"Wait until morning."

She sighed lightly in her heart, Hua Yueling had just woke up to watch the night, and already admired the adventurers.They are really amazing. If they watch like this when they take risks, they will be bored in a few days.

The main thing is that he is alone. It would be great if someone could watch the night with him. There was no need to do anything else, just sit and chat together.But no one was with him, so he could only endure the feeling of loneliness.

Fortunately, it is not that there is nothing to pass the time. He still has a mobile phone in his hand. As long as he can use a mobile phone, he will not be so boring.

He took out his phone and tapped it on the screen casually, he didn't know what to do.But even so, what Hua Yueling should do is still to do, he hasn't forgotten that his main job is to watch the night, not other things.But even so, it is not impossible to reconcile the vigil and making yourself less lonely. It does not mean that the two are hostile.

The probing skills spread to a large area, and all the situations within this area came into his mind.As long as it is within the range of his detection skills, there is no way to escape his eyes with every move.

While maintaining her probing skills, Hua Yueling was playing with her mobile phone, and gradually she didn't have time to think about other things, and she focused entirely on her mobile phone.He is playing a game, a stand-alone game. After all, this is a different world and it is impossible to play online games here.

In fact, Hua Yueling doesn't particularly like those online games, he prefers to play stand-alone games.The voice was turned to the minimum, Hua Yueling had a dual purpose, watching the surrounding situation while playing games. Although there was some interference between the two sides, it was nothing to Hua Yueling.

Time passed so unknowingly, Hua Yueling never thought that time would pass so quickly.And the sister halfway woke up, and did not go to sleep again, but came to watch the night with herself.

At that time, the sky gradually brightened, and you didn't need to look at the time to know that it was almost early morning.

"Sister Yun, aren't you going to sleep? You woke up so early."

"It's getting late, it's time. The night vigil troubles you all, I can't help you."

"This is what we should do. It was originally meant to bring Sister Yun to play, let you help the night watch what is it, this is what we should do, Sister Yun, don't think so much."

Hua Yueling said this quickly, this is also his most true thought, it was originally like this, shouldn't let Sister Yun help the night watch.Originally, I took Sister Yun to travel for a leisurely trip, mainly for rest. As a result, there are still so many things, how can she go to work for these things.

Hua Yun sat down beside him and looked at him tenderly.

"How long has the vigil been?"

"It's about four hours. It's incredible to think about it. I thought I couldn't do it after sitting alone for so long. But time passed so fast, and the phone was almost out of power."

Looking at the remaining battery power displayed in the upper right corner of the phone in her hand, Hua Yueling said with a smile.

"It's time to charge," he said while charging his phone. "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Eat whatever you want. What was left yesterday, is there anything to eat?"

"There are some more. If you don't have one, you can do something." This is what Hua Yueling originally thought. He didn't want to eat some leftovers from last night in the morning, but wanted to get something new to eat.

"Xiaoling, do you want to cook? Although there is a fire, we don't have anyone to cook."

Hua Yueling was also taken aback when she heard Sister Yun say this. He hadn't really thought of this before.Indeed, although they have ingredients in their hands, they obviously have no cooking guys, so there is no way to cook at all.

"Well, I really thought about it too much. I was thinking about making some breakfast. When Sister Yun and you all wake up, you can just eat the warm breakfast. Now it seems that there is no way."

Huayue Lingguang was thinking about what to go, just thinking about getting some ingredients, but he didn't think about preparing props for cooking. Even the cooking guy didn't even cook anything.

"Then there is no way. We can only eat something casually. If we are not full or feel uncomfortable, we will wait until the next village and let's go buy some more food."

"Or go early, it shouldn't be that far from the next village. It's okay to bear with me for a while. We just have to have breakfast in the next village."

"It's okay, but sister Yun, if you are hungry, eat some first, Ningshuang and others don't know when they will get up."

Hua Yueling glanced behind her, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both slept in the tent where he had been resting before, this was also in order not to wake Hua Yun.Otherwise, if they enter Huayun's resting tent in the middle of the night, they may accidentally wake her up, which is obviously not the scene Hua Yueling wants to see.

After charging the phone, he put it aside. Hua Yueling also tried to charge the phone and put it in the inventory before, but he found that this method had no effect, and it seemed to stop after the item was put in the inventory. As time goes by, charging will not continue at all.

"Let me see what I have to eat here."

Hua Yueling looked for it in her inventory, but there was nothing delicious.There was nothing to eat, Hua Yueling could only look at sister Yun.

"Sister Yun, do you have anything to eat? I have nothing."

"Some of them were taken from us."

While talking about Huayun, he took out the snacks she had brought, and put it on her lap, and picked up one of the bags and asked him which one to eat.But Hua Yueling shook her head after being questioned by him.

"No, if Sister Yun is hungry, you can eat something first. I mean, I'm not very hungry yet."

"Then don't worry."

The two siblings sat next to the burning flames. They chatted casually. The most talked about was some recent events, but they also talked about other things.

"Xiaoling, do you have any other ideas? What do you want to do, your future thoughts or something."

"How to put it, I, I still hope to be able to make games, this is my only idea at the moment."

"Really." Hua Yun didn't say anything after listening. In fact, she didn't need to say anything. After all, even if Hua Yueling didn't make any progress in this regard, it didn't matter. "Then work hard, sister believes you can Do it as long as you want to do it."

"Sister Yun."

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