There is no way to contact for the time being. It would be better if there are devices similar to mobile phones, but the mobile phones cannot be used here, then there is no way.It would be fine if the magic crystal could be used for communication, but this would not work either.

It's not that the magic crystal can't communicate, but you must have a specific magic crystal if you want to use it to communicate.Strategic-level magic items specifically used for calls are not available casually.

Basically in another world, only nobles can use such magic items, and they have to be high-level nobles, and there are even no royals in some places.The number of strategic magic items is very, very rare, and the craftsmanship is not complicated, but it is very difficult, that's why this situation is created.

Hua Yueling and the others knew about the existence of this item, but they had never seen it before, let alone used it.So don't think about it, don't think about it, it's impossible for them to fall from the sky just thinking about it.

"There shouldn't be so much to worry about. We just need to stay too far away. If there is any problem on your side, or if something goes wrong on my side, we will directly shout out to remind the other party."

This should be the best way that can be thought of right now. After thinking about it, Lu Yuetong also feels that this is more reliable.Mu Ningshuang didn't have any opinions about this approach, and thought it was OK. I definitely can't say that it is the best way, but it's almost the same.

"Let's do it. Don't forget to notify me whether you are in danger or if you find something for a while."

After Hua Yueling reminded the girls, she took the initiative to separate from them and acted alone, while the girls went in the opposite direction from where he went.

In fact, Huayueling and the others did not have much hope. If the villagers had basically found nothing during the day, they would know if they thought about it. How could it be possible for them to find something as soon as they came, it would be impossible. .But since they are here, they have to do something. This is the reason for Hua Yueling and the others to act.

After walking few steps on the uneven grass, Hua Yueling looked back and looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.The two of them were walking in opposite directions, farther away from him. The two girls did not look here. They were still looking for them very seriously, and left everything else behind. Go back to the head.

In fact, there is no need to look for any abnormalities on the grassland, just standing here can easily find the wrong place, there is nothing to observe.Not to mention that Hua Yueling's exploration skills covered a large area, and no matter what happened in this area, he would be aware of it.

"But if you don't live near here, how do they appear here at night?"

If this question is answered, it may be able to solve part of the problem. If it is not hidden here and there are their gathering places near here, then the most likely thing is that they have been called out.But Hua Yueling felt that such a chance was relatively small.

"If you knew it, you should ask, what the monsters here are. It's unclear, and it's not easy to judge." Hua Yueling thought a little regretful, but regretting now is of no use." Anyway, I have to go back later, so please ask afterwards."

It's still early and there is still a lot of time, Hua Yueling and the others will not spend it in this place. If they can't find anything here, they can only go to other places.

I looked up at the sky, the clear sky showed a blue color, which is rarely seen in modern society.It's not that Hua Yueling has never seen such a scene before, but rarely.

"It's another troublesome thing. The incident this time is not that simple. It is estimated that what Yuetong said was not wrong. I just don't know if we can solve it."

Purpose, what is the purpose of the other party, as long as you can understand this clearly, perhaps even a breakthrough has been found.It's just that they don't have anything at the moment, and what they understand is really pitiful.

Collecting evidence, then putting together the original appearance of the matter, and finally taking action. This is a way of doing things, and probably the best way.

Hua Yueling didn't go too far, just walked around the village behind him, walked around the village and looked for it.

"It's very peaceful, no matter where it is, it's a peaceful scene. You can't even see the shadow of a monster. No monster's nest can be found everywhere, as if it doesn't exist, or the nest is hidden further away. Or hidden deep underground?"

Underground, Hua Yueling tried to get a deeper understanding of the situation below the ground, but this is such a large area, unless you are extremely lucky, otherwise it is idiotic to find that you can find it so casually.

There was nothing abnormal under the ground, and after adding such a direction to look for, the range he could explore suddenly narrowed a lot, and his attention must be highly concentrated, otherwise something would be missed if he didn't pay attention.

"Have you found it?"

The two sides met at the entrance of the village. Hua Yueling came back a little earlier, and waited a while at the entrance of the village before seeing Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong approaching in the distance.Lu Yuetong waved his arms to greet him after spotting him, but did not rush over.

Hua Yueling didn't wait for them to come over, and took the initiative to quarrel with them and walked over, and walked over to explore the remaining part.

The breeze blew her hair and cheeks. After Hua Yueling and them joined, they asked each other if they had received the goods.

"No, there is no place to hide here. In fact, there are only so many places to hide. There are no suspicious buildings on the grassland. If there is no hiding in the ground, it is basically impossible to hide. Up."

"It's the same here. We can't explore the underground like you, Aling, but from our observations, there is no sign of looseness on the ground. In this case, we can be sure that there should be no underground. The lair."

"It's just impossible to be sure, but it's almost the same."

Hua Yueling nodded. He believed that Lu Yuetong's judgment was not wrong. Although it cannot be said that it is impossible, this possibility is still relatively high.

"It is probably certain that there is no place to hide around here, so the most likely thing is to do it through summoning."

"Go elsewhere and see if there are any clues elsewhere."

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