"I really didn't expect such a magical tool to exist. If there is no such a magical tool, it would be impossible to grow so many kinds of things here."

The others also sat down, and everyone got together like this, looking at the fruit trees in front of them.

No one spoke any more, everyone sat quietly, all attracted by the scenery in front of them.I don't know what kind of scenery it will look like when these fruit trees bear fruit. I think it won't be too bad.

At that time, you can enjoy the joy of harvest and the wonderful scenery, no matter what you think, right?

"There are all kinds of artifacts."

The whisper of Sister Yun nearby reached Hua Yueling's ears, and he heard it very clearly.What does Sister Yun mean, she is curious about the artifact?

However, Hua Yueling must be able to understand sister Yun's feelings.Not to mention her, in fact, this is not the case for myself, not in reality, even in games.

"Xiao Ling, if Aroline or Livello come back later, let's go back. I want to go to another place."

"Sister Yun is talking about Jie Lucy's side?"

Hua Yueling immediately heard what her sister meant, and couldn't help but look at her and ask.

"Well, we've been playing here for two days. It's very interesting. Since there is still time, let's go over there. Isn't it interesting over there? And my sister also has something to think about Ask Je Lucy."

"Okay, I have no problem."

"Sister Yun has also discussed with us, and we have also agreed. We will go together later."

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang both wanted to act with them, and did not say that they would go home. In that case, it would be good for everyone to work together.

But when will she be able to go back is still uncertain. Aroline doesn’t know where she is now, and no one can be found. As for Livello, she doesn’t know if she has teleported back from the desert. She needs to go to her place to check if she lives. She had to wait before she came back.

In order to confirm whether Livio was back, Hua Yueling and the others went to the place where Livio lived to find her.They couldn't find Livello there. Obviously she hadn't come back yet, so there was no way. They thought about it and decided to wait there for the time being. It is estimated that Livello won't be back too late.

The place where Livello lived was that Aroline would rest there except for her, and there was no one else besides them.The whole house is very quiet, and walking inside makes people feel a little uneasy.

"Huh... I still haven't come back. I don't know how long it will take to wait until Livio Sister comes back."

Hua Yueling sat down in the living room, but he stood up again not long after sitting down.

"Would you like to wait outside for a while? There are many people out there. We can enjoy the sunshine outside, while waiting for Sister Livello and the others to come back. Anyway, they will be outside. As long as they come back, they should know that we have something to look for them."

There are prepared stone stools outside. It is said that the stool is actually a relatively flat stone.Hua Yueling and the others just sat on the stone outside, leaning back and leaning directly against the wall of the house, posing a more leisurely posture.

Some people in the village were a little curious when they saw them sitting here, and they all came over to talk to them.Hua Yueling can see it through. They are like animals in a zoo. No matter where they are, as long as they are seen, people will definitely come to interact with them.

What do you say about this feeling, if you follow that kind of thinking, it's definitely not too good, but it's definitely not that kind of thinking, it's just a metaphor.

There is a busy atmosphere everywhere in the village. Basically everyone is busy. Only a few people are leisurely and have nothing to do. Those people are basically the elderly.

There is no idle time for young people. Everyone has all kinds of work to do, such as guards, hunters, and blacksmiths.

"Are you busy?"

After those who greeted them chatted with them for a while and left, a voice rang from behind, that of Livio.Livello walked out from the door, looked at them blankly and asked.

It was Huayun who first spoke to her about her thoughts. Liweiluo nodded after listening to her, and did not say anything else, but immediately acted.

"If you walk from here, you are there. If you want to come back here or on the earth, remember to use this to contact me. Put this in your hands, keep it with you, don't forget.

Livello gave them a small crystal ball. According to her, this crystal ball is matched, and the crystal ball of her owner is a combination of multiple crystal balls. No matter which one they use, they can communicate. Livello that crystal ball.If you want to contact them, you can do so at any time.

Then Livio sent them away, and the method Livio used felt more powerful than Aroline.The main reason is that Hua Yueling and the others have left there before they understand what happened.

They were directly teleported to the outside of the tree house where Jie Lucy was. Hua Yueling and the others found that it was also quite lively.However, a few of them suddenly appeared, and everyone outside was shocked. Although they weren't strong in strength, they responded very quickly.

Seeing them coming, Lorna and Terris, the little girls from the cat human race and the dog human race, were the happiest. The "swish" rushed over, holding her little arm tightly in front of Huayue Ling still has Huayun's waist, and her little head is rubbing against their waist, very happy.

"Big brother, you can come here, we want to kill you!"

The two little guys expressed their misses to them. Their relationship with Hua Yueling and them is very good, so they miss them so much.

"I miss you too, isn't this coming to see you."

Hua Yueling gently stroked the little head of the little canine girl Terris who was holding her, and said very softly.Although their purpose of coming here is not to visit them, it also makes the little guys happy, and it's okay to lie a little bit.

Gently holding their little hands and leading them back to the stump in front of the tree house and sat down, the two little guys were lying on it and turning over and over.They are just so happy.

"What are you doing? Do you do it yourself?"

"Well, big sister said that there is nothing we need to do, so let's go outside and play casually."

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