When Hua Yueling attacked Lorna, Terris attacked from behind again, and this scene felt somewhat familiar.But this time Teres did not jump up, but directly stab him with a long sword.

But Hua Yueling also had the corresponding countermeasures, and saw that he gave up the opportunity to continue to attack, twisted his body, and directly dodges Triss' attack.Teres had to stop her offensive forcefully, otherwise, she might hit her partner again.

Lorna also stopped dodge at this time, and attacked Hua Yueling.After stopping, Terris turned around and attacked Hua Yueling again.The two of them seemed to have negotiated and fought from the front and back, but they failed, and Hua Yueling easily dodged the two weapons that they had waved.

Although the two little guys have made some progress, Hua Yueling is still relatively easy to deal with, their strength is not that strong, although there are some cooperation, but these cooperation is based on their original familiarity with each other. Formed, so it is not so skilled.

"It's just not enough."

When Hua Yueling said this, the figure disappeared again, but this time the two little guys had more experience. They saw them leaning back to back, scanning the surroundings very vigilantly, looking for Hua Yueling’s figure. It's just that he can find it so easily.

However, Hua Yueling did not act in a hurry. He hid from the side to observe the actions of the two little guys, regardless of their inexperience, but the posture that he posed was still unique.It looks like that.

Hua Yueling believes that as long as she reveals some flaws, they will definitely find it, which is a kind of affirmation for them.

After observing for a while, I saw that the two little guys were not moving, keeping a calm and alert posture, looking for his figure.Hua Yueling didn't continue to stay in place, there was no need, he had already got the information he wanted, they passed one test, and then another test.

"Lorna's reaction speed is very fast, and her reconnaissance ability is also good. In contrast, Triss is slightly inferior, and her reaction speed should be worse than Lorna. But her defensive ability is definitely stronger than Lona's. ."

Either the long sword or the shield in her hand can be used for defense. Unlike the two daggers in Lorna's hand, in terms of combat, there are no other characteristics besides the advantage in speed.

"It's a bit arrogant to attack two at once, and basically doesn't pose any threat. It's better to attack Lorna sneakily, but this time choose Teres."

You can't just attack a person. This is a training battle, not a real battle. Moreover, even in a real battle, you sometimes need to change the battle strategy instead of just advancing in one method.

Secretly approaching Teres, Teres hasn't noticed his movements, she is still on guard.Hua Yueling approached the past cautiously, wanting to see how close she would be discovered.

Lorna's ears suddenly trembled a few times, and he noticed Hua Yueling's approach earlier than Bitriss, turned around instantly, and reminded her companion.

"Tress, big brother is on the side!"

Teresi hurriedly turned around according to her instructions, but did not face Hua Yueling head-on, and she still had no way to determine where Hua Yueling was.

She tried her best to observe and find the location of Hua Yueling, but she found nothing.Hua Yueling stopped, and the movements of the two little guys also stopped.

Although Lorna discovered Hua Yueling, she did not accurately determine his location.Now she can determine the direction of Hua Yueling, but there is no way to determine where he is, so there is no way to act. In this case, acting rashly is dangerous, and she can only wait.

Terris was eager to try, but Lorna stopped her.Lorna was more calm than Teres, seeing her companion about to move forward, she rushed forward and bumped her, stopping her movement.

Random actions are not good, especially if you don’t know where the other person is. In that case, random actions are dangerous and detrimental to them.Teres was a little impatient, and it was fortunate that she was there, otherwise Teres would be alone, and she wouldn't know how to lose.

Too impulsive, impulsive is not a good thing, or sometimes it is a good thing, but sometimes it is obviously not.Everything in this world is not black and white, and black and white can be reversed.

Although Teres didn't like to wait like this, it was very, very rare for her to be able to wait so long, but since Lorna had been prepared to remind and stop, then she still had to listen to the opinions of her friends and could not do her own way.

Teres stopped, her eyes fixed on the front, waiting motionless under Lorna's reminder.

The comparison now is who can hold on, but Hua Yueling is not trying to compare this with them, this is just a part of the test, and it has just been tested.Terras' performance is a bit worse and needs to be adjusted and improved. Lorna's performance is better, but there are areas that need improvement.

Both of them are like this. Although Lorna performed well compared to Terris, it was obvious that she was just a novice with some experience and could not be called a veteran.

Hua Yueling took action again and went around to the other side, preparing to launch a sneak attack from this side.Lorna has been reminding Teres to pay attention to the location of Hua Yueling, but she probably knows it, but Teres can't do it, she must rely on her help.

In this regard, Teris is still not sensitive enough. As a Canine Clan, she should have some advantages in this respect. I don't know why she has such a performance.

"Sneak attack is not easy now."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but even though she thought so, in fact, he didn't take it seriously. As long as he was fast enough, it would be fine even if he was discovered.



Needless to say, just such an anxious reminder, Teres had already understood Lorna's meaning, and her induction ability was not that bad.Although she can't perceive as far away as her friend Lorna, it's not easy to hide her from her at close range.

Perceiving the location of Hua Yueling and the direction he was traveling, Teres rushed up face to face.When she got closer, Hua Yueling waved the wooden sword in her hand and chopped it down, but Teresi did not fight him hard, raising her left hand to block his attack with a wooden shield.

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