Yueling said that he hopes to do something, this kind of thing is obviously not something they can do. I don't know how much time and energy it will take. Even so, there is no way to completely eliminate similar things. This requires this country or say It is the lord of the city to think of a way, and cannot rely on them.

There are some interesting news, but it is of little use to Hua Yueling and the others.Just listen to it casually, and then they are left behind and forget all about it.

However, the most news that Hua Yueling and the others have heard from the population here is that people from other places come here to inspect.Said it was an inspection, but those people did not belong to the top of their country, but people who had never heard of it before and did not know where they came from.

But those guys were welcomed by the king, otherwise they wouldn't be able to patrol here at will.

What they are here for is no one knows, these things can be said to be confidential, no one will tell them.But Hua Yueling and the others also have some ideas. Maybe they have a chance, they can look for it, if they can meet, they can also see what kind of people these people are talking about.

Hua Yueling was naturally very curious about this, but no one could answer his question.Hua Yueling has overheard some news about those people, and the attention of other people around is also on it.

"Those people look different from ours. You haven't seen them in the department. I was shocked when I saw them. When I took a closer look at their appearance, I almost laughed. If I didn't hold on in time, I It's dangerous."

"How dangerous, can't you even laugh, can they kill you if you laugh?"

"It's not like that. You don't see them like that. It's really like killing people. If you don't want to conflict with them, I have to laugh out loud."

They all blushed for him when they heard the man bragging. They were obviously counseled and didn't dare to provoke others, but they could still say such things.

However, Hua Yueling and the others didn't even bother to say anything to him. He listened to what he said, and it was just a story.What they want to know most is where that person met those people, and they also want to meet.

"You don’t have a chance to see them. Those guys' heads look like an egg, and their eyes are all on the eggs. The first time you see them, they look ridiculous, but when you look at it for a while It will feel very sick afterwards."

The person's description was fairly clear, but Hua Yueling still couldn't imagine the picture, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Growing up like that, I feel that I can't bear to look directly at those people if they stand in front of me."

"Sister Aroline, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Hua Yueling and the others were discussing softly, they saw that Aroline changed her face and frowned.

"The kind of person he described, and the kind of person I know very much."


Hua Yueling and the others were silent for a moment, and they all thought of what Sister Aroline meant.But there may be other possibilities, so Hua Yueling asked softly, the result was unexpected.

"Really those guys?"

"There should be nothing wrong. They are easy to distinguish no matter where they are. With an egg-like head, I can't think of anyone other than them."

"Then how strong are they?"

"The strength is not strong, it is nothing to my sister and me. But it is very difficult to handle."

Aroline said softly, her voice very calm.

"If you kill them here, you might get the attention of others."

"Yes, so the best way is to kill him in no man's land, pretending to be an accident. I have to discuss this with my sister. They are not important people, and really important people will not go to such a place. Come, but they don’t want to go back alive."

Aroline naturally didn't want to let go of such an opportunity. Although those guys were nothing in her eyes, it would be a happy thing if they could be solved.At least it is worth doing for Aroline.

"It just happened to have heard enough news from them, so I will check it out tomorrow. Learn about their itinerary."

Whispering in a low voice, Aroline glanced across all of them.

"Are you going?"

"Then I need to ask, I must go, it's considered a tourist."

Hua Yueling answered almost immediately, and everyone else had the same thoughts as Hua Yueling.Everyone wanted to see what Aroline's enemies looked like, although listening to Aroline's words, those guys weren't her enemies at all.But after all, there is still something to do.

Almost all the food on the table was eaten by them, so they got up and walked upstairs.It's time to rest, and almost everything that should be listened to is too late, there is no need to stay any longer.

Saying goodnight to the others at the door, Hua Yueling opened the door and walked into her room.

Back in the room, Hua Yueling walked quickly to the bed and lay down directly.She opened her mouth and yawned, making Hua Yueling a little sleepy.More importantly, there is nothing to do for the time being.

"I'm going to visit that village tomorrow. I don't know if I will meet those people there."

Hua Yueling was suspicious of this. Hearing what the person downstairs said, it should have happened yesterday, but today, it is impossible for those people to stay in a village like this, or live in the same village. A few days.

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