Lorna danced dexterously in front of her with a pair of daggers and stabbed over. Hua Yueling didn't even mean to dodge or even block. He saw one of his hands forcefully, and Teresi directly became a shield, and the point of the sword was straight Stabbed at Lorna.

The two little guys didn't react in the first time, until they realized what was happening, it was too late to react.Even if she wanted to regain her offensive, Lorna tried her best to twist her body, trying to avoid the dagger from stabbing Teres. Teres was even more helpless. Under Hua Yueling's control, she did everything she wanted to do. No, I can only watch my weapon stab at my companion, but there is no way.

The wooden sword stabbed Lorna. Lorna was so hurt by the stabbing that she couldn't help but screamed, and there was a "meow" at the end of the sentence.

Lorna was knocked to the ground by the impact of the wooden sword and sat down heavily on the grass.Teres fell to the ground and kept coming to her side. Both weapons and shields were thrown on the ground. Carefully stretched out her little hand to caress where she was stabbed.

"Lorna, Lorna, I'm sorry, it hurts or not, Teres feels it, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"It doesn't hurt meow."

Seeing the flustered look when she cared about herself, she was still a little bit painful at first, as if she had taken a panacea, the pain was all flying away, and nothing was left.

Although the two little guys were defeated by Huayue's series of offensives, and Lorna was somewhat injured, neither of them was angry.The two of them were still full of vitality. Although they were a little disappointed in the process and results, they did not give up or become discouraged. Instead, they still maintained a state of vitality.

"Lorna, are you okay, I have controlled my strength, and logically speaking, it shouldn't hurt you."

"It's okay, big brother, it just hurts a little bit. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Lorna's right index finger and thumb were compared with a little bit of movement, and she looked so cute. Huayueling stroked her head and looked at where she was stabbed by the wooden sword.It didn't seem to be a problem, after all, the weapon used was a wooden sword and not others, so naturally it would not cause her any harm.

Teresi's attack was a bit powerful, but even with the force Hua Yueling exerted, it was impossible to use a blunt wooden sword to cause harm to people.Not to mention that Hua Yueling still controlled her strength, and it was impossible to cause serious injury to her.

"It’s fine. You performed well just now, but you lack some experience. You have to remember what happened during the battle just now, and record it in your head seriously. Don’t forget, just think about this battle seriously. , You will have a lot to gain."

I don’t know how the two little guys are invisible in combat. Hua Yueling wants to use actual combat as a teaching material to let them realize some fighting methods and skills, but whether they can do it depends on their own. , Hua Yueling can't help much.

Even if it only realized a little fighting skills, then this training battle is worth it. Of course, if there is no way, Hua Yueling can only try to teach them other ways.But Hua Yueling still believed in their savvy in this regard.

In the past, Hua Yueling studied by himself. Whether it was listening to the teacher in class or reading and learning by himself, he was studying by himself. He hadn't really tried to teach others. This was really the first time for him. There is no experience in teaching.Just like the two little guys, in this respect, he can only try little by little to find a better way, there is no other way.

"Well, the actual combat training is here first, you two come here and sit and rest for a while."

Hua Yueling patted the little heads of the two little guys, then held their little hands, took them to the tree pier and sat down together, let them rest.

"How about it, are you tired?"

"Not tired!"

Both Lorna and Teres raised their heads to look at him and said in unison.After all, this battle didn't last long, and it was only five minutes at most, which is too much.

"Big brother, let's come back later, this time I will definitely perform better!"

Teres waved her small fist and called for a fight confidently.Although Lorna next to her didn't say anything, she kept her little head nodding, seeming to have the same idea as Teres.The two little guys are very confident.

"It's a good thing to have confidence, but you must be humble in the fight. The most important thing is to be careful and not careless, you know?"


The two little guys nodded heavily. The expressions on their faces should have listened to what he said, but Hua Yueling didn't expect them to remember right away that they could do it during battle. This is still needed. Time to adapt.Nothing is easy to adapt to at the beginning. It's like a habit. It's not that you can develop it if you want. It's impossible. You can only do it after a long period of deliberate practice.

Hua Yueling felt that the two little guys were doing very well, and they also had very good qualities, they could study seriously and deal with what they should do instead of just perfunctory.

"Don't worry, take a break and think about the fight just now."

Instructed them not to be too anxious to continue fighting, that would not help them improve. The key to actual combat is not only what to do, but feedback after actual combat is also extremely important.Hua Yueling understood this very well, so he asked the two little guys not to fight in a hurry.

Even if ten battles have been conducted during this period of time, how much help can it be? No, fight and then reflect, so that there will be the greatest improvement.

The two little guys were very obedient. After he said this, they started to think, both with their small heads drooping slightly, showing an extremely serious expression.Hua Yueling didn't know how much useful experience they could think about from the battle just now, but it didn't matter, even just a little was enough.

Looking at them by the side, Hua Yueling lay down with a smile, and then it's up to them.They can fight again when they feel that they are almost thinking about it, and then they can see if they make progress.

Hua Yueling is still looking forward to it, expecting them to make progress.

Lorna and Teres didn't call Hua Yueling for a short time, they thought for a long time, longer than Hua Yueling imagined.He originally thought he would not wait too long, but he was wrong. The two little guys are really serious in this regard, perhaps because of his reminder.

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