"But before we go to the next place, let's go find the village chief again. I have something to ask him."

The three of them went to the village chief's house, and the village chief greeted them nervously.Before they spoke, the village head could not wait to ask them if they had found anything.


Hua Yueling shook his head and said only these two words. After listening to his answer, the village chief did not show any concealment of his disappointment.Hua Yueling can understand his feelings. As people who live here, they naturally hope that their home is safe.

The village chief hoped that they could find out the cause of the matter. In fact, it was not that important. The important thing was to solve the problem, but Hua Yueling and the others still let him down.

If possible, Hua Yueling naturally didn't want to let others down, and let them continue to live in a life of fear and fear, but he couldn't help it for the time being.If the monster does not appear, and the purpose of the monster cannot be found, there is nothing you can do for him, nothing.

Unless something happens again, leaving a clue, otherwise he can't do anything.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, Hua Yueling dare not call herself a clever woman in this respect, even a clever woman can't make it, let alone cooking without rice.In this regard, Hua Yueling can only comfort the village chief, this is the only thing he can do at present.

After bidding farewell to the village chief, Hua Yueling and the others left under the attention of the villagers in the village, and after their figure gradually moved away, the villagers immediately surrounded the village chief and asked the village chief.But the answers they got naturally disappointed them. These adventurers are useless adventurers and can't help them.

"Fortunately, I still have hope for them, so young, I should have known that they were unreliable."

"Even Lord Lord doesn't want to care about us, so are these adventurers, but they just turned around and left. Do you want to cheat the money out like this!"

The people were filled with righteous indignation, as if they really knew that Hua Yueling was here to cheat money.But I have to say that they think too much, and their ideas are a little too inexplicable. Even if Hua Yueling hears them, although they will be angry, they will not care about these people.

It is quite normal to be questioned if you haven't made a grade. Only when you make a grade can you get rid of these doubts. To a certain extent, this is also impossible.

Hua Yueling and the others chose the next place based on the map nearby, which was a larger village than the village they had visited before.They can only find them from village to village, and the possibility of finding them is still very slim.

But at present, there is no better way. This time-consuming and labor-intensive method can be regarded as the best way.

One morning, Hua Yueling and the others learned about several villages near the Elf Forest. These villages are located on the border between the human country and the Elf Forest. In addition, the village economy here is not very good, so naturally they are not. Will be taken seriously.

With so many things happening, let alone soldiers here, even adventurers rarely come.These villages are very poor, and the rewards that can be given even if the task is released are not much, but this matter is not so easy to solve. The most important thing is that the reward of the task does not match the difficulty of the task itself.

At noon, Hua Yueling and the others took a rest in the last village they visited. The village head invited them to lunch. This surprised Hua Yueling a little, but they also thanked the village head very much.He didn't eat and drink for nothing, but gave him some money in this world, which counted as thanks.

However, the village chief was unwilling to accept it anyway, and Hua Yueling and the others said the same.In that case, Hua Yueling and the others did not force it.

Although the food here is not so delicious, but no matter how good it is, it is a kind of heart. It is very good to have this kind of heart. Don't ask too much for other things.

After eating lunch, Hua Yueling and the others did not rush to continue their actions, but sat down to consider their next actions.Hua Yueling and the others left the village chief’s house after lunch. They found a place to stay outside the village and started talking about their actions.

"There is no progress. All morning has passed, and no useful information has been collected. If this goes on, I am worried that the afternoon will be the same."

Hua Yueling was worried about this for a reason, but it was useless to worry about it. The most important thing was to find a solution to the problem.If collecting information is not possible, then you can only wait.

Waiting for something to happen, then maybe they will be able to collect useful information better.

"If you wait, you have to wait until the evening, and I don't know which village it might appear in, if it's a random situation."

"So we have to judge whether it is random or calculated. If there is a pattern, we can find them accurately."

Hua Yueling and the others drew a copy of the time for the monsters to go to each village. The standard is already very clear, and it is the most complete information they can currently obtain.

"Well, they have all been to the villages here, and they have been to several times. In terms of time..."

Hua Yueling and the others found that the actual aspect seemed to be somewhat random, but Hua Yueling felt that there might be some pattern in it, but they hadn't found it yet, so almost all their attention was on this.

However, those dates basically seem to have no connection, and it is quite difficult to tell what can be seen from them, even if it is hard to connect them, it is basically impossible.

"Could it be that they just wander around with their own minds?"

Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other, they were all a little speechless, irregularity was the most troublesome, and it was troublesome compared to all other things.But you can't give up. If they don't find it, it doesn't mean there will be no. If they are really prepared, then there will definitely be regularities, and it's impossible to have nothing at all.

This is just their wishful thinking. As to whether there is any, it is not their final decision.

Looking at the paper in her hand and reading the content, Hua Yueling felt quite helpless.Although there are still a few villages that he has not visited, he does not think that going to those places will be of any help to the next action.

"If there is nothing else to do, you should look for it elsewhere."

There is nothing else you can do for the time being, so you can only act, unless you go back, but now there is nothing you can do when you go back. Let's go to the remaining villages and talk about other things.

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