I returned to the table and sat down. Huayun was also resting at this time. She was also very tired after reading for so long. This was inevitable, so she smiled when she saw her brother coming over. .

"You are here too."

"Well, I just looked for it over there, there are so many books, and I feel a headache when I look at them."

Hua Yueling couldn't help but complain, he really read so many books in one place.However, in his opinion, there are obviously problems with the book here.

The outer packaging is still a bit worse, obviously there is no way to compare it with those books in modern society.In fact, the content of books in modern society may not be much better than those of ancient books, but the outer cover, or cover, has already won.

In this regard, Huayueling believes that no one will refute her own ideas, the fact is.Between these two, Hua Yueling believes that no matter who it is, he will choose books from modern society, of course, those books with good cover design.

It is difficult to catch up with the disadvantages in this area, and there is no way.

But the biggest role of the book is to spread knowledge. The cover is not that important, but to some extent it will definitely affect a person's choice, which is unavoidable.

"Sister Yun, why are you suddenly interested in the artifacts here?"

Hua Yueling asked very curiously, in his impression that Sister Yun was suddenly interested in the artifacts of this world.It's still something on Hunter Planet. I don't understand why. If it's just a matter of interest, there is something wrong. Sister Yun should have other ideas.Is it possible that he still wants to be a researcher of artifacts in another world.

"It's quite interesting, Xiaoling, don't you find it interesting? There are all kinds of different weapons, especially those with magical power."

"Naturally it's interesting, but it's not necessarily a matter of specializing in it."

Hua Yueling is naturally interested in artifacts, but only interested. If you can get artifacts to use, it would be great, but let's forget about the history of artifacts.

Hua Yueling has no interest in this aspect. He is lying on the table, a little bit that does not understand Sister Yun's thoughts, but Sister Yun has his own ideas.

However, it seems that Sister Yun will be studying artifacts here in the future, and Ningshuang is the same, she is really attracted by the books here, and she doesn't want to leave at all.In this case, it seems that only Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong are left with nothing to do, and it is a bit boring to read here all the time.

Looking at the two little guys next to him, Hua Yueling thought, she could take these two little guys outside.

But the two little guys are sleeping too soundly, and there is no sign of waking up after sleeping for so long. Are they so sleepy?

One afternoon just passed by unconsciously, anyway, the whole afternoon gave Hua Yueling the feeling that she didn't do anything at all, and basically was consumed in the library.However, this afternoon also gave him a clear understanding of the internal structure of the library.

In fact, the library is basically created in response to the trees, not only that, the bookshelves here are also specially made, in response to the structure of the tree house itself.

However, the bookshelves on the outermost layer are what surprised Huayueling the most. The bookshelves there are directly using the outer structure of the original tree house to make bookshelves directly on the tree wall of the tree house. There are also carved flowers on the partition in the middle, which is very beautiful and has a classic atmosphere in it.

I don't know who made these, but I can see that it took a lot of effort to make these bookshelves.

Those bookshelves can even be said to be the largest in the library on this floor. Nothing is bigger than those bookshelves, and there is no one.

It takes a lot of time just to make these bookshelves, not to mention there are others.Especially those bookshelves that are as tall as giants are very characteristic of the fantasy world, but they are definitely not easy to manufacture. It is better to say something underground, but the higher floors are more troublesome. Although standing at a height is a solution, Well……

Looking up, Hua Yueling was even worried about what to do if these bookshelves were smashed down without being stabilized, how dangerous it would be.

Looking at such a high bookshelf really feels dangerous, but fortunately, everything is just an inner imagination, or a sense of crisis, not real.

"This library has given me a lot of knowledge. When I go to other libraries, I guess I will always think of the library here. No matter the overall size or the overall construction form, it is difficult to surpass it. ."

Anyway, Hua Yueling thought so after reading it. He felt that it must be so, although the only library he has been to is the one in the city where he lives.

This afternoon was not spent in vain. Although it is said that there is no progress in reading, it seems that some information has been collected from Sister Yun, but Sister Yun has always been mysterious and did not tell her findings. Come.She didn’t even say why she did this.

Hua Yun spent two particularly meaningful days here, and she got a lot of useful information about artifacts from the books of Jelucy. For her, she has made some progress, but the progress is not enough.But the weekend just passed, and her little research had to come to an end temporarily.

There is no way. When it comes to normal times, I need to go to work again, and I don't have time to stay here.But fortunately, Jelucy also allowed her to take the loss away, as long as it would not be broken.In this way, even if you don't come here, you can read the book at any time. It can be said that Jay Lucy is really kind to them.

Hua Yun thanked Jie Lucy, and then chose a book she was studying to take away, but she didn't hold it by herself, but let Hua Yueling take it for herself.

Putting the book directly into Hua Yueling's inventory doesn't have to worry about things like the book being destroyed, just let him take it out when you use it, which is quite easy.

After Hua Yueling bid farewell to them, they returned to Sister Alorin's home through the teleportation array. The teleportation array that passed between the two sides was temporarily maintained by the elves and sister Alorin.

Karin is mainly responsible for the other world, mainly not to be used casually by others, just protect it.In modern society, Sister Aroline is personally responsible, but there is nothing particularly worrying about here, so Sister Aroline doesn't usually need to do anything special.

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