Lorna and Teres are relatively superior in combat. In the initial actual combat, although Hua Yueling did not use much power, it was not easy to cause trouble to him in this situation.

The two little guys have a natural sense of smell in combat, so they can do subconscious dodge actions. When Hua Yueling attacked, they didn't even react, and just dodged.This is still not much training, only under the condition of training for a short period of time today.

Hua Yueling was very happy about it, but even if they were so talented, it would still take a lot of time for them to grow to the point where they could take risks with him.Talent is one thing, but long-term exercise is another.

Don't think that talents can quickly improve in a short period of time. Although there is such a possibility, this improvement has a certain limit.It's not that talents can increase strength indefinitely, strength is not that simple.

But this also made a good start. As long as they can persist, the two little guys will still have a lot to do in the future.However, the extent to which they can achieve it depends on them, but judging from their current performance, Hua Yueling still believes in their possible growth in the future.

"Ha, ha, ha..."

After experiencing an unusually experimental fight, the two little guys were exhausted and panting, but this did not mean that they were not physically strong enough, and the fighting time was prolonged.Because Hua Yueling also lowered her strength, she only used a small part of her own strength, and dealt with them for a long time.

The weapon Hua Yueling used was a wooden sword found in the weapon storehouse in the tree house. The two little guys used different weapons.Lorna uses two daggers, she prefers this kind of weapon, while Teres uses a shield and a long sword.

This has to do with their own preferences and has nothing to do with others.But this is just a trial after all, and it's hard to say what kind of weapon they will choose in the future.

Before the battle, Huayueling taught them some skills in the use of weapons. Before that, they had basically never touched weapons, let alone know how to fight with weapons.Just like when Hua Yueling first got the weapon and used it, holding the weapon would only wield it indiscriminately according to his imagination, but this can be said to be the least effective way to use it.

How to swing a weapon is the most energy-saving, and how to cause more damage to the opponent, there are many problems to be solved.However, it is impossible for Hua Yueling to teach them so much in a short period of time. Furthermore, even if they can teach so much, they cannot remember.

As soon as the battle started, Hua Yueling rushed directly in front of the two little guys, taking a violent attacking posture, but the two little guys reacted quickly, and immediately thought of dodge in two different directions.He kicked his toes down on the ground, and stepped back with a "swish", avoiding Hua Yueling's attack.

Hua Yueling could only chase one of them. He gave up chasing Terris, twisted his body, and caught up with Lorna hard under his feet.Facing his offensive, Lorna did not choose to block, but dodged while observing the direction of his attack.

Rona has good talents in this respect, but there is also the reason why Hua Yueling's attacks were too simple at the beginning, so it is not difficult to dodge as long as he observes well.It just needs to maintain a calm mind in the battle, and if you can't deal with it calmly, let alone observe or even avoid it.

It is more difficult to block with this pair of daggers, and Lorna is more confident in evading, so she didn't do that.Huayueling's sword was connected with one sword, Lorna dodged unharmed, but she couldn't find a chance to fight back. Huayueling attacked too fast, like a torrential river, she didn't give her any counterattack. Opportunity.

After all, the dagger is relatively short, unless it is thrown as a hidden weapon, otherwise it must be completely free from Blossoming Moon Ling to attack.Unless it is willing to fight for both losses, and now Lorna is not so experienced, just a blank sheet of paper, can't think of a better way to deal with it.

Another sword slashed over. Lorna dodged and tried to attack Hua Yueling from the other side, but Hua Yueling was faster than him. When she was about to make an attack, Hua Yueling Yueling's sword power was exhausted, and she turned to cut from the other direction. Lorna couldn't, so she had to give up the idea of ​​attacking and dodge again.

If Lorna is more experienced, she can think of a better way to deal with it, but now she has been attacked by Hua Yueling's series of attacks, there is no way, only parry, no power to fight back.

Fortunately, she is not the only one, otherwise, there is only one way to fail waiting for her, and it is impossible to do anything with her current performance.Hua Yueling has controlled the situation, she is nothing more than a puppet dancing with a rope.

Seeing her companion falling into this situation, Teresi rushed forward immediately after dodge the first wave of offensive Huayueling.This is the way the novice can think of in eagerness. She leaped high, her shield-holding hand shifted backward, while the sword-holding hand was raised high above her head, and slashed towards the flower that was chasing Lorna Yue Ling.

Even if Hua Yueling didn't look at it, just listening to the voice knew what was going on behind him, not to mention the detection skills.But he didn't use skills, only relying on his sensitive hearing that he had trained through a series of actual combat to understand the whole body.

The pursuit stopped. Lorna saw him suddenly stop, and then saw Teres attacking his back. She also quickly responded to the offensive of her companion, waving the double blade in her hand flexibly, and flanking Huayueling back and forth with her companion. .

Hua Yueling, who was in the middle of the attack, didn't panic, as if he hadn't noticed all of this at all.Just when Teres’ attack was about to hit him, he twisted his body and easily avoided. Teres was extremely agile, and the sneak attack was avoided. She was stagnant in mid-air, but then she was very agile. With a coherent movement, the shield of the other hand patted Hua Yueling's head.

If facing a weaker enemy, this trick might work, but Huayueling’s ability to react is beyond Tris’s calculations. This is the first time she has faced such a “powerful” enemy, and she can’t think of so much in her little head. It's all a little confused at this time.Hua Yueling grabbed the wrist of her hand holding the sword and yanked forward.

Terris couldn't control her body, so she rushed forward along the strength of Hua Yueling's hand, unable to stop.

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