Everyone asks some more common questions, but it’s not that easy to answer in ordinary words. Although Hua Yueling doesn’t like chatting with people who don’t know much, since everyone has such a friendly attitude, So naturally he couldn't ignore others, that would naturally not work.

Hua Yueling almost emptied her head to answer everyone's questions and deal with everyone's enthusiasm.Finally left and left. In fact, this time Huayueling mainly wanted to visit the farmland that Livio had opened up for the people here.

In order to avoid similar things happening again, Hua Yueling deliberately walked around the road, looking for places where there were almost no people.The more enthusiastic everyone is, the less he knows what to do. He feels that he can't cope with it, but it is true. Hua Yueling has no experience in this area.

"Huh, it's so enthusiastic, it's like seeing me for the first time."

After thinking about it seriously, Hua Yueling suddenly realized that it was indeed like this. It wasn't that she thought too much, it was indeed like this. Although she knew a lot of people here yesterday, many of those who talked to her today This is the first time I have met.

In this way, hiding all the way, finally arrived at the destination, what Hua Yueling saw was a peaceful scene.There was no scene of sweating, and few people were seen here.Under the effect of Livello's divine tool, there is no such trouble at all. It is said that you don't need to care about anything, as long as the harvest is time.

With that artifact, even if you don't perform any management, just leave them to fend for themselves, the crops can grow very well, even better than those that have no artifacts and are carefully managed.

According to Sister Livello, this is the case, but it is not certain whether Hua Yueling is so specific, after all, he has not really seen it, he hasn't really seen all this, just heard it.The so-called hearing is false, seeing is believing.

Looking around these crops, Hua Yueling thought it was quite interesting.The artifact was placed in the center of these crops, and it was inserted into the ground like that, and bursts of light could be seen spreading from the artifact, covering the entire farmland.

The farmland shone with light, and then the light dissipated.After a while, there was a burst of light, and then the light gradually dissipated again, anyway, it went back and forth like this, I don't know if that kind of power is so effective, anyway, Livello believed it very much.

Hua Yueling was a little bit convinced when she saw the scene before her, no matter what kind of power these powers are, but since that artifact was created specifically for crops or various types of plants, anyway, it must be. All are useful.

It is certainly not a joke to be called an artifact.

Finding a place to sit down, Huayueling quietly stared at the uneven ground in the farmland.Nothing has grown up now, there is just a field that has been cultivated, there is nothing, there is no greenery, it can be said that there is nothing except the artifact in the middle.

This is quite normal, after all, the crops have only just been planted.

"Go to another place to see."

There is not just such a farmland here, there are several other places, but they are all nearby.Don't underestimate that artifact, just inserting it into the ground, the scope of its influence is still very large.Those places are all within the coverage of this artifact, so don't worry.

On one side are fruit trees obtained directly from the earth, of course this is only a part of them, and the other are some fruit trees unique to this world.

There are other fruits, and there is a place where vegetables are grown.Anyway, the planting area is quite large. In order to make full use of this artifact, the village planting area has been expanded again.The original wall was revoked, and then expanded to the outside, directly expanding beyond the scope of the artifact.

Regardless of the range that can be affected by an artifact, it is still quite possible. Coupled with the impact of the artifact, I believe that the amount of harvest is definitely not a problem.As long as such a car is harvested, the problem of feeding such a village should not be too big.

Hua Yueling turned around here, found a place on the fruit tree and sat down.Staring at the fruit trees, Hua Yueling suddenly realized that those fruit trees had grown somewhat, and this growth rate was fast enough.

"Unexpectedly, I have grown so much in such a short time. Is this the effect of the artifact that Livio said? It is really easy to use, but it grows so fast, I don’t know if there are other effects. Wait until Maybe you can take a look when you can harvest it."

While Hua Yueling was thinking about these things, he heard the sound of footsteps, turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that Sister Yun and the others didn't know when they came.The three people came over together and came to his side.

"Sister Yun, are you here too?"

"I'm here to find you. It's pretty good here, well organized."

"Well, it was planned by Livio Sister, and then pioneered by the people here. They also planted the seeds, but they were worried that they were in vain when they planted."

"There is such a possibility. These trees are not said to be available here. Naturally, you will not be too confident about the things you haven't seen."

"By the way, why are you sister Yun coming here too? I didn't meet anyone else when I came here, how do you know that I am here?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously, they probably didn't know that they were here, but they didn't expect them to find them so soon.It hasn't been long since I came here.

"Of course I found you all the way. It was only by following your breath to find you. We also took a lot of effort."

Hua Yun said so and sat next to him, and watched the thriving scene with him.The most important thing is the fruit trees. Without those fruit trees, it would not be called thriving here.It is because of those fruit trees that people here feel that they are particularly vital.

"These trees have grown a lot. The trees were a lot smaller when I came last time. I just don't know if they can bear fruit here this year. But the most important thing here is Sister Livello. If there is no such artifact, everything is useless."

Hua Yueling said while pointing at the artifact in the middle of these fields.

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