After reading, neither of them spoke. They were reading quietly, and there was no other sound except the sound of turning pages.Hua Yun listened to the sound of turning pages on the other side, and couldn't help raising her head to look at the other side, but her vision was blocked and she couldn't see Jelucy at this moment.

Hua Yun was quite curious about this, but she couldn't get up and go over, so she could only hold back her curiosity secretly and continue to read the books in her hand.This is a very professional book, and she has a headache reading it.

This is often the case for professional books. It is not so easy for a scholar who specializes in this area, let alone someone who only has a little understanding of this area.It took a lot of effort to understand some of the knowledge, but not all of it.

But this is also normal. In fact, she doesn't want to understand all the knowledge, as long as she understands some things she wants to understand, other things are the same thing, not important.

When investing in it, Hua Yun was also thinking about some issues, such as the origin of the artifact and the power of the artifact, and more importantly, what the artifact represents.

It was the artifact Livio used that made her curious, and she wanted to learn more about artifacts, but the artifacts that existed in another world and those artifacts in Livio's hands did not come from one world.What are the differences between the artifacts produced by different power systems? These are all questions, and they are all difficult to answer.

The artifacts in the other world may not have the power displayed by the artifacts in Livello's hands, but they must not be underestimated.

"Will the artifacts that exist in this world have their original power if they are taken back?"

Hua Yun had never thought of bringing the artifact back to the real world to use, but she thought that so many things had happened recently, perhaps having the artifact could solve some problems more easily.

I quickly turned over some irrelevant pages, but a paragraph of text on one of the pages attracted her attention.Hua Yun turned to that page and read the paragraph carefully.

"It's quite interesting, but it's not true or false yet."

What is recorded above is a terrifying ancient artifact that once appeared in the world and brought disasters to the entire world.Orange described above, that divine tool has a weird and terrifying power, which is a power that humans cannot contend. As long as you get the divine tool, you will be controlled by the divine tool and become a creature without self-consciousness.

The content of the record is sensational, but the credibility is not very easy to say.At present, Hua Yun has only seen such a description in this book, and there is no other supporting evidence.

"Record it first."

Next to it is the notebook she brought from the earth, which was prepared a long time ago, just to record the contents that she finds useful.Recording content is very important, but she does not mean to record all the content, but only a part of it, summarize, write down what she thinks is the most important, and then mark where she got this Information, this is enough, mainly to ensure that if you want to find information at that time, you can find it directly, instead of going through all the books for the information you have already found.

"That's enough."

Looking at the notes left in the notebook, after looking at the contents of the book in front of her, she took out a bookmark to clip it on this page, and the double insurance was foolproof.

Jelucy was basically unaffected by her side, and was still reading very seriously. The two people still basically didn't speak or communicate.

Hua Yun continued to flip through the books, looking for content that would arouse her interest.The time it takes to read this book is not so little.And you can't just read it all at once, you still have to spend some time.

Hua Yun still has her own experience in reading. She had learned how to read with her brother Hua Yueling earlier.So she can skim, not so proficient, but it can save a lot of time.

The line of sight moved from the beginning of the left page of the book, and then swept down like this until it reached the end of the other page.Two pages can be read in tens of seconds at most, and the speed can be said to be very fast.

During the reading, Hua Yun's initial nervousness gradually disappeared, and she was able to read with a calm mind.After reading a book, she stretched out a lot and rubbed her tired eyes.The reading time is a little longer, and my mouth is a bit dry, let alone my eyes.

Blinking quickly, she stood up, looked around for a week, and then turned and walked outside without a word.

When the figure walked across the table, Jelucy stopped her movements and turned to look at her. Only her back can be seen there.Jelucy stared at her for a while, then turned her gaze back, and did not pay attention to her actions.

"So tired, my eyes are almost dry."

Standing in front of the window sill, holding on to the window frame and looking at the scenery outside the window, the outside is particularly bright under the action of the magic lamp. Obviously this brightness cannot be compared with ordinary daylight, not to say that the brightness is not as good as ordinary daylight. It’s that some are too bright, so you can’t think of it as daylight at all.

It's not good if it's too bright. Just looking at the outside, I can't feel the natural feeling.

Standing in front of the window for a while, admiring the prosperous branches and leaves outside, especially the densely green leaves less than the size of the palm, which made her eyes particularly comfortable.

After resting for a while, she turned around and returned to the library. There were still so many books that she hadn't read. But in the past few days, she calculated it in the time of another world. How did she want to give so many books to It is almost impossible task to finish reading.As for what Jelucci said, she somewhat believed Jelucci, but could she do it?

I have to say that she was really stressed at the beginning, but she gradually became free of distractions while reading, and gradually calmed down.

Now she can read the books in her hand very calmly, at least not feeling the tension and breathlessness as she did at the beginning.Don't think this is an exaggeration, she really felt that way in the beginning.


Put the book in your hand aside, there can be counted as the area of ​​the book that has been read, and once again take one from the pile of books in front of you.But she just stood up a little at first, but she couldn't reach it. She had to stand up straight and leaned hard to reach the highest book.

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