In the deadly environment, a figure slowly moved forward. In the darkness, it was impossible to see his figure clearly, and the sound of something echoed in the sound of footsteps.

The footsteps are very soft and weak, and no sense of power can be heard.But with the sound of footsteps, the sound of the bones "Ka La Ka La" gradually expanded, and the ground was also dug by something.But the figure didn’t care about it. He raised his foot and stepped on the ground.

This step didn't seem to have much power, and there was no sound, but those sounds disappeared in an instant.The silence was restored here.

Only the sound of footsteps remained, and slowly he came to a door, and a huge iron door blocked his footsteps.There is a circular groove in the center of this door. The visitor took out a round object that fits well with it from his pocket, looked down, and then put it into the gap.

In the heavy sound, the iron gate slowly opened inward, without anyone pushing it.The big iron door is fully opened, and the scene inside emerges. It is a huge cylindrical space as a whole. A ray of light shines from the small circular hole in the center to the center of the ground, and the sand flows down with the sun. , Fell to the ground and piled up.

The figure walked through the gate and walked straight ahead. It didn't stop for a moment, nor did it bypass the sandy hill that was almost a person in the middle, and walked directly on the sand.

When the sand falls on him, he treats it as if sand does not exist.One step left a deep footprint, and the ankles were buried in the sand.At the top of the sand mountain, he stood there, raised his head, and let the quicksand fall on his face, flowing down his cheek.

With the sound of "Shusha", his head tilted higher.The quicksand fell to the ground, forming a small pile of sand under his feet.

In this world, as if there was no time passing by, when the sand piled up in front of him to form a sandy mountain almost to his knees, he took a step forward.

Firm and powerful, he walked forward step by step in strides, and the small sand hill was destroyed by his legs, collapsed, and flowed down the slope, not knowing where it would stay.

He walked down the quicksand step by step, walking on the slope formed by the sand, staggering from time to time, but he did not fall. Although he staggered, he walked very steadily.

Under the sand hill, he stopped, and then raised his head, which had been low.

Looking straight ahead, in the light, there is darkness in front.There is his goal there, and now half of the distance has been walked, and only half is left, but that half is longer than half of the distance he has traveled.

Nothing can stop him, he is fully prepared.

The road under my feet is still extending towards the distance, towards the darkness, and towards the unknown land.There is what he yearns for, and he has to pass this trial road no matter what.

He could feel that through the sand flowing down from above, he could feel that in the deepest place, the thing placed in the deepest place was calling him and waiting for his arrival.

Believing in all of this, he believed that he could succeed, that he would be the owner of that thing, he had such self-confidence.

Hua Yun came to the tree house again, this time it wasn't just her, but Jelusy was also here.

"Here are all related books to help you find out."

What Jelucy was talking about were the books piled up like a mountain on the square table. There were so many books here that Hua Yun was surprised when she saw it.She hasn't read so many books since she was a child, right? She had this idea at that moment.

Unexpectedly, after only five days, there were already so many books.

"Sorry to trouble you. Actually, there is no need to take them out. I can find them by myself when I see them."

Hua Yun didn't expect that she would let someone take out all these books. Originally, she thought it was to record those related books, and then go to the corresponding bookshelf to fetch them when needed.

"After you read it, take it back."

Jie Lucy was quite concerned about this matter. Hua Yueling saw this in his eyes. He had seen Jie Lucie ask the girls who were maids to find books several times.Finding out so many books is not an easy task. It takes the girls how much time it takes to find out.

Every morning and afternoon when there is nothing else, there will be girls coming to the library and soaking in here during that time.But Zelucy is not a big capitalist after all, let alone call them like a big capitalist, so although it sounds very busy, in fact, different people come every day and have a clear division of labor.

This makes the girls feel tired at first glance, but in fact, everyone has no complaints at all. After all, even if they are tired, they are only tired for one day, instead of saying that a group of people do the same thing for five days.

"I have a feeling these days that what you do has a great possibility."

What Jelucy said made Hua Yun a little confused. Her meaning didn't sound so easy to understand, a little hard to understand.I just have some interest in this, and I have other considerations, but I don't think so much.

"Is it a strange feeling?"

Hua Yun doesn't feel this way, but she believes that what Jelucy said will not be aimless.It doesn't feel right, but since Jay Lucy said it, it means she still believes it.

"Similar to a prophecy, I can see certain scenes, as if they are happening in front of my eyes, and see them really. Those things are related to you, you found out from the book."


The pressure suddenly increased, and she was still reading with a relaxed mood, but after listening to Zelucy, she found it difficult to relax.

"I don't say this to give you pressure, you don't have to think about it, just find it according to your ideas. But I am also curious about this and will read these books with you."

Two people sat opposite each other, but they couldn't see each other, and Shushan blocked their sight.Only the sound of turning leaves can be heard in the library, which brings some warmth to the quiet library.

Today, only the two of them are here, and so many books have been found, so Jerucy asked the girls to rest for a day, but they did not come.

Hua Yueling and the others have other things to do and they are not here either.

Huayun came with her brother and them early in the morning, and after having breakfast here, she came to the library, and Jelucy brought her over.The two people at the dinner table hadn't talked much, as usual. She didn't know much about Jelucy, and she didn't know how to get along with her.

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