After knocking out the dog, the rest is done.Just rely on Xiaoxue to take back the lost power that controlled the dog, and then you can leave.

Xiaoxue's actions were also very fast, almost half a minute passed, Xiaoxue said a word, and then Hua Yueling quickly observed the surroundings and walked over to the street.However, instead of the way he came, he went to the other side, so that he could avoid being discovered.

And don't say that Hua Yueling is still in the invisible state now, he must find a place to remove the invisible state.

At this time, footsteps can be heard in the distance. Those who are chasing may also find that the dog is here, and there seems to be a lot of them.Fortunately, the vehicles on the street were not affected in this way, otherwise it would not be so easy for Hua Yueling to leave without disguising.

Hiding to a place where there was no one, Hua Yueling lifted his invisibility, and then walked further along this hidden road.He can't take a taxi here, it is safer to take a taxi farther away.

When the people in the distance gathered and found the fainted dog, he had already taken a taxi to leave here and go to the next place.

"This time I was lucky, and I ran into it here. But if it still looks like this afterwards, it will be a little troublesome."

Hua Yueling glanced at the time remaining in the invisibility, there was still some hidden dragon blade, and some skills were left, if it continued like this, the time would not be enough.

"It should be the same. The owner can go to two places at most. As long as it is not particularly troublesome, there should be no problem.

Xiaoxue is quite optimistic. Although Hua Yueling is not very optimistic, she can only think optimistically now.

One morning passed, and Hua Yueling found that these items near her home were relatively easy to get. There was nothing particularly troublesome, which was not bad.But these don't mean everything. I don't know how much after that, and what kind of situation I will encounter is unknown.

At least this morning was not bad. I was lucky, but Hua Yueling didn't plan to go out anymore in the afternoon. Although I took a car this morning, it was quite tiring.Come slowly afterwards, don't rush at this moment.

"Today I was exhausted and I went to many places."

During lunch, Hua Yueling and Sister Yun talked about her actions in the morning. The action itself was not that dangerous, but the fact is that it really feels dangerous to act.

"Would you like to ask Aroline for help? It would be much easier with her help." That's what Hua Yun suggested, which was Hua Yueling's original idea.

"I think so too, but now I don’t know if Sister Aroline is still at home. She may not come back yet. I'm not going to go again in the afternoon. I will talk about it tomorrow. I will go to Sister Aroline tomorrow. Look for her at home."

"Just give her a call."

Sister Yun's proposal made Hua Yueling's expression stunned. It's not wrong. Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. If Sister Alorin is at home or not, don't you know if you call it yourself.Why didn't I think of it.

Maybe it was because Sister Aroline and the others didn't live here since they were young, or the feeling of another world they gave them was too strong, so they couldn't think of this.

"Sister Yun, if you don't say that I have forgotten this, I have never thought about this, and I have no awareness of this at all."

"That's Xiaoyun, you have always regarded them as people in another world, so naturally you wouldn't think of this. But if Aroline hasn't come back, it's useless if you call her."

"But this will save me time. How can I save some time."

"Don't forget it. It would be nice if the kind you mentioned, Xiaoling, can be used by my sister. If this is the case, I might have a chance to find it for you when I go out."

"That’s probably not possible. Before, I used my skills to cover a large area of ​​our neighborhood. I have found so many places, but there are no nearby places. Recently, I have to take a car for tens of minutes to get there. Yun Sister, you couldn't help me when you went to work."

"Then there is no way. If I have one, I can collect it for you. If there is no one, I can't help it."

He was still the only one at home in the afternoon. Hua Yueling felt a little boring after taking a nap, so she decided to go to Sister Jelucci.He mainly wanted to find two little guys to play with, and not long after he came back, he missed the two little guys.

"It just happens to be fine, let's go around."

Hua Yueling acted as soon as she thought of it and went to another world.He rarely went to another world by himself. This was not the first time, but it was almost the same.Why didn't Lu Yuetong and the others come here? They could only go alone.

Familiar environment, after a mess of the portal, there are green woods.The sunlight shining through the gaps between the branches and leaves is warm and comfortable.However, it was somewhat cold in the forest, and the cold was coming, and the wind that was blowing made him feel cold all over his body.

"Huh, it's cold."

Hua Yueling put her hands together in front of her mouth, and the warm breath from her mouth made her cold hands warm.

"It's getting colder and colder here."

I don't know if it is an illusion or this is the case. Hua Yueling feels that the temperature of this world is lower than in the real world. In the real world, he rarely feels such a cold time.

But it has something to do with where he lives. He lives in a southerly place, so the overall temperature is still relatively high, not as cold as the north.Even in winter, the temperature can hardly be said to be so low, let alone basically not snowing.

It’s different here. Huayueling really feels that icy cold feeling, as if there is a small ice thorn piercing your skin. It’s a kind of special panic, but also very Feeling cold.

Hua Yueling shook her body with her hands in her arms. It was still a bit cold. Go to the tree house soon. It must be warm there.

Looking up, the branches and leaves almost completely blocked the sky, making him unable to see the outside situation, how the sky looks like, or the brighter sun rays.

The lush green grass outside the tree house was also dyed dark green at this time, and the tree stumps were empty. No one was outside. It should be too cold outside, so no one came to play outside.Otherwise, the two little guys should come out to play.

"Hurry in, it should be warmer when you get inside the house."

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