There are almost no people here, no one can be seen except the owner of the hotel.So the innkeeper's excitement when he saw them arrive will not be unexpected.

The performance was a little too easy to understand, which actually made Hua Yueling and the others a little embarrassed to ask questions.But they still asked the boss. Although this made the boss look quite disappointed, he did not refuse to answer their questions because of this. He just stood up and sat down again and fell on the chair behind him. The lazy expression reappeared.

But despite this behavior, he still answered Hua Yueling's questions and told them the whereabouts of those people.Anyway, he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. In fact, if he can, he doesn’t even want to think about those people’s affairs. Those people feel too bad for him, and they can’t be worse, just see what they look like. In an instant, he even wondered if it was a group of monsters invading. Fortunately, he remained calm and realized that those people were not monsters, but humans, but not ordinary humans.

Those people only lived here for one night, and then left, but they also came here for a meal at noon.Then he didn't come back again, he should have left this afternoon.

After that, he didn't know much about other things. After all, he didn't know those people that much, and he was just the owner of a hotel and didn't care about those people's affairs that much.Although the looks of those people surprised him very much.

But this is all he knows. Ask him again. He doesn’t know anything. He can only shake his head to say that he doesn’t know anything. Those people just stayed with him for one night and ate three meals. Besides, they have nothing to do with each other.

Hua Yueling and the others thanked him, and then left here.If you have time, you might be able to have a meal here to take care of his business, but Huayueling and the others don't have much time now, and they must catch up as soon as possible. If this is the case, it is still possible to find those people earlier.

They left in a hurry. After Hua Yueling and the others went out to find out where the people were leaving, they went to the village and asked about it. They still got some news, at least they knew where they left. .

It was mainly Hua Yueling and the others who were asking, but Sister Aroline had been hiding her figure so as not to be discovered.Although it is still a bit bad for Hua Yueling and the others to ask around like this, there is no other way.

After questioning some people, Hua Yueling and the others still got traces of those people leaving. They left the village from the other side, and after going out, they changed directions and walked towards the right side, which is the northeast.

In that direction, Hua Yueling and the others looked into the distance. It was not the direction when they came, that is to say, those people were not going to the nearby city, but they did not know where they went.

Hua Yueling is still a little curious about this. What are they doing here? This is still a bit interesting.

But now that you know where the other person is going, it's easy to do it next. As long as you walk in that direction, you should be able to find where those people are going.But I just don't know if it will be in time. If it is slower, then those people may have left.

This is not necessarily the case. If you think about it carefully, those people left yesterday afternoon. In other words, if they can go to the next village at night, it is very likely that they will stay in that village for one night, and then don’t know what to do during the day and eat at noon. After dinner, leave in the afternoon.

It is very possible that they will not take the same action, but that is not necessarily the case. Maybe this is the case. Hua Yueling thought about it, and felt that there was still some possibility.

As long as there is a little possibility, they will check it out. Besides, this is their main task now.Even if you can't find it in the next place, don't you still have to ask someone to ask, it's exactly the same as here, as long as they move fast enough, they will definitely be able to catch up with each other at some point in time.

When thinking like this, Hua Yueling and the others had already set off, their speed was very fast, and they were advancing along that path at an incredible speed.They ran swiftly, all the way towards the road that didn't know where it was.

No one knows where the end of the next step is, or even if the other party will change the direction of action halfway, but at present they can only do this.Unless it deviates too much, if you just deviate a little from the target direction, there is no problem, and you can definitely reach it.

Basically, there are no people on the road. In fact, they can't be called a road at all. There are no traces of people walking. What Suo can see is the green grass full of vitality.The grass swayed with the wind, warmly welcoming them.

They were greeted into the grassland just like guests, but they were not very good as guests. They stepped directly on the grass, showing no mercy.

The good thing is that they didn't walk in vain on this road, and found a way easily.The road seemed to extend from other places, but not from the village or city they had been to, but from another place.

This is not very important to Hua Yueling and the others, anyway, as long as they know that they are coming to this village.This village didn't look so lively, at least compared to the previous village, but it was just right for Hua Yueling and the others.

After entering the village, they also immediately began to search, and all the places in the whole village were searched, but they did not find the guys they were looking for.

"It seems that they left earlier than us."

Hua Yueling looked around and said so.There is another possibility that those guys didn't come here at all.

In order to confirm whether those people had been here, Hua Yueling and the others still asked the villagers for help.They went to the villagers and asked about it.

"Excuse me, have any elderly people with an egg-like head come here?"

Hua Yueling asked someone casually, and the other party nodded, and then he didn't need them to ask any more, so he went on.Those people should have arrived here in the morning. They walked around the village to see what they were looking for here, but maybe they confirmed that there was nothing they were looking for, and then left directly.

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