
Hua Yun showed a somewhat speechless expression. Why did she forget about this? I should tell her just now and send us back first.

Now Huayun was helpless, just as her younger brother said, she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.They had no way to go back after Aroline left, so there was no other way but to stay here and wait until Aroline came back.

At present, they are not very clear about the time ratio between the two worlds, so there is no way to convert it, and it is impossible to determine when it is in the modern world. However, according to past experience, two days should not have passed. It's pretty fast.

The time here is particularly slow, compared to the real world.

Hua Yueling and the others returned to their residences, and there was nothing to do at this time, but it would be nice to be able to rest, but if you think about it, they just took a rest before returning.In fact, there is no need to rest in such a hurry, they are still not so tired.

It's a pity, why not come back with Sister Aroline, wouldn't it be nice to stay with Sister Livello? It would be nice to see how Sister Livello uses the bell.But I'm all back, it's impossible to go there again because of this, that's all.

Back to her room, Hua Yueling was lying on the bed, feeling different.Although I slept for one and a half nights last night, the rest was still not good enough, which is really different from lying in bed at home.

"Well, taking risks is really tiring, it's incomparable to being at home."

They can always use teleportation magic anytime and anywhere, but they couldn't last night. It was the first time they tasted the real adventure.

Now I can rest in my own room, which is pretty good, so I don't want to do anything else and just lie down like this.Maybe you can go and see where those egg men are now and where they are, but Hua Yueling thought about it, and felt that she had better not have such an idea. There was no need, and it was a pure waste of time to go.

There is no need to pay attention to those guys, not to mention that Sister Aroline should be out for those guys now.Sister Aroline regards those guys as enemies of life and death, and you can imagine that those guys will definitely not end well.

"Pray for those guys, poor guys, who made you mess with Sister Aroline and the others. Even if you mess with them, you still have such bad luck. It's really your misfortune to meet here."

Hua Yueling is even a little gloating. Those people are really out of luck, but it is estimated that they themselves would not have thought that their luck would be so bad.

It makes people feel funny to think about it. Those people can be said to be unlucky enough to get home and are still searching everywhere, but they don't know that they have been given the top spot.

"But there are also some things that make people worry. The person who gave them the information doesn't know who it is. It would be better if he could know his identity."

Muttering in a low voice, Hua Yueling sat up, walked to the window, and opened the window to look outside. The village is getting more and more lively.The fringe area on the side of the village was reclaimed into a planting area. It was not the plants that existed here, but the seeds Livio brought from the earth.

Those seeds Hua Yueling were still a little worried about whether they could grow here, but Livio felt that there was no problem.In terms of strength, Liweiluo's words are naturally beyond doubt, but in terms of planting, Hua Yueling feels that the two of them are half a cat.

I don't know where Liweiluo's confidence comes from, but after seeing her teaching people here how to plant seeds, Hua Yueling feels that she understands why she has that confidence.

What Sister Livio relied on was not the understanding of planting or agriculture at all, she relied on the artifacts she had.It’s not clear what the specific effect of this artifact is Huayueling, but Huayueling can see that with the appearance of that artifact, the ground has undergone some changes, and a burst of light covers the ground.

It is said that that kind of artifact is used for planting, but the specific function is unknown.

I didn't expect that there would be such an artifact, but if there is such an artifact, it would be really good for planting.

I lower my head and look down. There is a lot of people coming and going.I can still hear the voices of people talking about it, so it’s nice to enjoy the peaceful life here.It's not bad just to live such a peaceful life, but Hua Yueling just thinks about it, he still thinks that it is better to have special abilities, and it doesn't matter if life is not so peaceful, at least not so much.

I don't know where Liweiluo got this kind of artifact, but even this kind of artifact doesn't mean it can be harvested quickly, but I don't know if it's really effective.

Lying on her stomach in front of the window, Hua Yueling was thinking about nothing, she didn't know what was thinking in her head, anyway, she was thinking about it, not under her control.My thoughts suddenly jumped from one aspect to another without knowing what was going on.

In fact, the main reason is that it is too leisurely for the time being, and there is nothing to do.Hua Yueling sighed for a long time. Some don’t know what to do. In fact, he is not particularly tired, or in fact, he is still very energetic, but there is nothing particularly interesting in the village for the time being. The things can attract his attention and make him interested enough.

Hua Yueling stood in front of the window and watched for a while. With some thought to go down, he turned and walked towards the door, opened the door and walked out. When he reached the outside passage, he saw no other people.It seems that everyone stayed in the room and didn’t come out. Huayueling thought about it and thought it would be better not to call them again. If they come out, it’s okay, but since they all want to stay and rest, let them first. Go and rest.

Thinking about this, Hua Yueling left here by herself and walked outside.After walking through the passage to the facade of the living room, Hua Yueling then left the house from the living room and went outside.

Like yesterday, he is still warmly welcomed by everyone, and they are really welcome here.Everyone likes to talk and chat with them, even if it's just a sentence or two, it doesn't require too much, so Hua Yueling naturally wants to satisfy everyone, and chat with everyone casually.

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