"What about the major, do you also choose this aspect?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, I still need to study, but there is still time anyway, so don't worry too much."

"Afterwards, if you have any questions, you can ask my sister. My sister has some experience in this regard."

Hua Yun said with a smile, Hua Yueling nodded after hearing it.He has no experience in choosing a major, so if he can, of course he should consult someone with experience in this area.

The two were chatting, and heard the sound from behind, the voices of Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang, they quickly packed up and walked out of it.

"Sister Yun is also awake."

"Well, I slept for so long last night, so I got up early. I really troubled you last night. I just asked you to help the night watch, but I didn't do anything."

"It's okay, it's okay. Why are we two people together? In fact, time passed without knowing it. It's not easy for Aling. It's not easy for him to watch the night alone. It must be very meaningless."

"I don’t think it’s too much. I basically spend my time on my mobile phone. It’s not that time in a blink of an eye. By the way, do you want some breakfast? Should I eat here or go to the next village? ?"

"Then wait until the next village, we are not hungry now, what about A Ling and sister Yun?"

"We have the same idea, we are not too hungry yet. Then we'll do that. Let's wait in the village. Let's pack up quickly. If there is nothing wrong, let's go directly and move on to the next village."

The genius had just dawned, and it was only ten in the morning. After Hua Yueling and the others packed everything up, they extinguished the burning flames, and then left here.It’s not clear how far the next village will be to reach them, but according to the content drawn on the map of Sister Gokala, it shouldn’t take long to reach the destination. I just don’t know if that village is inside. Can buy some food.

The next village seems to be a relatively large village, and it is still a very old village, as it is marked on the map.Those old villages, as well as new villages that have only recently formed, are all recorded on it.

This is still very helpful to Hua Yueling and the others. After all, the place where the ancient weapons is hidden should be an ancient village, and there should be no new villages.It's not clear whether Hua Yueling is so, but probably there should be no problem.

The village they are going to next is an ancient village. I don't know if there is what they are looking for. Hua Yueling is still very curious about it.

Almost an hour later, Hua Yueling and the others came to another village.That village was bigger than the few villages they had visited before, which was pretty good, at least for Hua Yueling and the others.

If the place you go to is a small village, then forget about their breakfast.Fortunately, the village I visited was not bad this time, and there is also breakfast here.

After arriving in this village, Hua Yueling and the others didn't do anything else, so they went straight to find a place where they could have breakfast.It should have just been opened, and the breakfast boss wasn't surprised to see Hua Yueling and the others come here so early.

Fortunately, they did not arrive early before they were ready, so they were able to cook and eat directly.I asked for some special snacks here. In fact, there are not so many choices here, but it would be nice to have breakfast that has not been cooked for long.

The four people sat down around the table. The food was already on the table. It looked OK. Although it was not so satisfying, it was in the village after all, so it was OK.

After eating breakfast, Hua Yueling and the others immediately took action, starting from the breakfast shop, and began to search everywhere.Ancient weapons, I don't know what kind of aura that kind of weapon has, but there are always some special places, which should be the case, otherwise, no matter how they look for it, it will be a waste of effort.

Hua Yueling didn't want to do these things in vain. He hoped that he could gain something, even if such gains might not be useful.

"Here, I feel that this village is a little different."

Not long after leaving the breakfast shop, Lu Yuetong said softly.She had a similar feeling to what she said about Hua Yueling. There seemed to be something in this village, anyway, it was definitely not simple.

"Perhaps we will find out. This possibility is not impossible."

Hua Yun also whispered.

"Yes, I feel that there is something here, but it's just a feeling after all, not necessarily true."

There is a faint feeling like that. It's hard to say how that feeling came about. You have to investigate clearly before you can draw a conclusion.Now I definitely need to continue to explore, other things are left behind, and I can't worry.

Hua Yueling knew this very well, so she didn't worry at all, and continued to move forward at the original pace.There is no need to worry about such things.

"Well, there is nothing more useful to find, but it feels more suspicious here."

Hua Yueling murmured inwardly while walking, but there was still no way to find the source of this strange aura.

"It looks like it's not here, so I have to look elsewhere."

Hua Yueling and the others searched one area, but found nothing, so they changed their direction and went to the next area.

Such an area-by-area search is also beneficial. There is no need for a one-time recommendation of a large area, but in the final analysis, it is not much different from searching from beginning to end.But what you have to say is not completely different, at least you don’t have to worry about missing a place in your search, this is the most important thing.

"There are some problems here."

Hua Yueling arrived at a certain place, pointed to the very conspicuous mansion in this village and said softly.The gate is relatively old and closed tightly, and no one can be seen nearby, so it is still very quiet around here.

"Is it possible to be here?"

"It is possible, but I am not sure that it is."

Hua Yueling said this, there was indeed a different breath there, but he wasn't sure that was the case.But that breath is really weird, and it is possible that it is what those eggmen are looking for.

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