Hua Yueling and the others were still busy. After lunch, they almost didn't have much rest, so they went straight to the next village.The remaining villages that have not been visited are not many, but there are also many.

The calls of birds in the distance can be heard on the secluded grassland, where people are scarce, and so are monsters.They have traveled many distances, but these places are basically the same, Hua Yueling and the others have not been able to see any monsters.

This is very strange. Villagers in several villages said that monsters appeared, but no matter where they were, inside the village, or outside the village, there were no signs of monsters.There was not even a trace of a monster, which was almost impossible.

Hua Yueling even wondered if those people had hallucinations. Of course, if only a few people said that, they might still think so, but so many people and people in several villages all responded to this problem, then it shows that the problem does exist. .

After an afternoon passed, Hua Yueling and the others still found nothing.Just like the morning, I have been to many places, but there is no difference between the harvest in these places and the morning.This is the problem, Hua Yueling has nothing to say in this situation.

"It seems that we will only stay here at night to see what else will happen. If we are lucky, we can gain something today. If we are not lucky, we don't know when we have to wait."

What Hua Yueling said was the only way for now. They had tried to do something, but in the end there was still no change.

"Go back, go to the village where we started, and let's rest there for one night."

Back to the village where they first went, Hua Yueling and the others told the village chief their thoughts, and the village chief happily agreed instead.It was a warm welcome for them to live, and it could be seen that he was scorched by those monsters, and it was a warm welcome that someone could help him cope with him.

"There is no hotel in the village, so I can only feel wronged for a few people to live with me. I will clean up some of them. There is still an empty room... Look at my mind, I will find a way to spare two for the three. Come from a room."

"Don't bother you, just have a room."

Hua Yueling looked at the two girls. The girls didn't have any complaints. After all, they rest here mainly to wait for the night to see if there are monsters coming back. Rest is the second priority.

The village head also said that they must clean up two rooms for them, but Hua Yueling and the others still told each other not to be busy, there is no need, and there are indeed not so many rooms here, that is, there is no free room in the village head’s house. They still had to let Hua Yueling out of a room, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others would have to stay outside.

The village chief naturally wouldn't let Hua Yueling and the others stay outside, so if they ask someone for help, they don't tidy up their residence. Is that a thing?

At night, there is nothing to do. The big cities are better. Even at night there is light, but the big cities are more strict.There is no need to worry about so many things in the village. When the time comes, people will naturally go home and rest after dinner.

Working at sunrise and resting at sunset describe this kind of life. When the sky goes dark, it is when people are resting.The ancient people are like this, Hua Yueling and the others are still very unaccustomed to, they usually never rest so early at home.But there is still something to do at night, and early rest is necessary.

The village chief's family rested early after eating, and Hua Yueling and the others rested earlier, so that they could react quickly and promptly no matter what happened at night.

"Boom boom!"

A heavy knock on the door was accompanied by a screaming sound. Hua Yueling and the others opened their eyes and they all got up quickly when they realized that something had happened.After removing the latch, he saw the village chief standing outside the door eagerly.

"Several people, the monsters are here again. They are now outside our village. Please help some people to take a look at the situation."

"Okay, let's go now."

The village chief gave way, and Hua Yueling and the others quickly got out of the room. When they went outside, they could see the situation outside at a glance with the light of the torch. It was obvious that a few figures of two people were seen outside the village. They were dangling, but they were a little far away from the village, and they didn't see too clearly, but judging by their figures, they should be monsters like ogres.

Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other, which was a bit interesting.Ogres, it is impossible for them to miss the figure of the ogres, so how did these ogres appear and travel over long distances?That's impossible. The range they have explored is huge, and these ogres don't know how long they came from.

"That possibility is too small. They have travelled long distances. The point is that we don't even know where they came from."

Lu Yuetong was also puzzled by this. There was something wrong with it. These guys seemed to appear suddenly, without any signs, and they didn't live nearby.The most likely thing besides being called out is to travel long distances.

But no matter how you think about it, why do monsters travel here for a long distance? Is there anything that attracts them here?Not only Hua Yueling couldn't understand, other people also couldn't understand.

The appearance of Hua Yueling and the others seemed to disrupt the monsters' plans, and their original leisurely appearance disappeared all at once, and they all became nervous.Hua Yueling can understand their feelings and their thoughts.But these are not important, the most important thing now is to understand the purpose of those monsters.

However, Hua Yueling and the others were unable to communicate with the monsters. This was a flaw, and it was a flaw that could not be changed.So the way to talk to monsters and get information from them is useless, you have to change your mind.

Hua Yueling was thinking about following them if possible, but before that, they must be driven away, and then they or the people behind them could not be found to be followed.It's a bit difficult, but it's worth trying.

"Do you want to shoot directly?"

Lu Yuetong asked in a low voice beside Hua Yueling, Hua Yueling frowned, observing those monsters, ogres and all other delicate monsters also reacted at this time, and moved towards them. The children gathered around, seemingly trying to surround them.

"Let’s do it, you can’t wait for us to be completely surrounded before you take action, then we won’t have the upper hand. Now it’s not the upper hand, it’s just that it’s not a disadvantage."

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