Outside the city, there is a vast grassland. There is a river course surrounding the city. The river course originally slipped past the side of the city, but the river course was modified for unknown reasons.Maybe it's for the convenience of getting water from the river, maybe it's for defense.

The river was dug again and changed to circle the city.The river course is very deep, even the original river course has been dug deeper, making it impossible for people to pass directly there.But if this is the case, there is no way to get out from here, so the bridge was rebuilt on the river.

After leaving the gate of the city, I walked onto the bridge. There were still some people on the bridge, but some of them left here, and some stood directly on the bridge to enjoy the scenery.The river flowed along the river channel to the extreme far, until the far end, behind the mountain, this disappeared from their eyes.

A large number of fields can be seen outside the city, but the distribution of these fields is not particularly even. It seems that they have not been planned, and they are directly distributed and planted according to where and who.

You can also see some farms, not many farms, only three or four.Many people are busy in the farmland at this time. Hua Yueling also planted land with his father when he was a child, but there is still a big difference between farming here and his memory.

Of course, they are basically the same, but here is more primitive.There is no machinery, nor any of this or that, all are very primitive, and people face the loess with their backs to the sky, which is also very tiring.

Hua Yueling sighed in his heart, but he only sighed a few words in his heart, and soon they had passed this road and came to a fork in the road.The river turned a bend from here and flowed in the other direction.

There is another bridge over the river, and without this bridge, there is no way to go across.Under the bridge is a big slope, after going down, you have to step on the water to cross the river, and then go up a slope.There are roads at the front and back ends of the bridge. The roads here seem to have been well renovated. They are relatively straight. Walking on it is quite easy and not so laborious.

There are still a lot of people on this road, and you can see merchants and soldiers on patrol.There are also some monsters nearby, but they are all far away, and they are basically invisible on both sides of the road.

After all, the reason why soldiers patrol is to destroy monsters that exist everywhere, so as not to cause harm to people walking on the road.What they did was pretty good, at least the monsters were wiped out relatively clean.

Along the way, they walked in a relatively safe way. Hua Yueling and the others proceeded along the road. They were heading to the place where the village was said yesterday by the person who should be an adventurer.It will take a while to go there, and it’s difficult to send it over.

This is also a nuisance, and it wastes some time. If it can be directly transmitted, it will save some time. Otherwise, who knows where all those people have gone during this time.But Hua Yueling and the others had nothing to do, just walk over there, no matter how much time should be spent, there is no way to reduce it.

Walked all the way, just like this along this road.Not to mention, the roads here are still pretty good. There is a road leading to the village that is great. Although there is no problem in walking in the grassland, it is better to have a road to walk. of.

That village was called "Katan Village", it was a big village, and there were a lot of people in the village, but there was no way to compare it with the village where Livio was.

After Hua Yueling and the others came here, Aroline hid her figure, and only Hua Yueling and the others were responsible for finding those figures.Hua Yueling didn't use exploration, but just searched for it bit by bit.

Aroline naturally had her way, but she didn't say anything along the way.You can see people setting up stalls on the street. There are also merchants similar to traveling merchants, but there are not many, only one.

Naturally, Hua Yueling's gaze did not stop on the opponent, he kept searching, but it was difficult to find clues.Can't see those people.

But Hua Yueling and the others had already thought of it, after all, the news was the day before yesterday, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for those people to stay in a small village for that long.Unless they are looking for something or something here, it is very difficult to find them here.

Now Hua Yueling and the others have to find those people. As for the others, Sister Aroline will do it. At least they can't get rid of those people now.After all, those people have met with the king here, and it's still not clear what kind of relationship they have, and if they are solved casually, it will cause other troubles.

Anyway, Hua Yueling and the others don't have to worry about this, I believe that Sister Aroline and Sister Liweiluo have a way to solve this problem.

What Hua Yueling and the others have to do is very simple. They only need to look for it. Whether they can find it is naturally another matter.

The houses in the village are not arranged so neatly, they seem to be just randomly arranged and built, that's all.If you want to say, the neatness of the construction of the village here is definitely not as good as the village built by Mu Ningshuang and Liweiluo together.

After the construction is completed, it is difficult to make changes, which is understandable.After all, there is no such talent as Mu Ningshuang who can build a house using magic alone, if there is one, it would be better.

"I think it's impossible here."

After walking slowly to the exit on the other side, Hua Yueling whispered to the others.

In fact, it's not just him, other people also think so.All around the village.Except for those private houses that have never been in, most of the places that can be visited have also been visited, and it seems that there is no need to continue searching.

"It seems that they have already left with a high probability. If we don't ask someone to ask, we can save some time."

"Go to the hotel and ask, there should be something to ask." The hotel is most likely to ask something. Others may be able to ask something, but it may take more time.No matter what, there is no problem going to the hotel first.

Hua Yueling and the others went to the hotel. There is also a hotel in this small village, and the scale of the hotel is quite large for such a village.The owner of the hotel was sitting behind the counter, looking a little bored. There were no brigade officers and soldiers.

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