The two little guys are not in a hurry, and Hua Yueling is naturally not in a hurry.He didn't need to be in a hurry either, not to mention lying on the stump and enjoying the silence is also a very good choice.

There are lush branches and leaves above his head, and the shadow covers his face, but the magic lamp outside the tree house illuminates the open area very brightly.

Looking left and right, both sides are very calm. Normally, no one will come here. Probably no one will come here except Karin who had been the Elf King or other elves.

In this respect, Zelucci is better than them. Zelucci usually likes to be alone. If it weren't for their arrival, this tree house would not have become as lively as it is now.

The dangling feet dashed across the soft green grass on the ground, which was like a green carpet spreading on the ground.

Hua Yueling likes the environment here very much. It would be nice if her own home could be like this, but it's impossible.If it is in a rural area, or a single-family house, it would be better, at least the family can still "dress up" according to their own ideas, but don't think about it if you live in a building.

What's more, the place where they live is quite high, but fortunately, the greening work in the community where he lives is actually pretty good.It's just that no matter how good the artificial one is, sometimes there is no way to compare it with the natural one.

Hua Yueling was about to fall asleep when she lay down, and the two little guys hadn't reacted at all, so Hua Yueling couldn't do anything.He was so bored that he closed his eyes before he knew it.

Sleeping was pretty good, but it didn't take long before he felt that something was twisting around him, and something touched his arm.He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw two little guys beside him, with a pair of big eyes open, staring at him unblinkingly.

"You two are ready?"

Hua Yueling remembered what she was going to do, she immediately sat up.

"Big brother is asleep, and it is easy to catch a cold when sleeping outside."

"Oh, you still know that you have a cold, who told you about it?"

After hearing this, Hua Yueling asked curiously, this shouldn't be something they would know, maybe Sister Yun and the others told them.The two little guys usually like to sleep outside. It is estimated that one of the sisters Yun saw it and then told them.

Although the physical fitness of the two little guys is very good, when the weather is cold, sleeping outside may still catch a cold.Although it is said that there are cold medicines you can take, but who knows if their cold medicines are suitable for people in another world.

"Big sister said it." Teres immediately replied, "That time it was in the evening. Teres and Lorna were sleeping here, and the eldest sister came out from the inside to wake us up and told us not to sleep outside. , Go to the house."

"Is Big Brother tired? If you are tired, don't teach us anymore, go in and rest."

The two little guys were talking while pulling Hua Yueling's arm to go into the tree house, but Hua Yueling didn't really go back to the tree house with them, and refused their kindness.

"It's okay, the eldest brother is not tired, but fell asleep accidentally. How can the eldest brother be tired."

Hua Yueling stood up as she said so.

"Have you two figured it out?"

"Not very clear, but this time is definitely better than the last time!"

Hearing the confident words of the two little guys, Hua Yueling couldn't help smiling. It's better to be young, so aggressive.But what's wrong, are you so old?

I thought of myself as an old man without knowing it, this mentality is not good.

I shook my head vigorously. I should still change my mindset. I am still very young and I need to be more energetic. How can I continue like this.

After the meeting, Hua Yueling felt that she had energy, but the price was that the two little guys next to him looked at him with strange expressions.Maybe I think there is something wrong with my big brother's head.

But this must be a joking statement, the two little guys would naturally not think that way, Hua Yueling was just joking about thinking that way.

"Come on, let Big Brother come and see what progress you have made."

The battle started again, this time it was different from the beginning.The two little guys moved a little apart and didn't squeeze each other, which is correct.

"Very well, then I'm going to attack."

I reminded them that, in fact, there is no need for him to remind. The two little guys are already prepared, so his reminder is completely unnecessary.

Huayueling's figure suddenly disappeared, but he still didn't use all his power. Even if he disappeared, some flaws were left, ensuring that the two little guys could detect something, otherwise the training battle would not have been fought at all. It's necessary.

Lorna remained vigilant, while Teres was holding her shield with her eyes wide open, seeming to be searching for him.The two little guys didn't move much, and at this time Hua Yueling was about to rush to Lorna's body.

He still regards Lorna as the main target of attack. It is not that Lorna is weak, but that Lorna has no defenses.Terris still has a shield in her hand, and Lorna only has a pair of daggers, and she has no experience in the use of daggers, so she will be a little hurried facing an attack.

Huayue bullied herself to Lorna's side and attacked with a one-handed wooden sword. Lorna had already prepared. Although Huayueling was well concealed this time, she still discovered the flaw early.

Lorna still did not block, but chose to retreat and dodge. After avoiding his attack, Lorna did not give him the opportunity to continue attacking, and immediately withdrew to a farther distance.

This may be the way she thought of coping with Hua Yueling's continuous attacks. It seemed that she had indeed thought about what she did not do well enough and how to improve it, but Hua Yueling could only say that what she did was not enough.

Suddenly speeding up, Lorna rushed into confusion.Although she had thought about how to cope with Hua Yueling's continuous offensive, she had nothing to do with this sudden shift.

Fortunately, although Hua Yueling's strength was great, Lorna was not without the power of a battle. She subconsciously blocked her with a pair of daggers, and the wooden sword just hit it.

With a soft sound, Lorna was knocked out by a powerful force, and she barely controlled her body when she fell to the ground, and she almost swayed and fell.Lorna's ability to control her body is not bad, and she stabilized her pace.

However, Hua Yueling chased after him, and the offensive was not over yet.

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