In such a large mansion, there is no one in it.The appearance of this homestead looks somewhat shabby, but it hasn't fallen to a completely inhabitable state.This is a bit strange.

"What shall we do, do we go in and find it directly, or find someone nearby to ask?"

"Maybe we can go in and see, there is no one there, and it is safe for us to go in. If we find something, we just take it away."

"That's not good."

"It's not very good, but in any case you can't let that thing fall into the hands of those egg men. Who knows when they will come here, here, if the ancient weapons in it are really old, they will definitely be discovered And if it is taken directly, it is no different from what we did."

"That's the same. Go in first and find it. If it's really the thing we're looking for, take it away, let's talk about the other things later. It's okay to give the other party some compensation."

It would be better if there were other choices, but for Hua Yueling and the others, there was basically no choice. They couldn't find the owner here. If they exist, communicate with him and let him give them things.In any case, Hua Yueling and the others are unwilling to let those egg people know their existence.

This matter is still very important, so Hua Yueling and the others are the only way to do this, although they are somewhat sorry to the owner of this mansion.But no matter what, they have not yet gone in to find the thing inside, and they are still unsure whether they are looking for it.

After several people confirmed that there was no one else nearby, they immediately turned over from the courtyard wall.The four people went inside the yard, and they found that their guess was not wrong. The mansion is still inhabited. Although it is somewhat messy, it has been sorted out. It is impossible if there is no one living in it. It will be like this.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't pay much attention to the situation here, after all, there was no one else here, so there was no need to worry too much, and then just find the thing that caught their attention.As long as you find that thing, you can know whether it is what they are looking for or not.

That thing was hidden underground, not in the house, but Hua Yueling and the others searched all the places in the house and they did not find a way to the underground.

"Could it be...Could it be that there is no basement here?"

Hua Yueling thought of this possibility, and that would be even more troublesome.But this also means that the thing here must have nothing to do with the owner of this mansion, otherwise it won't be the case.

"That thing is underground, and there is no basement here. If we want to take that thing up, we have to do it ourselves." At this point, Hua Yueling subconsciously looked at Mu Ningshuang, if he could use earth magic It might be simpler, "Ningshuang, do you have a way? Can you make a hole easier with earth magic?"

It doesn't need to be too much, as long as you can create a passage to the place where the thing is located, wait until the thing is taken up and then seal the passage, so that it is perfect.

"no problem."

Mu Ningshuang's answer was still so reassuring, it was not a problem at all to her, she saw the magic wand waved, and the magic power filled it.The magical powers in the different world where Ze Lucy lives are divided into various departments. It does not mean that you can learn the magic of each department casually, but that you have the corresponding magic adaptability and possess the corresponding magical power.

But in this respect, Mu Ningshuang is different. Mu Ningshuang does not need a specific magic power, or she has all magic powers, which means that she can use any magic magic. of.

In any case, this aspect is very important. The magic of each department has

In special places, a certain department of magic possesses one ability, but other departments use other different abilities.In this regard, no matter which school of magic is extremely important, I don't know when you will need to use this ability.

Mu Ningshuang has a lot of experience in this area, after all, she has learned all aspects of magic from Ze Lucy, so she is actually very experienced.She is a genius, a magic genius that is rare in a thousand years, otherwise the magic will not advance so fast.

This is not Mu Ningshuang's evaluation of herself, but the evaluation of Jelucci.When she first saw her, Jelucy saw that she was different. In terms of magic, it was actually relatively easy to see.

Hua Yueling didn't have this treatment. He liked magic so much, but magic basically had nothing to do with him.He didn't have the talent in this aspect himself, let alone compare with Mu Ningshuang, he might still have some shortcomings in talent compared to those ordinary magicians.

The study of magic does not mean that you can study hard and practice hard. In some respects, it still needs some talents. It may not need much, but you must have it.If not, it will be very difficult.

It's not that there is no way to learn magic without talent, but it is very likely that you will never catch up with those who have magic talent. The facts are often so cruel.

It's not that no one makes achievements without talent, but that such people are rare.

Hua Yueling believes that he will be one of them, but the method may be different from those people, he can have enough talent to learn magic, and it is more than magic.

The system is relatively cheating, and it is unfair to have the ability to cheat, but Huayueling did not help others seek fair ideas.That is my own fortune. It is impossible not to help others because of the so-called fairness.

Earth magic is still quite easy to use. After Mu Ningshuang took action, Hua Yueling found that it was easier to use Earth magic to dig a hole than he thought.After Hua Yueling guided them to the place where the prop was located, Mu Ningshuang poured out the magic power in the wand, and a hole appeared in the ground quickly, although it was not so regular.

The circular hole slanted downwards, extending to a place with weirdness.

"Let me go down and have a look, you are waiting for me up there."

Of course, it's better to go down by yourself in this kind of place, so Huayueling naturally had to go down the circular hole, but his movement was quickly blocked by Mu Ningshuang.

"No need to go down, I can take out the following things directly, there is no need to go down."

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