"It's quite easy. The lost power here hasn't been touched by any animal. It hasn't been for so long. Luckily enough."

If it gets into the belly by the bird, then he will cry.Not to mention what kind of trouble that bird can cause, it is very troublesome to think about the consequences of being discovered at that time.

But don't worry about this now, it's just that there are still a lot of things that he hasn't found and need him to worry about.Just thinking about it in her mind will feel troublesome, Hua Yueling can't help but want to sigh, there is really no way, but it can't be too anxious, the current situation can only be step by step.

"There is no more here. I have to go to a place farther away. According to the map, it is different from where we are now. It is not a village, it seems to be a wasteland."

It takes about half an hour to get there by car, but the round-trip fare is quite a lot.

"It's really troublesome, it's better to be able to teleport magic. You can't use teleport magic here so casually, it's not fun to be discovered."

There are not a few taxis in the village. You may be able to meet them occasionally, but they are obviously impossible to reach now.Hua Yueling could only give up this idea and waited for a taxi on the national highway at the entrance of the village.

He drove a car and drove through the village to the west. Hua Yueling told the driver of the destination, then leaned on the seat and continued searching with the phone.It’s more troublesome to find the place you went this time. The main reason is that the place where the light spot is located is blurry. It is not displayed in an absolute place like this time, so it is probably more troublesome to find it.

"It is estimated that there will still be a lot of troubles in the future. It is better to be mentally prepared earlier. If you find one so simple, it is estimated that it will only happen on unimportant system components or relatively small missing forces."

Hua Yueling couldn't help sighing, and felt uncomfortable thinking about it. He prefers staying at home than looking for things like this.Whether it's reading or playing games, it's better than going around like this, although he basically didn't walk on this road, but took a car.

It took about half an hour in the car to reach the destination. Hua Yueling got out of the car after paying the money.It was like the abandoned construction site he had visited before, except that it was a construction site under construction.

There are still a lot of workers here, and you can see the carts for loading sand and so on, just parked aside.

"It's not easy to handle now."

Hua Yueling glanced at the taxi that had already drove away. It's not easy to take a taxi here, unless it is to a nearby road or village, but it is still a little far away.But he couldn't let this taxi wait for him here.

"It's best not to be discovered, but it's not very likely."

Huayueling didn't report any hope for this, but it would not be easy to find it here.

"It's better to go far and find a place where no one is. It's easier than anything to be invisible."

Seeing that there are a lot of workers here, walking around here alone will definitely be eye-catching, and people don't necessarily let oneself wander around here, so only invisible can explore more easily.Is there a place here? Just go straight by yourself, you still have to look for it.

Looking around, Hua Yueling found that this place was basically endless, and there was no place to hide. After looking for it, she still couldn't find it.It is estimated that if you want to find it, you have to go farther.

"Hey, I wanted to find it and go back, but I still had to waste some time."

It doesn't work if it doesn't take time now, unless Hua Yueling can bear the curious look of others.As he walked far away, he looked at the scene under construction here. It seemed that he was building a factory or the like instead of an ordinary house.

In order to avoid being discovered, Hua Yueling had to go far away, found a tree and hid it, and then immediately became invisible.

In this way, although it was a bit anxious to some extent, it didn't matter. Before she became invisible, Hua Yueling had already confirmed the nearby situation and used the skill after she was sure she would not be discovered.

After using the skill, Hua Yueling walked out from behind the tree in a state of invisibility, and then looked in the direction when she came.There is no problem now, you can search inside.

But it is not so easy to find. The thing you are looking for fell here a long time ago, but now that a long time has passed, it should be almost impossible to find it on the surface.In this case, the only possibility is under the ground, or under the accumulated sand and cement.

"Hey, this place is more suitable to come at night, or when they are resting at noon, now they are here so I can't act."

Realizing this, Hua Yueling felt a little difficult, and didn't know what to do.It can only be said that it is best not to search for it now, but to search for it only with the exploration skills and confirm the location of the thing. The rest will be discussed later when it is safer.

Forget the workers who are working, Hua Yueling doesn't have to worry about them, anyway, they can't see themselves, there is nothing to worry about.

"It's near here, but it's still a bit difficult to find."

Scratching her hair, Hua Yueling thought with a headache.I don't know if the exploration skills can play a good enough role. It would be better if the thing is outside. Although this possibility is very, very small, almost impossible, after all, the possibility still exists.

"Not here, there is no response."

Exploratory skills carefully explore an area of ​​an area instead of covering a large area directly within its exploration range, otherwise it may not be found.Must be more attentive to search, so that it is possible to find where the thing is hidden.

It really took a little more time to find a small area, but it didn't matter. Hua Yueling had already done it a long time ago, so I didn't even think about it.As long as he can find things, he doesn't care much about the others.

It takes a lot of time to find the area together. There is no way. There are too many places to find in order to find it more delicately. I don’t know how many areas are divided into such a place. It is naturally very troublesome to get up.

But compared to these, as long as you find something, it's the most important thing.

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