I didn't expect that I would come out to find something by myself so soon. I had a similar experience before. I was alone by myself, but at that time I was helping my sister to find a terrible monster.

It’s somewhat boring to be alone. Huayueling still hopes that someone can be with him, but it doesn’t seem to work well if you think about it. Only if you have the invisibility skills and the time of the hidden dragon blade is enough for yourself. Two people should not have enough time.

I have searched for several areas and found nothing, Hua Yueling did not feel frustrated because of this. This is normal. Maybe you have to find the last place to find what you want.

"Wait, this place is a little weird."

Hua Yueling noticed a strange place. There seemed to be something there, but because it was covered by sand, it didn't feel particularly clear.It is impossible to find out if it is not for careful observation.

"So that's the case, as I thought, I was pressed under the sand pile, so it would be more difficult to get it out."

Hua Yueling couldn't think of a good way to do it. All he could think of was to dig up the sand and then take out the contents, but there was a problem with it.

Looking at the pile of sand as high as a mountain in front of her, Hua Yueling couldn't help frowning.It is not so easy to clean up such a high sand hill.

If you want to clean it out and take out the stuff underneath, it will take a lot of effort. At least you need to remove this sandy mountain a lot. If you don’t want people to discover it, you have to do it yourself. Move the sand mountain back.Just thinking about it, I knew what a huge amount of work this was. Huayueling didn't want to spend so much time on this, so he wanted to ask Xiaoxue to see if Xiaoxue had any useful methods.

"Of course there are ways, but the master also knows other people's ways."

As soon as Xiaoxue said Hua Yueling's words, she knew what she meant. In short, there was nothing that gold coins could not solve. If there were any, spend a little more.

Originally, I wondered if Xiaoxue could give some possible suggestions, but after receiving Xiaoxue’s reply, Hua Yueling knew that she really thought too much. It seemed that she didn’t even want to get anything from Xiaoxue It took gold coins to purchase other suggestions.This is too real.

Xiaoxue really didn't want to give herself any other suggestions. Hua Yueling was very helpless, but he had nothing to do.He didn't know if Xiaoxue really had no other way, or was he just trying to pit his own gold coins. Is it that fun to pit himself?

Hua Yueling felt that she was definitely not a character like a miser, but she was far from it, no matter what.If you really are a miser, it is impossible to spend so many gold coins to buy such a skill. Although this skill has already gained some gains, it has not generated income at all, and the gains are far less expensive.

To be worth this price, I don’t know how many system components have to be recovered or lost power is enough.

There is some trouble here. Hua Yueling didn't know how to do it for a while. He naturally hoped to dig out the things buried in the sand as soon as possible, but the reality is that he definitely can't do this.

You have to wait until there is no one here. The time at noon is probably not enough. Not to mention he is alone, even Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang are all here, and it is impossible for three people to do it together.The main reason is that the pile of sand is too big, just like a big mountain.

If you really move such a sandy mountain, to make an inappropriate metaphor, it's like a Yugong moving a mountain, it's so easy to do there.So if there is a better way, there is no need to worry about it.

"Let's just talk about it, Xiaoxue, I just hope that what you said will cost a lot of gold."

Hua Yueling sighed and said helplessly.He had no other way, so he could only rely on Xiaoxue's help.

"I believe the master must have guessed the method by others, right?"

"Yes, yes, I know, the method you said, Xiaoxue, is nothing more than buying."

Hua Yueling said the word purchase three times in succession, which shows how much he hates Xiaoxue's "cheating" of his own gold coins.Think about how easy it is for him to accumulate such a few gold coins. The result is not so good. The gold coins are about to be deceived and almost spent.

Xiaoxue is still trying to squeeze the wool. She really doesn't want to leave some gold coins for herself at all. This is too miserable for herself.Hua Yueling felt that she was too pitiful, how could she run into such a system wizard.

But he just thought about these words. Naturally, he couldn't say it. Although Xiaoxue didn't look very good in this aspect, he was still quite good in other aspects, and it was very attractive.

"Master, don't blame others. It's not because they want to cheat the master's gold coins. That's why they said that. There really is no other way, and there is no other way."

After hearing Xiaoxue's answer, Hua Yueling felt as if she already knew what was thinking in her head, but Hua Yueling didn't ask it out. Wouldn't it be too stupid if she really asked.

"Okay, okay, I know Xiaoxue, you are very good, and I didn’t say anything. It’s not your problem either, it’s mainly my problem. If I have some ability in this area or have any solutions, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry about it."

Hua Yueling's words are very empathetic, but no one can know what he is thinking now.

"The owner still has different choices. Both skills and props can help the owner achieve his goals."

"How much gold coins are spent, I want to know the cheapest one."

"If the owner is not willing to spend too much gold for this, someone can recommend it, but that kind of props are disposable. If the owner uses it less frequently, this method of use is still recommended, but if the owner uses it If there are many times, this method is not recommended."

Xiaoxue said this very clearly, so this also made Hua Yueling hesitate.The key is whether you want to use it in the future. If you will use it often in the future, there is no need to buy a disposable one.

"It feels like it won't be used only once, but before making a decision, I must understand how much each price is. I can't make a decision if I don't understand it clearly."

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