When I came to the target place, it was a relatively small village. The first feeling of this village was that it was very peaceful. This was where it was different from other villages they had been to.

When I reached the entrance of the village, I couldn't even see a few people.This is a small village with no people and no animals. Perhaps this is the reason why it feels so peaceful.

But it's nice to be quiet, and it's easier to find a smaller village.It’s just that I don’t know if I can find it. Good luck doesn’t mean that I can find it when I come to a new place.

How can you say that luck is such a rather illusory thing? It doesn't mean that it will work all the time, but it will work in time. You don't know when it will work.Luck suddenly improves, but sometimes there is nothing, your luck can only be general.

That's basically it, and it can be considered Hua Yueling's summary, from her own body.

Since meeting Xiaoxue, his luck has been fixed, but in fact, his luck has always been in an erratic state in various things.You can’t have too much hope for your luck, or you can’t completely count on it. On the other hand, don’t say you don’t care about it at all. It can make you feel relieved when it should work.

Hua Yueling is almost in this state now, not thinking about any luck, just acting according to her own ideas.Search in this village.

People in the village are attracted by them, perhaps because the village is too small, so there are usually few other people who come here except tourist merchants. The people in the village will show such a curious look.

In this way, Hua Yueling and the others walked into the village under the curious eyes of the people in the village. They searched the village and found almost all the places they could find, but Hua Yueling found nothing.There is nothing here, at least there is nothing that can arouse his interest.

If the ancient weapons really exist here, or where they are hidden, then after searching the entire village with exploration skills, Hua Yueling will definitely be able to find them, but he has not found anything. .

"Not here, let's go look for it in the next place."

Hua Yueling said softly, they had already reached the end of the village by this time.The places that should be found in this village have been found, and there is no more place to find.

Take out the map obtained from Gekara, this map is not so accurate, but it is enough for Hua Yueling and the others.As long as you can roughly know the surrounding situation, you don't need to be as accurate as a map of modern society, and it is impossible to be as accurate as that. The differences between the two worlds in various technologies are quite big.

After delineating a place, Hua Yueling chose one randomly according to her inner thoughts.This can basically make the most of his luck, if luck is really useful.

No matter how many places you have lost, as long as you can find it, time is not wasted.

The next village is not very far from here. According to the content written and drawn on the map, the two villages should not be too far apart.

"Go here again, let's go one by one, we will find it sooner or later."

Anyway, it's just as traveling around. In another world like this is actually closer to adventure, which will make people feel a little different, and feel a little excited inside.It's just that they have had a lot of contact from the very beginning to now, so this feeling is not so strong.

After leaving the village, they were walking along the road. They didn't expect that there would be a pretty good road leading to another village, which they didn't expect.But this is also good.

In this way, Hua Yueling and the others went to find one village after another. The things they did in each village were the same, but they went to the village, and then walked all the roads in the village, using Hua Yueling’s exploration skills. Explore and find ancient weapons.

However, this search is slower, more troublesome, and time-consuming.

They were able to go to several places in one afternoon. Hua Yueling and the others used almost the fastest speed. They only found four villages. This is still the case when the four villages are relatively close.

Although Hua Yueling and the others could rely on the teleportation to return to the city, or even go back to their home here to rest, Hua Yueling and the others did not choose to do so.They let themselves be like ordinary adventurers, setting up a tent halfway, ready to rest directly halfway.

Naturally, there are advantages to doing this. Take risks. This is more interesting. This is called adventure.

Hua Yueling and the others have never set up a tent before, and they are a little different from the hunters in this world and the adventurers in the different world where Jie Lucy is.

"Unexpectedly, it is not easy to set up a tent. If there is a carriage, it will be much easier, and you can directly rest on the carriage."

Since there are a total of four people here, two tents must be set up.Fortunately, they have prepared tents long ago, and the number is sufficient.

They set up two tents together. It was the first time for all of Huayueling and them to set up tents. Fortunately, this did not affect them. Although it took a little longer, the tents were set up in the end.

"Well, it looks like that, although it's not that good, but it's about the same. Just rest here, it's good."

"But how do you make dinner?"

"Didn't we just buy some food from the village? Let's make do with some food, don't ask for so much."

It's good to have food outside, and you can't ask for that much. Hua Yueling knows this too, so she just asked casually before.

A blanket was laid on the ground. Although it was no problem to sit directly on the grass, they made a blanket and spread it on the ground in order to be cleaner.After sitting down, they took out all the food they bought from the village.

In fact, there is nothing particularly delicious. After all, they are in small villages and not in cities. How can you buy something delicious?And you can't ask for too much, it's good if you can buy food in the village.

Fortunately, these can be eaten directly, but they also bought some vegetables and other things, which can be used for cooking, but unfortunately they can't make a fire, mainly because there is no wood.

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