"Well, by the way, I forgot to bring something here. It's a good time to eat some oranges on such a cold day. Since it's a rest, I'd better buy some snacks."

We all arrived at the entrance of the tree house, Hua Yueling stopped, looked at the bottom of the tree house where there was no one, thinking so in her heart, turned away from here.

Walking along the road when she came, Hua Yueling returned to the teleportation array.When he arrived at Sister Alorin’s house, he did not go out directly to buy things, but came to the storage room. This is where Sister Alorin and Sister Livello store things. There are several storage rooms, of which there are two. One is specially used to put all kinds of ingredients.

Hua Yueling has been here with Liweiluo, so she knows it well.He opened the door and walked in. The inside of the room was as it was when he came back, and there was not even a trace of dust.

The various snacks and fruits stored here have been stored for a long time, but there is no sign of damage. Thanks to a magic enchantment used here, this can control these fruits, vegetables and meat. Kind of decay.

Oranges and oranges are placed on a shelf near the deepest corner. The box is opened, and half of the oranges are eaten. The oranges are almost eaten in a box, and the boxes are stacked in the corner.

"Yes, it's so sweet. Where did Aroline buy it from, so sweet."

Hua Yueling glanced at the packed box, but only an image was painted on the box without any words, which was different from the fruit boxes he had seen before.

"It doesn't look like you bought it, and you planted it yourself?"

Thinking strangely in her mind, Hua Yueling directly tightened the unopened box of oranges in her inventory, and then put a box of oranges inside.These are all in one, so you can put them directly into the inventory.Then he went to another room and packed a lot of snacks into a big bag, and put them in the inventory.

Finally, there are some big-screen drinks. Sister Aroline and the others are like storing food for the winter, storing so many things at once.

Actually, I've been here before, but Hua Yueling didn't carefully understand what's here. This time he saw that there are many things that are not products on earth.For example, for all kinds of strange snacks, Hua Yueling just looked at the packaging, and some did not even have the packaging, just piled up in small boxes like this.

I don't know if I can eat it myself, so Hua Yueling just took a look, and didn't actually taste it.

I don't know what the consequences will be if I eat it, or if I don't know what it is, I should try not to eat it. Although it is said that everything placed here should be edible, Hua Yueling still tries to be more cautious.

The reason why I took it directly from here is that I used to say that Sister Aroline said that you can come here to get what you want instead of going to other places to buy.Hua Yueling had come to get it a few times before, but more often it was Sister Aroline who sent him directly, and a lot of them were sent as soon as they were sent, which was like stocking him.

Originally, Hua Yueling didn't buy snacks and eat snacks very much, but now she is getting used to it by sister Aroline.She felt that this was the real "conspiracy" of Sister Aroline.Of course this is just a joke. Sister Aroline won't ask for his money, it is naturally impossible.

"It's almost there, let's go quickly."

Before Hua Yueling passed, two cute smiles of the little guys appeared in her mind.Little guys like them like snacks the most, as are drinks, and these are not available in another world.

I asked the two little guys to buy snacks for them and brought them back when they went back. Basically they got them from here.

The tree house was lively and lively, but Huayueling only saw the figure in the entertainment room. There was no one on the lower level, so it was extremely quiet.Hua Yueling didn't find anyone until he came to the entertainment room. It turned out that most of the people were here. Some people were in the library when they weren't there. They were still helping Hua Yun find books related to the artifact.

The two little guys seemed to be a little tired from playing, lying on a clean blanket, slightly curled up in a very cute posture.

It was the two of them who discovered Hua Yueling first, and the two little guys also saw the snacks he was holding.No matter how many snacks there are here, there is a limit, not to mention that there are so many people here, even if it is saved, it is impossible to eat for too long.

The snacks are gone for a long time, so the two little guys saw almost all the snacks he brought with them. The smaller bodies of the two little guys were hung on the big plastic bags, and they became Q characters. All.

As soon as I saw these two little guys, Hua Yueling, I felt healed. It was so cute. Such a cute little girl came out of comics, only comics.

No one can refuse their cuteness, Hua Yueling believes that it is not just herself, but other people must be the same.

"Okay, okay, don't hang on the bag, come down, the bag is almost too much to bear."

The plastic bag wailed. Although the two little guys are not heavy, they can't bear the weight of the plastic bag.Hua Yueling quickly moved the little hands of the two little guys holding the bag, and said softly.

The two little guys obediently listened to him, and obediently jumped off from above, then ran to his side and hugged him again, rubbing their little heads on his waist.If it weren't for holding something in her hand, Hua Yueling would want to stroke their little heads and ears.Their ears seem to have magical powers, especially Lorna of the cat-eared tribe. The little ears are trembling, and they have a special power to touch.

Hua Yueling couldn't refuse this kind of magic, but the things in his hand helped him refuse.

The things he was holding made him unable to reach out at all. He could only let the two little guys hug his waist and act like a baby like this, without any reaction.

Put the snacks on the table, at this time the other girls also turned their heads, and when they saw him coming, they all smiled and greeted him.The time we spend together is not too long, but the relationship is still quite good.

The two little guys who have spent the longest time with Huayueling here, found the place where they had rested before, sat down, and put snacks and drinks on the table.The two little guys didn't need to say anything. They were sitting next to him at this time, leaning against him, and the little hand stretched out to pick out snacks.

"If you want to eat, come and get it. There are many here, just for you."

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