While Hua Yun was reading "non-stop", Hua Yueling, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were in a village near the Fairy Forest.They came all the way, and it took some time to get here.

However, Hua Yueling and the others did not start from the tree house, but came from the edge of the Elf Forest.They were asked by Ze Lucy, so they left the action so early.

It is said that the nearby villages are threatened by monsters and dead creatures, and some terrible incidents have happened recently.It's just that the lord of this place doesn't care about what happened here. Although some people try to tell the lord what happened here, it's a pity that they didn't even see the lord's face.

The truth is so cruel, no one cares about their life or death, or whether they are alive or dead, it doesn't matter to the lord at all.Although that person is also quite tenacious, he has stayed with the city lord for a while, but it is still of no use. The city lord does not want to see you.

Jay Lucy also got the news accidentally, she got it from her friend.Originally, she was asked to help find any clues, and help solve the problem if possible, but Jie Lucy entrusted the matter to Hua Yueling and the others for their help.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not refuse, and they agreed directly. This was also the reason why they came back here.There are not many villages around here, so they need to investigate one by one.Before they went out to take action, Ze Lucy also warned them that they must be more careful, this time things should not be easy.

"There will be no monsters in those villages for no reason. There is no problem in the elven forest. The problem lies outside, either in those villages or in other uninhabited places. I don’t know if this is a conspiracy, but it’s certain. It’s certainly not that simple to resolve this matter. It’s better to pay more attention when you understand the situation."

Hua Yueling and the others took down the reminder from Jie Lucy. Since she reminded them specifically, it must have her own intention.

"Let's go find someone to ask."

Hua Yueling and the others came to the village closest to the Elf Forest. It was a peaceful village, and there was no danger in sight.However, there are no people in the village. Maybe they came too early. Of course, maybe it was because they were afraid of encountering danger, so everyone didn't go out.

In theory, this should not be the case. Hua Yueling glanced around. In the vicinity of this village, whether it is to see with his eyes or rely on exploration skills to understand, Hua Yueling can understand worse information. Is relatively small.

"It feels like it's quite quiet here, there is no smell of monsters anywhere, and it doesn't seem like a dangerous place at all."

"Maybe it will only appear at some point. And you can't draw a conclusion so quickly. If it's really not a bit dangerous, it won't be like it is now.

"Perhaps this village has not been affected."

"Just ask."

At the entrance of the village, Hua Yueling and the others discussed it, and then walked into the village.They asked the village chief here to see if there was any useful news.

"But the protection measures in this village are not very good," Hua Yueling looked at the wooden fence built around the village, shook his head and said, "The wooden fence may not even be able to block the cattle, let alone. Go to block the monster, and there is not even a guard here, if you are attacked by the monster, it is difficult to say what the consequences will be."

The defense of the village is a bit too weak. There is neither guard nor any defensive measures. The fences can't do much.Wanting to rely on those things to defend against monsters or something is simply a dream.

"I don't know where the village chief lives."

No one can ask, the buildings in the village are basically the same, there is not much difference.It is impossible to tell which is the village chief’s house just from the house.

"Um... if only someone could ask."

The village is not without a breath of people, but it is very weak. After all, everyone is hiding in the house and does not want to come out.

"Excuse me, is there anyone?"

The question fell, and the silence lasted for a while, before hearing the sound of footsteps, the door of one of the houses was carefully pushed open, and a person who looked older than them poked his head through the crack in the door.

"You are?"

The man looked at them and asked questioningly.

"Do you have anything to do in our small village?"

"We are entrusted by people. I heard that there are monsters that are rampant in the village nearby, so I came to help. Are you also invaded by monsters here?"

Hua Yueling quickly explained briefly. It seems that the person is still quite wary of them, and depending on his performance, there should be monsters that have appeared here, or other things have occurred, otherwise he shouldn't So wary of them.

However, this was a good start for Hua Yueling and the others. When they came to a village, it happened to be the place where the monster had “visited”, and perhaps enough useful information could be collected here.

The man observed them and discovered that they seemed to be adventurers, not to trouble them, and then cautiously opened the door and walked out.

"You are here to help us solve those monsters?"

It seemed that some still couldn't believe them, so the man asked tentatively.At the same time, he was still watching them on guard. At the same time, the other villagers seemed to have heard the sound here, and all walked out from inside and looked over here.

Gradually, as it was discovered that it was a few young people, the number of people who came around increased, and Hua Yueling and the others were surrounded in the center, as if it was possible to do something at any time.

"Don't get excited, we are here to help you solve your problems, not to trouble you."

Naturally, Hua Yueling didn't want to have a conflict with them, it was unnecessary, and they weren't here for trouble.Fortunately, the people here are not completely unable to communicate. The person who started the conversation with them seemed to be the village chief. He stretched out his hand to signal that the other villagers were not looking for trouble, and then the villagers stopped and dispersed a little. Some went there, but they still surrounded a few of them.

But Hua Yueling felt that these villagers underestimated them too. If they really want to find something, they are not their opponents at all.

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