But it is here, if they had known that their speed was slow to this level, there was no need to follow them along the way.It’s just a matter of time to catch up.

Lu Yuetong was also very dissatisfied with the people in front, and couldn't help but complain.In fact, everyone has similar ideas, but everyone else just secretly complained in their hearts and didn't say anything.

But no matter what, it can be considered the next place.In fact, Hua Yueling still felt that it was unnecessary. Sister Aroline should already know what the other person thinks. He believed that Sister Aroline had such ability, but Sister Aroline did not respond. Did not come and tell them to stop.

In other words, we need to keep track of them. Hua Yueling doesn't know the significance of keeping track of this way, but Sister Aroline has her own thoughts, so let's see what happens then.

When they arrived in the village, the people driving the carriage immediately attracted the attention of the villagers, but no villager dared to approach them.Their appearance is scary enough, coupled with their attitude of not treating others as the same, it is even more difficult to approach.

The carriage stopped at the entrance. Hua Yueling and the others thought that those guys would stay in the car forever, but the people in the car didn’t do this. Instead, they got out of the car at the entrance of the village. Yue Ling was a little surprised.Those people didn't even continue to enjoy on the carriage, but walked down, and then walked forward amidst everyone's strange eyes.

The carriage was stopped at the entrance, leaving a person guarding the carriage, the same person who drove the carriage before.After this, the other people who got off the carriage walked forward slowly, and as they walked, they could see what they were looking for. They looked around and swept across the houses. .

That's all. They didn't do anything else, and they didn't say that they wanted to look for them in each other's house, they just walked forward like this.

After walking a few steps, the leader suddenly turned around and said something to the person who was staying by the carriage. He said something, but Hua Yueling and the others could not understand it clearly and could not understand what he said.But the guy understood, and then he didn't wait where he was, and drove the carriage with no one to move forward.

Hua Yueling was a little surprised by their actions, and didn't quite understand what they were thinking. If you want to go together, just do that at the beginning, so why bother like this.No one knows what those people are thinking,

But their actions at least show that they are really looking for something, but they don’t know why they don’t have to do other things. It seems that as long as it goes on like this, it’s all right. They just walk along the street without going anywhere , You don’t even have to look for those residents’ rooms, just a glance is enough.

If you think about it this way, maybe they also have skills similar to probing, so they can do this so easily.Otherwise, it would definitely not be done like this, at least it would not be enough to just glance at it like this, there would definitely be other actions.

"Until now, I don't know what they are looking for. As Sister Aroline said, there shouldn't be anything worthy of their attention in this world, right?"

This was what Hua Yueling and the others had guessed, it was true that they hadn't heard of or seen anything that attracted their attention until now.The things these people are looking for should be very important things, but they don't know if it is for them or for the forces behind them.

If that thing is really helpful to the forces behind them, then if they can get the things in front of the opponent, they will have the upper hand.I believe that such things will never be ordinary things, and they will definitely be of great use to them.

Of course, even if it is not very useful, it can be directly exchanged into gold coins in the system at that time. In that case, it is not a loss.

But the most important thing at the moment is to find what the other party wants to find. Without a goal, they can't find it, which is a troublesome thing.But as long as they can know the other party's purpose, they can also adopt corresponding strategies here.

"Sister Aroline, do you know their purpose?"

"Almost, but what they are looking for is very strange. It is an ancient weapon here, but there is no similar record in this world itself. I don't know where they got the news."

"Anyway, it shouldn't be obtained from this world. No matter where they got it, the key is where they are looking for the ancient weapon. Since they are looking for this kind of village, it should be in a nearby village. ?"

This is the simplest way of thinking. Since they are looking for something like this, then of course, what they are looking for is nearby, and it should be in the village.I just don't know how they are determined.

"I got some news about this. They got this information from some people who specialize in selling information. What those people said is quite true, not like a lie, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this statement. "

"Do you want to ask Sister Gekara and the others, even if there is no record here, but their original identities are still quite high, maybe they know something."

"I'll go back and ask them, but before that, Xiaoyueling, I will trouble you to stare at them. If you find anything, don't forget to tell my sister immediately."

"Okay, we see."

Hua Yueling nodded immediately, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him.But in fact, it doesn't take them to wait too long. Aroline wants to shuttle back and forth between two places, but if you are really anxious, you can't even use a few minutes.

In just such a short time, it is impossible for those people to go too far, and it is estimated that they will not even be able to get out of this village, let alone find anything.

Anyway, Aroline understood this too. It didn't take long to go and then came back, but Hua Yueling and the others still didn't find anything.Those few people circled around the village, like the lord who came to inspect the territory, but they did nothing other than that, and after searching it again, they got in the car and left the village.

"Xiaoyueling, you will go to other nearby villages in a moment. Gokala gave me a map, which is just a little useful. Just follow the instructions on the map and look for them one by one. They will inform me as soon as you find anything. Just leave it to me."

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