Hua Yueling dodges Lorna's attack, and when she rushed past her, she reached out to grab her.But this time Lorna was not so easy to be caught by him. In the meantime, Lorna twisted and avoided his hand directly, and then stabbed him again with the dagger with both hands.


This moment made Hua Yueling feel a little surprised, and Lorna's reaction was good, better than what he had imagined.But the choice of attacking again was worse, and such an attack would have no effect on him.

The long wooden sword continuously blocked Lorna's attack. After intercepting it, Hua Yueling immediately attacked, but at this time Teres had already controlled her body, and her toes slammed on the ground and flew over.

There was still some distance between the two sides, and Teres had reacted fast enough, but there was still no way to support Lorna in time.Before Lorna fell to the ground, the long sword in Hua Yueling's hand had fallen on her.

Lorna still wanted to try to avoid or block, but it was too late.

"Lost Meow..."

Lorna spoke in a very disappointing tone and withdrew from the battlefield. After that, after experiencing a series of confrontations, Teres was completely defeated by Hua Yueling and fell to the ground.

The two little guys were lying down on the grass, Lorna's expression was still disappointed, but Teres was quite happy.The main thing is that in the end, her fight with Hua Yueling was really enjoyable and made her very happy.

If there is not such a refreshing ending, she would not be happy.But she was not very happy to see Lorna, so she approached Lorna and hugged her to comfort her.

Seeing the way these two little guys get along, Hua Yueling is also quite happy. The relationship between Lorna and Teris really stopped, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a good friend.Under the comfort of Terris, Lorna gradually recovered some energy, at least not as listless and unhappy as she was at the beginning.

"Okay, don't be unhappy, you two did a good job this time. You performed better than I thought."


When Lorna and Teres heard what Hua Yueling said, the frustration disappeared, and they immediately raised their heads to look at him in surprise.

"Well, it's true. You did a good job, and this is the first time. Today we just started the training battle. For the first time, your performance is already quite good."

After all, this is the first time they have come to actual combat, and he hadn't actually taught them too much before, and they were able to comprehend it quite well.

Hua Yueling took them back to the tree house and sat down in a chair for them to rest.

"You two sit here for a while. I'll get you some snacks. I'll just take some snacks and rest."

After Hua Yueling comforted the two of them, she went upstairs to get snacks.After training, they should take a good rest, and take advantage of this free time to let them remember their previous battles, so that there may be more improvements.

Hua Yueling went upstairs and went to the entertainment room, and found that the girls were still playing in it, but now the one sitting in front of the game console has changed, and it is no longer the previous girls.After hearing the footsteps, the girls subconsciously looked back and saw that he was back. They all greeted him with a smile.

Other girls saw that the two little guys didn't follow them back, and asked where they were.Hua Yueling answered her and told her that the two little guys were resting at the bottom of the tree house.

The girls were quite curious about what Hua Yueling and the two little guys did. Hua Yueling explained a little bit. They were going outside to train together.He went to teach two little guys how to fight, mainly for this knowledge.

After the girls heard this, their expressions changed slightly. Hua Yueling also noticed this, but he didn't say anything. He couldn't figure out what these girls were thinking.

Maybe they have similar ideas, at least some of the girls should be like this, Hua Yueling can see it.

It's a good thing to have such thoughts, but it still depends on the girls' own thoughts.

"Then I will go down first. You can eat these as you like, you are welcome."

Hua Yueling took some snacks and drinks, and also some fruits, oranges and tangerines.The two little guys are very tired now, they can't walk fast, let alone come upstairs.

Back downstairs, Hua Yueling stood at the top of the stairs, watching these two little guys lying on the table, the big eyes of the two little guys were half-open and half-closed, as if they were tired of falling asleep.

"After all, I have just started training, and my physical strength is still a bit worse, but it should be better after a while."

Walking down the stairs made the sound of footsteps. The two little guys were about to fall asleep. They were awakened by the sound of his footsteps, and they straightened up and looked up the stairs.Seeing him coming back with so many things in his hands, they all got up and greeted him quickly, trying to help him take them together.

"I don't need your help for this, just sit and eat, then I will be very happy."

Hua Yueling said with a smile, walked to the table, put down the plastic bag in her hand, opened a bottle of drink and handed it to Teres. After receiving it, Teres did not drink it by herself, but turned and gave it to Lorna next to.

She thought that Lorna was so unhappy before, so she wanted to make her drink a delicious drink to make her mood better.Isn't delicious things the best help for forgetting worries?

Lorna was not polite, and after taking it, she took a sip.This kind of loving interaction is quite heart-warming. The two little guys don't need to say anything more. Without words, the actions show everything.

Naturally, it is impossible for Hua Yueling to say that he would only give one of them and ignore the other. He would naturally not do things that were biased.He opened another bottle and handed it to Teres again. Teres took it and stared at the mouth of the bottle with her cerebellum lowered. His big lovely eyes blinked, and then he raised his head to look at him. .

The little guy behaved a little strangely, Hua Yueling was still thinking about why she didn't drink, and she saw the little guy hand over the drink in her hand.

"Brother, you have been worthy of us to exercise for so long, and you will give us food and drink as soon as you come back. You must be very tired. Give you a drink first."

"Thank you for your kindness, no, there is more here, you drink yours."

Hua Yueling said so and picked up another bottle, Terris didn't tell him any more.

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