"Do you need to tell Sister Livello?"

Hua Yueling was somewhat worried, so she reminded Sister Aroline.As for what Sister Aroline thinks, whether she wants Sister Aroline to know about this, Hua Yueling is not sure.Sister Aroline had her own thoughts, she wouldn't just tell him what she thought.

"I'll inform Livio Sister in a while. I really need my sister's help in this regard. Although it is fine to rely on me alone, it is better to have some insurance. After all, there is no guarantee that these are the only ones who come here. Only people."

"If this is the case, then let's go."

Hua Yueling took the map handed over by Sister Aroline. The map was quite a formal map, but the map itself was more like hand-painted rather than printed in the style.

"Well, there are really a lot of villages around here. It is very difficult to find things in these places. It must be found village by village. And there is no guarantee that it will be found."

"Can you be sure that it must be in these villages?"

Lu Yuetong asked worriedly, if he couldn't find it in those villages, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

"I don't know, but from their perception, it is somewhere near here. Gokara and the others have no impression of this, but they also think that if someone thinks there is some kind of ancient weapon here, then it must not be groundless. Thing."

"But why do they think they are in the village?"

"No, I can't say that. In fact, they are always looking for on the road, but we can't see it. They are always looking for, but we set our sights on the village from the beginning. As for why they set the village as their target, this is the result of analysis. As for the specific analysis, my sister is not clear."

Enough words have been said, it is time to act.Hua Yueling and the others left here silently, and did not continue to observe the movements of the few people in the distance in secret.

Now Hua Yueling and the others are leaving the village, and those people have already gone out a long way, although this distance has taken them a long time.Those people are too slow.

I don't know how many villages they can find in a day, but it certainly won't be too many.The distance between the villages in this world is not so close, mainly because the number of villages is not so large, and there are few people.But even in this case, the number of villages to be found is still a lot, it just needs more time.

"What should we do? If you follow their search method, you won't be able to find a few places in a day. Not to mention there are still searching on the road. Isn't that an impossible task."

What's more, they brought sister Yun to play, isn't this the rhythm of work again.

"There is only a general direction, and even if this general direction is too big, it is not a day or two to find it completely. Let’s not worry, just treat it as a tourist, and then try to find a village there. How is the food, don’t think too much."

"It doesn't matter, this matter is very important, and it is normal to work on this matter first."

Naturally, Hua Yun wouldn't say anything that puts herself first, but she said with a clear understanding of the priorities.Hua Yueling knew that Sister Yun would say this, but he still maintained his original idea. This kind of thing can not be solved in a hurry. It depends on luck. In the end, which one can find first, just watch. Bian'er had better luck.

"My luck should be able to play a role in this, right?"

"Definitely, the master only needs to find it according to his own ideas, and it won't take long to find it."

Xiaoxue said the same, and Hua Yueling was even more relieved.

"Then pray that my luck will do a good job."

Hua Yueling said this, and chose a nearby village on the map.Anyway, my luck is very good. If I choose according to my own ideas and subconsciously, that means my luck, and there is definitely no problem.

I have to say that this kind of thinking is a bit too dependent on luck, but after believing in her luck, Hua Yueling still decided to do it.Soon he chose a village. The village was still a little far away from where they were. It was estimated that it would only be possible to arrive in the afternoon. It would take a little longer, but there was nothing to do.

"The possibility over there should still be relatively high, let's go."

After Hua Yueling and the others set off, Aroline left by herself, just focusing some of her attention on those who had left long ago, and then she went to Liweilo.She was not talking about it for fun, nor was she just dealing with Hua Yueling and the others, she was really going to talk to Sister Liweiluo.

After Hua Yueling and the others chose a place, they set off toward that place. They didn’t expect to meet people on the way. They met a businessman. This businessman is definitely not a big businessman. There are only two carriages and guards. A dozen people, not too many, and not too strong, at least they are not Hua Yueling's opponents.

Of course, this kind of place actually doesn't use too many guards. If you want to go farther, you may need to find more guards.

It is natural to say hello when you meet each other, even if you don't know each other.The businessman was also familiar, and he had a few conversations with them, but they soon separated. They and Hua Yueling were not in the same direction where they were going.But anyway, the two sides acted together for a short time.

After leaving, Hua Yueling and the others proceeded along the established route.Taking risks is not an easy job, in fact, there is still a little difference from thinking about it, at least on the road.

Enjoying the unchanging scenery on the road is just enjoyable at the beginning, but after a long time, you will feel a little boring.This is also something that can't be helped, no matter who it is, doing one thing for a long time is like this, and it will be bored.

Fortunately, Hua Yueling and the others are quite a lot of people, and talking about Tian'er makes the journey less boring.

Basically, there is nothing to say during the journey, that is, to move forward on both legs. Apart from this, there is nothing to say.Hua Yueling has been constantly searching for it all the way using her exploration skills, but it is no different from those who are searching on the road, basically nothing is found.

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