"Xiaoxue, you mean to use the Absorption Skill to control it, can it be done?"

"It's definitely okay, but the master needs a higher skill level."

"That is to say, buying more advanced skills, isn't it okay for low-level skills?" Huayueling knew that it would cost gold coins again, and more than what had been discussed before.

"The low-level ones can't. If you suck in those dead objects, the low-level skills will naturally be able to do it, but a living creature like that dog is definitely not allowed to do so. It's not that people want to'rob' the owner's money, yes There is no way, this is the best solution."

"Okay, okay, I see, Xiaoxue, quickly list me the skills, right?"

Now is the time to race against time, and there is no time to argue about this, Hua Yueling must resolve everything as soon as possible.So this time he didn't argue at all, urging Xiaoxue.

The mall interface appeared in front of him. There were familiar skills on it, but the price was higher.

"It's more cost-effective to buy a one-time one and then buy the complete skill, right?"

"It's not the case. The owner first purchases the one-time use rights of low-level skills, and then purchases the one-time use rights of high-level skills. This way, there will be a discount. Purchase the desired level and then purchase the full version. This is the most cost-effective ."

"So troublesome? Otherwise, Xiaoxue, you can buy it for me. I'll go and chase that guy quickly, otherwise, there will be no way to catch up after a while."

Huayueling felt a headache when she heard it. This request was too much, but after all, it was her own request, so she couldn't say anything, so she could only ask Xiaoxue for help temporarily.

"Do I have enough gold coins?"

"It's definitely enough. The owner doesn't need to worry about it. People have already done the calculations for the owner. Then the owner only needs to find a way to catch up with the dog, and then don't get caught."

"There should be no problem with being invisible now. I don't think there is a camera nearby, so it shouldn't be recorded."

"That's it. Master, act faster, and slower you really don't want to catch up."

"I know!"

Hua Yueling immediately disappeared and chased in the direction that the dog was running.After the dog got the lost power, the speed was so fast, it was like a rocket scurrying on the ground, but Hua Yueling was not afraid of it in terms of speed.

Just find its location, and then rush straight to it, so that the distance is the shortest and the most time-saving.

Hua Yueling's advantage is that he knows where the enemy is, of course, he must make good use of it.But the dog is not just staying in place, but constantly moving around, so if you can determine where the dog is early, you can save time, but this kind of prediction is not particularly easy to do.

Trying to predict its location, but Hua Yueling couldn't do it.

"No, it doesn't have any regularity in its actions, and there is no way to judge where it will go next moment. It seems that it can only run after it like this."

Hua Yueling also had no good way, she could only constantly change the direction of her advancement according to the other party's actions, so the speed would definitely be slower, but there was no other way, and it could be said that it was the best way now.

When Hua Yueling was chasing, he felt something came to his mind, which was unprecedented.

"Xiaoxue, have you purchased the skills?"

"After you buy it, the owner can use it directly. Try to use it, and the result should be beyond the owner's expectation."

"Since Xiaoxue said that, then I will try to use it."

There was still some distance away from the dog, and the dog was running as if it hadn't noticed him, without any intention of stopping.

It is not that easy to get closer. Although Hua Yueling is faster than it, it is difficult to rush to it in a short time, unless it is very lucky.

"This is probably the only way."

The skills are very convenient to use. Huayueling stretched her hand forward, aimed at the dog, and then meditated on the skills in her heart.There is almost no special visual effect when the skill is activated, but Hua Yueling can feel the suction from a distance. This force acts on the dog, and its speed that is running fast has dropped suddenly.

Now, Hua Yueling was very happy. This trick worked very well. He quickly increased his strength, hoping to pull it over by his own strength.However, he soon discovered that the possibility of doing so was very low. The dog was not only fast, but also had a great struggling force. It was impossible to suck it completely by this long-range suction.

"Since I can't get you over, then I'll pass."

Using skills to control the dog's movements, so that it cannot escape quickly, on the other side Hua Yueling herself is also quickly approaching the past.It's just that his speed is slightly weakened.

There is no way in this regard, he can't use the skills while rushing over at the fastest speed.When using the skill, he still scored his god, so that he could not completely hit the attention.

But this is enough, as long as the dog's speed can be controlled, it is victory, and it is Hua Yueling's victory.

"What should I do next, as long as it faints, it should be fine?"

It wouldn't be great if it was injured, but Hua Yueling couldn't help it if it had to.

"It's strength is very weak, and it should have just merged with my power, so just stun it, and then force it to take out the lost power. Master stun it, and leave the rest to me. "

"Okay, then I'll knock it out."

It's just that it's okay, if it really wants to hurt it, Hua Yueling doesn't know what to do.

Go step by step, getting closer and closer to where the dog is.The dog is still running far away, but there is almost no difference between the speed of running and the speed of walking.

In just ten seconds, Hua Yueling had already come to the dog's side.

The dog still wanted to resist. It looked fierce. The "barking" guy was about to bite it. In addition, Hua Yueling used suction to suck it up. At that moment, the dog's speed was as fast as lightning, but even if it was In this way, Hua Yueling easily dodged the past.

"This time you don't even think about being able to escape."

Hua Yueling had already reached its side when it landed, and just raised his hand.A hand knife hit the dog's neck, and with just one stroke, the dog was knocked out.

"It's okay. It has been knocked out, so I will leave it to you next, Xiaoxue."

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