Hua Yueling and the others were about to use all their power, not to mention all, even one-tenth of the power, the two little guys could not catch them.So their speed is very slow, so that the two little guys feel that they can catch up, but they may not be able to catch up.

Although the two little guys were very tired after chasing them, they both had fun.They walked towards Huayueling from different directions, smiling happily as they ran.

They ran and laughed, and soon the two little guys started to catch their breath.The physical strength of the two of them is quite good, but there is no way to compare them with Hua Yueling.That's why they need to exercise. In terms of the physical physique that they had at the beginning, the two little guys are better than ordinary people, but they can't do without exercise.

The two little guys are pretty good. They play and are active every day, otherwise they won't have the physical strength they have now.

Huayun came to the upper floor of the tree house. Before she found Jelusy again, Jelusy had already found her.The two met on a very high floor. Huayun was walking up, and she saw Jelucci walk down. She was not surprised to see her here. It seemed to be early. I knew she was here.

"Zelucci, I have something to ask you."

"Come here."

Zelucy didn't say anything, and led them directly to a room below.It was a relatively empty room, and it seemed that no one used it normally, but it was quite clean inside.It is estimated that even if no one uses normal, there is some placement.

The two came to the room together, and Jelusy also actively used magic to summon a magic stool for her to sit on.After both of them did it, they began to talk about Hua Yun's intentions this time.When she heard Huayun's words, Jelucy looked at her in surprise, but she didn't expect this to be the question she was asking.

"Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

This is what Jelucy is curious about.

"As for artifacts, there should be a lot of them, whether it is Sister Luo or Sister Aroline. If you want, you can go directly to them. What's more, even the artifacts they have are relatively inferior than ours. The artifact must be stronger."

"No, it's not a question of the strength of the artifact. I want to learn more about various artifacts, so I want to learn more about it with you."

"Well, I have a lot of documents about artifacts here. But those documents have something to do with artifacts, but there is no whereabouts of artifacts. The problem now is that except for some artifacts here, some are in the hands of some people. But more artifacts are unknown."

"It's okay, I just want to know something, I'm quite interested. But it would be better if I could have some clues."

"In this case, go to my study, there are a lot of related materials. I will help you classify it. If you are interested, you can read it there. It doesn't matter if you take it out to read it, as long as you don't lose it."

"thank you for your help."

"It's nothing, just hope that the information can help you."

Jelucy was still very polite. After speaking, she took her to the library, which can be said to be a small library.Several floors are used to visit books, and the shelves are full of books. Hua Yueling and the others have never been here before.

The library is on the upper floors of the tree house, and they have never been there before.

Under the leadership of Jelucci, she went to the library, and then Jelucci began to help find some books about artifacts.

"Have you collected so many books yourself?"

"Almost. But there are still a lot of copied copies. These are books related to artifacts, put them here. There are still many others, but it is very troublesome to find, so let me call the people below Help you. I have something else."

"It's okay, I can come by myself, so I don't have to trouble others."

Hua Yun didn't want her own affairs to trouble other people, so she said so, but Jelucy didn't say anything, and after bringing her here, she left here.After she went out, Hua Yun sat down and started reading the books she found for herself. There are many types of books, some of which are related to artifacts, and some of them are related to artifacts. There are relationships.

It’s not that easy to find anyway, you need to look in the book little by little.

Hua Yun focused all of her energy on the books in front of her, searching very seriously.In order to facilitate my memory, I also found a pen and paper to record.

"I don't know how long it will take."

Hua Yun thought so in her heart that she didn't have time to come here after she went to work. Only when she was on vacation could she come here to continue searching.But this was fine, anyway, she wasn't in a hurry, she was just interested in these things.

After a while, she heard the sound of footsteps outside, turned her head to look at the door, and saw several figures walking in from outside.It was Hua Yueling and the others, not just them, but also the two little guys and some girls living here.

It seemed that even though she said that she didn't need other people's help, Jelucy still called her up.

"You are here too."

"Let's help." Hua Yueling replied, and then his eyes were attracted by the books in this room. "So many books!"

Not only him, but other people are also attracted by the scene in front of you. So many books are unimaginable by imagination, and what you really see is different from what you imagine.It cannot be compared.

A vast array of books are right in front of your eyes. Rows of tall bookshelves are taller than people. If you want to get the books on the upper floors, you have to find something to support you, otherwise you can't reach them at all.

Hua Yueling has never seen such a huge library. He naturally went to the library. He is a person who likes to read books. Apart from buying some books by himself, he will often go to the library to find out if he has himself. Books I want to read.If there is, there is no need to buy it, but if he likes it very much, he would rather buy it instead of borrowing it from the library.

"But what should I do in such a high place? It seems that there is no other way to go up."

Lu Yuetong was talking about the upper level of the bookshelf.The bookshelf here is not only taller than a person, but also the height of several people. That is not a joke. For Hua Yueling, the tallest here, even standing on a stool, he can reach less than half of the bookshelf. The height of the book.

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