But whether it will stay there or not, you need to go over and see the situation.Check the situation in the past. If those people are not there, maybe they need to spend more time to travel to other places nearby.

In fact, the easier way is to ask the people in that village, but these will be discussed later.

Hua Yueling thought to herself, lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone, she had nothing else to do for the time being.

"By the way, you can play games."

This time he even brought the game consoles. The game consoles were fully charged, so there must be no problem with the battery.A fully charged game console, according to Hua Yueling's test, even the most power-consuming game can be played for at least four hours, which is enough for him.

The only pity is that there is no place for charging. It would be better if there is a place for charging.I was thinking if I wanted to call other people over to play together, but Hua Yueling just thought about it, and didn't do that.

Maybe everyone is tired and needs to rest earlier, and not everyone is the same as themselves.But in fact, Hua Yueling herself is relatively tired, mainly because of a little sleepiness, so he can't actually play for long.

Turning on the game console and playing a game she likes, Hua Yueling lay on the bed and played. Not to mention, going around during the day and playing games alone in the room at night. This kind of life is still very happy and comfortable. .However, what Hua Yueling was thinking about was all other things, mainly studying things, but what he was thinking about was not the study in school, but his own study plan.

So far, I haven't made much progress yet. If I think about it this way, I will spend most of my time playing after the winter vacation.Although it is not so accurate to say this completely, in fact it is not much different.

Hua Yueling and the others are mainly busy with all kinds of things, and there is no way. Who makes them have more things here.It is a little more troublesome and there is no way.

But if you think about it, if you really want to have better learning ability, there are actually good ways. In addition, even if you don't need better learning ability, you can actually buy various related skills directly in the mall.There is no need to learn at all, and you will have related abilities by directly purchasing skills. If you think about it, it is really easy.

The only headache is gold coins, no matter which side they are, gold coins are the most important.

And speaking of recent changes in the companion system, although it is true that his companion is still only Sister Yun, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong also have some intentions to join it.It's a pity that this is not something they can choose, they need to be recognized by the system.

She didn't know what to do to make the system recognize her as a companion, Hua Yueling was also a bit distressed, but he couldn't do anything.The system can be regarded as artificial intelligence to a certain extent. There is no real wisdom except Xiaoxue, but it is impossible to deceive it.

It's still quite bright outside, Hua Yueling turned her head and looked out the window. It was still a bustling place nearby, so there was a magic lamp.The magic lamp is very valuable, it is very expensive to use, but the lighting ability is also nothing to say, a magic lamp can illuminate a large area.

After playing at random for a while, Huayueling was too sleepy to open her eyes, and she placed the game console on the cabinet next to her. She turned over on the bed and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep. He fell asleep fairly quickly, and the light in the room hadn't been turned off.After lying down for a while, Hua Yueling was still a little uncomfortable to sleep with the light on like this. Even if he was sleepy, he still struggled to get up and turn off the light before going to sleep.

To be honest, Hua Yueling really doesn't like to sleep with lights on, very, very uncomfortable.There is a light that makes him feel like he can't sleep.

Maybe it's not that I can't really fall asleep, it's just a psychological effect, but this psychological effect is still very strong, and Hua Yueling can't resist it.

It has been like this a long time ago, and he can't sleep without turning off the light.

Lying back on the bed, Hua Yueling felt much better at once.Sleeping with the light on is really uncomfortable, and there is no way for the whole person to settle down.

Hua Yueling fell asleep quickly, but after a few minutes, he was already asleep.The people downstairs are still talking about something, but upstairs they can’t hear their conversation at all. Of course, Hua Yueling and the others will not care about it anymore. If they care, they won’t come this morning, but Will continue to listen below.

Hua Yueling didn't know what the other people were doing, and he didn't have the mind to think about it. He wanted to sleep now, until tomorrow morning, and then go to other places to play.

One night passed quickly, and the next morning arrived in no time.Hua Yueling woke up in a daze, he heard a knock on the door.

Hua Yueling is still very strange, why is she almost the latest one to wake up every day, always waiting for others to wake herself up, this is a bit too strange.

Although she was thinking so strangely in her heart, Hua Yueling quickly got up and did not forget to ask who it was when she reached the door.

Outside the door were Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. They were also awakened, and Hua Yun was awakened, and then they gave Mu Ningshuang the task of calling him.

The two women also packed up after getting up, and then immediately came over and called him.Hua Yueling opened the door and saw the two girls at the door.

The girls changed their clothes today, but instead of clothes on the earth, they changed clothes bought in this world.They did this in order not to be noticeable, Hua Yueling also changed into clothes here.It's definitely not as comfortable as the clothes on the earth, but there is no way, after all, if you wear their own clothes here, you will definitely be noticed.

They don't want to be so eye-catching, it deviates a lot from their original idea, so they decided to buy some clothes here, just match them casually, don't worry about these things.

Hua Yueling and the others went downstairs, had dinner downstairs, and then packed up their things, Hua Yueling and the others left directly.They didn't plan to come back after they left, so they took everything away. Anyway, the room was only booked for one day, and it was fine.

Several people walked along the street to the entrance of the city gate, followed by people out of the city. If you look at it from this aspect, you can't see anything.

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