"Isn't this coming out to look for you? I searched inside. I didn't see you, so I guessed that you might have come out. Why, a little boring?

"Not much difference."

Hua Yueling nodded and agreed with Lu Yuetong's statement.

"It's just that I've been looking for something boring in it, so I want to come out later, and although the library is good, some are too boring."

For the time being, I have no plans to go back to the library, and there is nothing to do, so I can only stay here.Hua Yueling continued to look at the scenery outside the window, without distracting thoughts, just enjoying the scenery.

"I just saw Yuetong that you were having a good time reading. I thought you would keep reading, but I didn't expect to put down the book so soon."

"It's not that I came out to look for you. But, Aling, have you looked for me? I don't know."

"That is, I was standing behind you at the time, and you still didn't respond. The attention was all on the book, and no one was approaching at all."

Hua Yueling said funny.

"But I didn't expect you to read a book so seriously. I was really surprised."

"How come I was surprised when I concentrated on reading a book," Lu Yuetong said with a bulging cheek, "Although I know that from my usual performance, it is definitely not comparable to Ningshuang, but A Ling, you are discrimination, it is blatant discrimination, why can't I be like Ningshuang."

"No, it's just an accident. I don't mean anything else."

Hua Yueling was really afraid of making her angry, so she explained quickly, but how could Lu Yuetong get angry because of such a small matter? She just made a point of view.

When I reached Hua Yueling's side, I lay on the window sill with him. The windows here were still relatively large, but even if it was so, two people were still a bit crowded.Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong's shoulders touched, unavoidably touching them.

The two looked at each other, no one said anything, turned their heads and fell back to the forest outside.

No one else bothered them either. The two of them enjoyed the world where they were alone in such a quiet atmosphere.No one speaks, but just this is enough for them, there is no need to say anything, everything is silent.

There are many ways of communication in this world, and language is only one of them, just like now, although two people haven't said anything, they are still communicating.

After enjoying enough of the scenery outside the window, Hua Yueling stood up.

"Do you want to go back together? I'm going to go back and see."

"Well, let's go. I'm bored here alone, it's better to go back together."

Lu Yuetong nodded, and as he got up, the two went to the library one after another.

It was still the same in the library. After they entered, they saw Hua Yun sitting at the large wooden table and reading intently. She looked down at the book with such a serious expression.Make some notes in the next notebook from time to time.

It seems that her attention is even more focused than Lu Yuetong before.The other two dedicated people are just two little girls, but they are not focusing on reading, which is the opposite of Hua Yun. They are sleeping intently, sleeping soundly, and even their sleeping posture has not changed much. Still in the same posture as before, the big thick book underneath by them is quite lucky, and it has not been "ravaged" by them.

Hua Yueling looked at the two little guys, and really thought it was a bit funny. These two little guys might as well stay down and play. As a result, the help of looking for books fell asleep before they found anything. What is this called? It's something, I ran here to sleep.

"Well, I feel like we have nothing to do if we stay here, except to find a book."

Although she said that she was helping her sister in finding books, Hua Yueling had lost interest after searching for it.But Lu Yuetong didn't even think about leaving, she was still going to stay here and help find books.

"Then let's go, let's be together. This should be more efficient."

Hua Yueling has nothing to do when she goes out alone, so it's better to help here.If Lu Yuetong was willing to go with him, the two would still be interesting.

They came to an empty bookshelf again, and the two looked for it from the beginning.Looking for books one by one, Hua Yueling really realized the hardships of library managers while searching for books here. He felt that if he did this kind of thing on his own, he would definitely not be able to do it.

To a certain extent, Hua Yueling knew that she was impatient, but if she wanted to be patient, she also had to say in which aspect.It can't be said that he is completely impatient, and the place where he is impatient is mainly the place he is not interested in. If it is a place of real interest, even if it is very lonely, he can still bear it.

In fact, almost all people are like this. As long as they are not interested in them, they will not be very patient, but if they are interested in them, it is different.

Hua Yueling is not very interested in this aspect. Although there are some interesting books here, there are still very few such books. If there are more such books, Hua Yueling will be more motivated.

"Well, these books seem to be related."

There is no way to confirm these books only from the title. Although the title will reveal some content, it only reveals a general content of the book, not all of it.Many books have content that is not mentioned in the title, and you need to read the catalog or content carefully to understand.

This is the most troublesome place. If you can't confirm the content by name, you have to take out the books one by one to confirm whether there is the required content. This does not take a little bit of time.

But just as it is to exercise your patience. Don't think about other things. The more you think, the more uncomfortable you will be. It is better to not think about anything. This will make you happier.

Not to mention, it is much easier for two people to work together than to find them by themselves, and to discuss any problems with their companions around them, not alone, and not so lonely.

This is somewhat interesting, at least more interesting than when I was alone. Although to some extent this is a psychological hint, it is also true.

Hua Yueling moved his fingers across those books. He had read almost all the books. He also felt a headache and needed to rest for a while.

"It's better to rest for a while, I don't feel like I can keep on going."

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