The shield blocked the wooden sword's chopping, but it was impossible to completely remove the power of Hua Yueling's sword.Terris stepped back several steps, even staggering, and finally stopped, and resisted Hua Yueling's attack.

However, this attack was only the beginning, Hua Yueling's figure disappeared again, his speed was too fast for the two little guys, and it surpassed the limit of their sight.

Teres didn't dare to neglect, and quickly moved with him, waving his weapon and attacking.There is an opportunity to naturally try to attack, blindly defensive is not the style of Teres, Terris likes offense rather than defense.

Lorna also took action at this time, but she did not attack Hua Yueling as eagerly as her friends, but was waiting for an opportunity.Although she came closer, she only moved around the two of them, with no intention of making a move yet.

Hua Yueling naturally had a panoramic view of the performance of the two little guys, and Lorna did better than Bitris.But Teres was not so bad, she was quite accurate.

Moving halfway, forced by Teres' attack, she had to stop, and blocked her offensive with a wooden sword in one hand.Then Teres launched several attacks in succession, almost without giving him a chance to breathe, but although this series of attacks are still well mastered in speed and strength, it can not be said to be just right, but it is quite good as a novice.

Such an attack is very good, but it is nothing to Hua Yueling, it is relatively easy to continuously block her offense, so that her dazzling offensive is easily dissolved into invisible by Hua Yueling.

After a series of attacks, Teres gasped a little. Although such an attack was very easy, the consumption was quite large, otherwise Teres would not be so tired.There was exhaustion on her face, but she couldn't behave like this as a whole. She quickly backed away, avoiding a counterattack from Hua Yueling, and then took a step back again, pulling away some distance.

A series of attacks made Teres understand that if she attacked from the front, she would have no advantage at all, basically useless, so the best way is to find a chance to sneak a wave, in which case it might be able to hit the big brother.But it is also difficult.

"And Lorna, as long as I help Lorna hold her big brother!"

Thinking of this, Teres couldn't help but glanced at Lorna, but it was only a glance, because Hua Yueling was not far in front of her, her attention could not be distracted for too long, it would be dangerous.

The battle between the two sides was deadlocked again, Lorna still did not act, nor did Teres.She had already understood after that tentative attack just now that an attack like the one just now has no effect, and something must be done.Although Lorna was there to assist, she wanted to do something, and wanted to do something.

But it was very difficult. She herself knew very well that she was the meat shield in front of her and was here to hold Huayueling. This was what she needed to do the most.There was no need for her to do other things, and Lorna certainly didn't want her to do anything else, this was enough.

Terris still calmed down and stood opposite Hua Yueling, staring at Hua Yueling alertly.

Hua Yueling walked forward step by step, and he could hear his footsteps. The sound made her feel depressed, which was quite uncomfortable, but Teres was still very calm and did not make any movements. Waiting for Hua Yueling's action.

He can't attack first, if that happens, he will fall into the disadvantage.You must wait until the big brother attacks before looking for flaws, or just resist his attack like this, don't think about other things.

Teres has also grown, but this is not enough.

Hua Yueling unexpectedly attacked without any warning.The long wooden sword in his hand slashed over like an electric light, which was not only fast but also powerful.What's more important is that this attack is particularly concealed. If you don't pay special attention, you won't find him going to attack at all. The little guy was really taken aback by his attack, and he couldn't react at first.

In fact, thinking about it, I can understand why she couldn't react. Hua Yueling's shot was too sudden, which made her unable to react in time.Although he also knew that he was about to make a move, such an attack speed was something Teres could not expect.

It was like a flash of lightning struck suddenly, no one would have thought that no one would have the ability to react so quickly.Almost nothing was seen, Hua Yueling's attack had already arrived, and this attack was so terrifying.

It was too late for Teres to react, but she still raised the shield in her hand subconsciously, just a little bit away. It was only a time difference of one to two seconds. The long sword slashed into the wood. A gap was cut at the top of the shield.

This force knocked her back again. This time she really staggered and didn't stand firm, and almost fell. Hua Yueling wouldn't let this opportunity pass, and immediately bullied herself to prepare for a continuous attack.If she was really hit by Hua Yueling's series of attacks, Terris should have been out. At that time, Lorna alone would not be Hua Yueling's opponent.

It was also when Cai Lorna shot, she had been looking for a good enough opportunity, but this kind of opportunity was very difficult to find, she had been waiting and did not wait for such an opportunity.Now that Teres was beaten without the strength to fight back, she was about to end, she couldn't continue to be silent.

You can't do it without a move.Lorna's figure flashed, and she appeared behind Hua Yueling in an instant. This was a calculation she had done a long time ago, but it's not easy to say what kind of effect this sneak attack can achieve, and it is probably not very good. The effect of this is certain.

If you find an opportunity, it’s okay, but now you’re forced to take a shot, it’s not a particularly good opportunity.But there is no way. Lorna can't do anything about it. In any case, she can't just watch Terris be defeated.Otherwise, neither of them would be rivals, and it would be even more difficult for them to be alone.

Hua Yueling actually knew what Lorna would do for a long time, so she didn't feel surprised at all when she appeared behind her, this was completely in his expectation.

But even if he knew it for a long time, he couldn't continue to chase Terris to attack, and he couldn't completely ignore Lorna's attack. Although it was only a pair of daggers, the damage it could cause was not a joke.

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