When Hua Yueling returned to her seat, she saw that the two little guys were happily eating snacks, and they also took out a bottle of drinks to drink. It is estimated that these are enough for them, and there is no need for others. of.

This time they didn't fall asleep here because of boredom. It was impossible. After all, there were snacks and drinks to drink.If it weren't for these, I guess they would feel particularly bored.

"You two, read more books if you have time. It is good for you."

Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, even though they liked them, Hua Yueling couldn't help but remind them.Although Jeruxie also said that she wanted to teach them how to fight, it was not enough.

"By the way, after you finish eating and rest for a while, then follow me to exercise. Big brother teaches you how to fight, how about?"

"Well, learn to learn!"

The reaction of the two little guys was a bit beyond his expectation. He originally thought the two little guys would not want to learn, but seeing their reaction was quite happy, and there was no unwillingness.Maybe this is one of the interesting things for them, but I don't know if they will be in the same mood when they really learn.

However, it is also very important to have a good mood when learning how to fight. As long as you are willing to learn and study hard, you can still learn well.Either Lorna or Teres had an advantage in this respect, of course this was compared to humans.

They stretched out their hands more flexibly, unlike humans, and felt a little stiff.They still have a big advantage in sensitivity, but this advantage won't grow without exercise.

Don't look at the two little guys who are usually playful, but they can still be serious when they are serious.Not to mention, Hua Yueling thinks they are pretty good, more serious and doing better than many people want to come.

After eating snacks and resting for a while, the two little guys patted their belly and regained their vitality.

"Big brother, let's hurry up and train!"

The two little guys were even more active than him, and took his hand and walked out.Hua Yueling can only appease the two little guys. He never thought that they would be so excited about it. This was really incredible, but it also made him feel a little happy.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will take you to train when I put this book back."

Hua Yueling said this and walked to the bookshelf with the book, found the place where the book was originally placed, and stuffed it in.Then he took the two little guys away.

In the round open space outside the tree house, Hua Yueling and the two little guys stood opposite each other, and he began to teach them some basic knowledge of combat.Hua Yueling still has some knowledge in this area, but it is not that systematic.

There is no good way to do this, after all, his knowledge of combat was originally obtained from the system, but in fact, he hasn't learned much in detail.They are all directly acquired knowledge, but they should be sufficient for teaching.

However, Hua Yueling soon discovered that this teaching method didn't work for the two little guys. It was almost the same as reading. It was best not to teach the two little guys by way of explanation.At first he was quite energetic, but as he listened, he drooped his head and showed a sleepy expression.

"I should have known for a long time that this approach will not work. They are not the type that likes to listen to other people's education, just like me."

Hua Yueling also has some problems in this area, so he can understand the performance of the two little guys. He still has no talent for teaching. They have no meaning at all. That's why they are like this. This is not bad. They depend on themselves.

At the same time, Hua Yueling also understood that she had no talent in this teaching method, and everyone who could say wanted to sleep, that was too bad.

Hua Yueling can only change her teaching method. If it is not possible to rely on explanations, then she will come to the actual combat and teach them how to exercise their bodies one by one.Not to mention, the little guys have spirit again after they move, but this spirit doesn't last long.

"If you want to make progress, you have to exercise every day and for a certain period of time."

The two little guys changed their expressions at once, but Hua Yueling was not surprised, he knew it would be like this long before he said this.The two little guys are the kind of people who can't stay idle, so it's natural to have such a performance.


However, even though their faces changed, the two little guys did not give up because the exercise was not in line with their temperament and felt bored. On the contrary, they both persisted, and they did not intend to give up no longer training.

It can be seen that they want to change themselves and increase their strength. Their determination is not only reflected in their expressions, but also in their actual actions.

The changes of the two little guys are somewhat incredible, but they are not so exaggerated. In fact, he should have understood what will happen long ago.It is not incomprehensible that the two little girls can persist in this way.

They are to improve their strength, and what is the purpose of improving their strength, is to make a difference.Perhaps it is a bit wrong to say that, but in fact the two little guys still want to be able to explore with Hua Yueling and the others, they have such a wish.

This may not be an earth-shattering wish, not so great, but it makes people feel very warm.

"You guys are the best."

Hua Yueling stepped forward and squatted in front of them, pressing a pair of big hands on their small heads.

"But this is not enough. You have to stick to it every day after that. Can you stick to it?"

Hua Yueling didn't just praise them, he was also asking them, asking them whether they could keep going.Many people are able to stick to it at the beginning. It's no problem, but it's just a matter of time.Maybe today I feel very good and simple, but I will change my mind tomorrow. I don’t have time. Various reasons come to my mind, and then I change something unconsciously and forget what I have to do.

This is normal, so he worried that the two little guys would not be able to persist.However, the two little guys were extremely firm, saying that there was absolutely no problem with them, and they would definitely be able to persist.

Hua Yueling still chose to believe that they could do it.

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