"How to achieve this height is incredible. And how did the bookshelves come in?"

Lu Yuetong and the others are obviously still amazed by this, but Hua Yueling didn't say anything. Although he was also as surprised as they were, but think about the identity of Jie Lucy and the power that she possesses. It's not that surprising at all.

After the surprise, Hua Yueling and the others started to get busy while chatting. If they were in the public library, they would certainly not be as "arrogant" as they are now, but they all know each other here, and the relationship is very good, so It's all right, besides, Hua Yun, who mainly came to find things, didn't care, and her voice wouldn't affect her "work".

Hua Yueling moved between the bookshelves, his eyes swept across the name on the side of that book.After a short search, he also made a small discovery. I don’t know if it’s because of the bookshelves he found, or the library of Jie Lucy’s, which is full of professional books. .

The professional books here are nothing that Hua Yueling is concerned about, let alone interested.All of them are related to magic, but what Hua Yueling is interested in is those magic books about usage, not these theoretical books. I feel that even if I read it, I can’t understand it, let alone not necessarily able to read it. .

Taking a book that seemed more interesting, Hua Yueling stood in front of the bookshelf and read quietly.However, the books at this time are still very different from the modern books. At least when Hua Yueling read it with the book, she didn't feel as comfortable as the one she is reading now.

This is a very strange feeling, but after all, it is not a particularly important thing, so Hua Yueling didn't care too much about it. Now he cares most about the content of the book.

This is a rather strange book, which records some theories about fire magic, and Hua Yueling can only understand a small part of the content.I don't understand the content later, he stuffed the book back into the shelf, this kind of book is not suitable for him.

But he couldn't read such a book, but Mu Ningshuang liked it very much. Her book was also related to magic theory. She had already turned through several books, and almost all of her attention was on the book in her hand.

Hua Yueling glanced at her, paid attention to her movements, and then looked at Lu Yuetong's side.Lu Yuetong's movements are basically the same as him, just passing by so many books, nothing else.

"It seems that these books are only suitable for magicians, and there is no hope of reading for a half-hearted person like me."

Sighing, Hua Yueling gave up and continued to walk forward.

It is estimated that there should be nothing related to the artifact here, but although Hua Yueling had such an idea, she did not leave there, but continued to look for it.I don't think it doesn't mean that I don't really have it. I still have to search here to confirm it, and Hua Yueling also wants to see what books are still on these shelves.

For such a huge library, it’s not fun to find the entire place here. Don’t look at the many people on their side, not only the four of them, but also other girls who come to help, but I think It is a huge project to understand all the books.

It would be better if Sister Jelucy was here to help. Sister Jelucy is the owner here after all. She must have read most of the books here. She must have a deep understanding and look for related books. It's much easier. Unlike them, no matter which book it is, you need to start from the beginning. The time required to read each book is astronomical.

After walking through this area, Hua Yueling couldn't find anything he was interested in. Magic is the existence he especially yearned for, but these theoretical things should spare him. The brain is not enough to read such profound things. .

Hua Yueling didn't look for it for the time being. He just looked around in this library. He wanted to find some interesting books to see for himself, but after observation, he found that there didn't seem to be any books that he particularly liked.


Hua Yueling walked through several bookshelves, and found a lot of books here, but basically none of them were of interest to him.

"Well, is there nothing interesting?"

Hua Yueling sighed slightly, thinking helplessly.It seems that most of the books here are about magic. Sister Ze Lucy is indeed a magician. She has such a sincere spirit in the study of magic. Think about himself, so many books don’t say how much time it takes to go. Look, just collecting it takes a lot of time.

After walking past a bookshelf again, Hua Yueling searched it again, but as before, it was still some books on magic.

Hua Yueling tried to take down some of the books and read them again, but he still had to put these magic books back after the reading attempts. It was still too difficult to read such professional books.

It would be better if he had time to study carefully, but now he doesn't have much time and doesn't want to study carefully, so there is no way.

He put the book in his hand back, and Hua Yueling went to the next place.Hua Yueling roughly searched the bookshelves here, and he found that although the library was said to be very large, there were very few other books in it except magic, which could be said to be pitiful.

"Well, although there are actually a lot of things to say, when compared with books on magic, it's a drop in the bucket."

Hua Yueling took a book that she thought was okay, and didn't continue to look for it. Hua Yueling went to the place where Sister Yun was and sat next to her.Looking at the sister Yun next to her, she saw that she was reading the book at hand with a particularly serious look, but sometimes she would quickly turn over a few pages and simply ignore the content that she didn't like or was not important.

Sister Yun's sudden interest in the content of the artifact was something Hua Yueling didn't expect. I don't know why this happened, but he didn't ask. After all, Sister Yun is still reading the book very seriously, and she can't bother her. .

I lowered my head and read the book in my hand for a while. This is a pretty good work. It contains some content about the customs of the world.However, the content here is not complete. There are many countries in the world, but most of the content recorded here are from a few large countries.

But as long as the content is interesting, and you want to be comprehensive and detailed, then you don't know how thick a book should be.

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